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How I chose a hedgehog copywriter - and how much it costs to write trash and burn

The fact is that a kefir shop is two blocks from my home in Astrakhan. It was getting dark early in the autumn, the population of punks had doubled on the streets, and therefore we went there for reliability by a small crowd. So, when they returned, Stas saw a hedgehog. In November. Crossing the road. And, just in case, caught.

We consider. Hedgehog - not a tenant. Too thin, not fattened, no nest - and indeed it was not a good idea to crawl into the local November warming before the first snow. “Well, you want to save - hold on” - Stas tore the ball from the knitted glove.
In the evening I almost killed the beast with milk unknowingly (pictured). And then I immediately found out a lot and suddenly. Now I’ll tell you what this has to do with choosing a copywriter and generally writing normal texts.


I myself worked in freelancing as a copywriter with a technical bias. And I know all this kitchen very well. Therefore, in particular, in every job I write that the SEO experience is considered to be traumatic for the brain. The story is that for Mosigra and other projects, about once a year, you need to select a new writer who would cope with the description of the goods.

The market is such that there are incredibly many young mummies on it, most of whom have written essays at school, and now they sit at home and earn by this important skill. Plus, people who have learned to write lofty and corporate, they put the price tag higher. Plus, the mythical normal writers who are adequate, expensive and always loaded at 100%.

Due to the lack of sane offers, the process of finding a freelancer is very simple. First, we look for any adequate person from the region (since the vacancy is remote, and prices between Moscow and the regions differ by an order of magnitude), then he learns to write as we need. Depending on the project - “sharpened” under the format.

Three problems:
  1. Almost everyone is driving some incredible blizzard either in the spirit of SEO under bots, or as junior police lieutenants in reports.
  2. There is no clear pricing - a high price tag and a bunch of reviews does not mean at all that the writer is good. Everything depends on the efficiency of the portfolio, and no one has it. Again, the writer may work for 5-6 years and not know whether his texts work. Just writing and writing, he gets paid. Growth - no feedback, too.
  3. Adequate people are loaded.

Egg test

But back to the story. While the beast was nibbling the box from the parcel, I began to connect to the knowledge base of mankind about hedgehogs.

Noname-1 at this point, settled down and began to slowly smell the milk. I remember that I was still looking at him and was surprised that he only washes his face, but does not drink.

After 10 minutes of searching, it turned out the following:

He had chances only at someone's dacha. And not more than 60% in my estimation. I had no villas, plus I had to leave in a couple of days.

The next step was to write the text for the regional forum so that the hedgehog was taken away . The announcement had to solve three problems: to hand over a hedgehog to a good person, to make the person feed him and look after those 2 weeks, plus to warn about all possible jambs. In general, as a vacancy, it is immediately necessary to show both the worst and the best sides without embellishment. And choose one person.

It was this text for this situation (with the amendment that it was not a forum, but a social network) that I ordered from the writers for the test. There is a hedgehog. Found yesterday. However, since the case was often in the summer, he transferred the action to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk or Petropavlovsk, where winter is near.

To understand what to do, you must go through the following steps:

Important point

Mikhail, the founder of the textbroker.ru exchange (an excellent man from Germany, he also did 2ip.ru), asked me to see what he had and how inside with quality. It is not the first time that we have been working with him, and he gave me a blank check for orders within the exchange. In short, he is a sponsor of today's topic and the experiment entirely, for which many thanks.

I placed dozens of personal orders about hedgehogs, forming them so that each writer could see only his part, that is, he thought that the order was not in a pack, but the only one, and he was chosen as the most suitable performer. There are writers on the stock exchange with a level from 2 bucks for 1000 characters (these are pure SEO texts) to “bison” with 20 bucks for 1000. I repeat, I know the internal kitchen of the exchange very well because I earned there for a long time - and I was sure that someone will definitely find.

Orders were placed in four selections:
  1. Artists on different levels that I personally liked the choice. Emulation action attentive customer.
  2. Random performers at different levels for representativeness.
  3. The first to take on different levels are regulars.
  4. And plus, I asked a friend who worked with the exchange as a customer for about six months, a list of the best, in her opinion, specialists. She gave six names.

At the same time, Koterina compiled a list of freelancers with a price roughly in the market and began to bypass them with a similar test order. Here she paid. Of the 40 people he took to the execution of a total of eight.

By the way, the answer from the writer is priced at $ 15 per 1000 characters (the grammar is preserved): “I'm sorry, I work with companies and write for industrial sites, and rinsing the brain with nonsense on social networks is not mine. even test. I am even surprised that such a test subject was invented - any schoolchild will write this. ”

In short, not any.

The first batch was posted around 21-22pm. I got the first result in half an hour, the last - in a day. Katya threw me a summary of the writers found in three days.


