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RailsClub'Moscow 2014: Interview with Bozhidar Batsov

The countdown to the RailsClub conference is already running. We are getting closer to meeting, discuss technology news and just have a great time. It's not too late to drop into the next-to-last car of our train :)

Today we are publishing a conversation with the author of “those” Ruby coding style guide and Ruby on Rails style guide , guest of the upcoming conference Bozhidar Batsov .

What are you working on right now?

At work, I deal with a rather complex social trading application. In my free time I mainly work on RuboCop and CIDER (Clojure IDE for Emacs). And I also have a bunch of other projects, if anyone is interested, you can look at github.com/bbatsov . Last time, I'm still working on a cool presentation for RailsClub.ru :-)

I'm working on a reasonably complex social trading application. In my spare time, I’m mostly working on a RuboCop and CIDER (a Clojure IDE for Emacs). But I have a lot of side projects.
These days I'm also working for a cool presentation for RailsClub.ru :-)

What is the best and worst part of your job?

The best parts are:
* I'm a technical director :-)
* I work with a bunch of cool technologies (RoR 4.1, node.js, redis, puppet, react, iOS, etc.).
* I have awesome colleagues.
* I am working on a financial application, and I have always been interested in finance.

The worst parts are:
* You have to deal with antediluvian services written by someone else.
* Make Rails updates.
* Encounter and deal with bugs in Node.js source codes.

Bests parts:
* I'm the CTO :-)
* I get a lot of cool technologies (RoR 4.1, node.js, redis, puppet, react, iOS, etc)
* I have awesome colleagues
* I am interested in financial app.

Worst parts:
* Dealing with archaic 3rd party services
* Doing Rails updates
* Dealing with upstream node.js bugs

What do you consider your main achievement in life / career at the moment?

A few years ago, the end of the Sofia Technical University seemed to me a great achievement :-)
Seriously, I'm really proud of everything I've done in Tradeo and in many open source projects in recent years. It seems to me that in our work the main achievement is always the last at this moment. As for open source, while my main achievements are RuboCop and CIDER.

Graduating from the Technical University of Sofia :-)
I’ve been a trademark in recent years.
Your wish is always your last achievement.
I guess on the open-source front I consider the most important work so far.

In your opinion, in what direction will Ruby and Ruby on Rails develop in the coming years?

I think that Ruby should break free from the shackles of Rails and explore new territories: mobile applications ( RubyMotion is pretty cool), desktop applications, system administration, etc. Although Ruby is used now for various interesting topics, for most people Ruby is still a synonym for Rails, which is not very good. Diversity drives progress and innovation.
As for Rails, I think the era of full-stack web frameworks is coming to an end thanks to the rise of mobile and client-side applications. It seems to me that Rails should, at some stage, abandon the presentation level and go in the direction of the “rails-api” projects.

I’m thinking that it shouldn’t be broken, it will be mobile apps, system apps, etc. It is still synonymous with Rails, which is never a good thing. Diversity drives progress and innovation.
I think that it’s not a problem. If you want to see the rails-api-project.

What, in your opinion, is the most important problem that the Ruby and Ruby on Rails developers community is facing now?

Ruby needs to be cool again. When Ruby became popular about a decade ago, it offered many advantages over the most current languages. Recently, however, it seems that the language is a bit stagnant, and all the cool guys are doing Clojure, Elixir, Haskell, Scala and so on. I expect that Ruby 3.0 will try to respond to this with a lot of new features (for example, good work with concurrency).

Rails faces a similar problem: in a world that is rapidly moving towards the client-side and mobile applications, the value of traditional web frameworks is declining. People increasingly prefer to use microservice architecture in their new applications, and Rails is not particularly suitable for this. The biggest problem Rails has to solve now is to keep it up to date.

Ruby has to rediscover its “cool” factor. When Ruby became popular, it wondered back. In recent years, however, kids are now doing Clojure, Elixir, Haskell, Scala, etc. I’m expecting that you’ll try this out.

If you’re on the go? They are not always well suited for them. The biggest problem is that it’s still relevant.

Is there a heme you could point your finger at and say: “That's the way to write code”?

RuboCop :-) Other gems with excellent code that come to my mind are transpec, rspec, parser and sequel.

RuboCop :-) transpec, rspec, parser and sequel.

Is a good style of writing code something permanent or does it change over time? If so, what factors influence these changes?

Language and good programming practices develop together. Although the correct practices are practically timeless (it is very doubtful that the creation of huge complex methods will ever be considered a good style), the introduction of new specific features can lead to a change in ideas about what is considered a good style (for example, the new syntax of hash literals in Ruby 1.9, the introduction of named arguments in version 2.0, etc.).

Coding practices for it evolve together. It would be possible to write it up. introduction of keyword args in 2.0, etc).

Do you read any blog dedicated to Ruby / RoR?

I do not follow any specific blog. I usually read those posts about Ruby / Rails that fall into Ruby Weekly. I also listen to two great Ruby podcasts - Ruby 5 and Ruby Rogues.

I don't follow any particular blog. The Ruby / Rails blog posts that I read are Ruby Weekly. I also listen to two Ruby podcasts - Ruby 5 and Ruby Rogues.

What do you like to do when you don't write code?

I always liked to drink beer with friends and watch football, watch movies, TV shows and read books. I'm also an avid gamer, and I play a little guitar. Probably, I also have some kind of healthy hobby, but right now I don’t remember anything like that :-)

TV shows and reading novels. I'm also an avid gamer and I play some guitar. I can't think of it right now. :-)

Thanks for the interview and see you in Moscow!

You can talk to Bozhidar in person - September 27, at the Digital October center. The entire program is on the RailsClub 2014 conference site .

Registration and payment of participation - here.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/236399/

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