Rare Breed Dog
Achtung! Found dwarf doggy rare breed. Special signs: the little face is sharp, eyes-beads, instead of wool - needles. Cannot bark. Instead of barking publishes a quiet "fyr-fyr." Without collar. The owner does not respond, so we give in good hands (mother-in-law is allergic to small animals).

When I say that the writer does not think about the result - I am serious. 250 rubles / 1000.

Who will help the hedgehog?
On the street of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky a few days ago I found a little cute hedgehog. The animal is very weak and thin, so it will not be able to survive the coming winter, which will come in a couple of weeks. I would love to help a little prickly lump, but the spouse is totally against it, so I am looking for a person who can take care of the oyazhike. To do this, it is enough to fatten it for a month and after that dig a nest somewhere in the country, which will make it possible not to freeze in winter (there will be no problems with food, as the hedgehog is a picky animal and will be completely satisfied with chicken pieces).
I hope that we can find sensitive human hands that want to spend some time and really help a little hedgehog, which will bring a lot of joy and pleasure to children with their snort.

The title does not take into account the banal features of human psychology. You should never make an appeal in Broadcast, you need a personal one. “Please help the hedgehog. Yes, you personally ”is much stronger. Next - the actual mistake about the fact that problems with food will not. Will be. And this is important. Again, the final task is not to sell a hedgehog, but to make it survive. In this case, I'm afraid some child will take it. I paid for it and a half bucks, it seems.

Attention! His life is in your hands !!!
I appeal to all not indifferent! It does not matter whether you are a specialist or not, you can actually save the life of a living creature!
In urgent care needs a hedgehog, found in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Now he has only a temporary shelter, and he needs reliable and caring hands!
The fact is that winter can start at any time, and therefore the hedgehog needs additional protection: at the moment it doesn’t have enough fat, and besides, it doesn’t have enough strength to prepare a warm nest for itself - this is what the savior must do!
Everything is simple - the hedgehog needs only to provide good nutrition (it will take about a month to fatten it up, not more), it is possible to make the right nesting place for him, and his life will be out of danger! The hedgehog needs home warmth and care, it will be quite enough for him to get stronger and live his long happy ezhinuyu life!

Three exclamation marks for me - an instant sign of hysteria. Too few details, just a bunch of emotional phrases. To make a decision, you have to ask questions, but the hedgehog does not have this luxury. Past

Still suffering from loneliness?
But your friend has long been waiting for you! Hurry up to warm the heart of a small, kind, but already endured many tests, hedgehog! He has a difficult character, but if you can please him, he will give you all his love and tenderness. Pet - hedgehog today extremely popular. Be in trend! Get yourself a little prickly friend.

This is a freelance writer, 200 rubles for 1000. About a trend is, apparently, an adjustment to an audience of social networks.

Help the hedgehog!
A prickly, but very kind enchantress fell into our hands by chance, and we were not ready for it. Having fallen in love with a small lump of happiness, we, unfortunately, cannot allow him to stay at our home, since there is no one to care for him. Therefore, we are looking for the same cheerful owners, like him, who are ready to share their dwelling with a stomping tomboy! He endures bathing with understanding, drinks milk with a snort, and snatches the sausage from his hands with greed. Amenable to training and development of intelligence.
Requirements: be kind, responsible, do not be lazy to respond with affection and love. You fit the description? In this case, we are happy to give away the treasure with needles into your hands!

Well, I would definitely order reusable diapers here. Seriously, sharpening a good audience. But the hedgehog is still dead on.

Urgently need a man!
Do you want to get yourself a real, wild beast? Challenge yourself and tame him so that he eats from your hands and lacquered milk from a saucer that you bring? Do you dream to take care of someone for a long time and are ready to cope with difficulties in order to complete the mission?
Here and now you have a chance to save the life of someone who likes millions of people. Everyone wants to have such a pet, but it is you who will be able to take it today.
What is this pet?
This is a hedgehog. And he needs your help. I found him on the street a few days ago, thin and exhausted, but for a number of personal reasons I cannot continue to take care of him. He himself will not live to winter and will die when the first frosty day comes in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. And this will happen very soon, in September.
I appeal for help to someone who is willing to shelter a hedgehog in his country house, in a private or country house. To the one who will help him to dig a nest and survive the cold.
In return, you will receive a faithful sweet creature who can become the hero of popular YouTube videos and just the favorite of the whole family.
I hope you can help me exactly ...

I call such texts a "TV shop". They do not work at all, but customers really like it. Reiter simply does not have the ability to see the conversion. But pay attention, the performer tried as best she could. And the emotions did not obscure the fact that you need to specify the phone. Viva. Seriously, this shows what the person was thinking.

Just imagine:
Little Hedgehog is cold in the "winter"
Who would take the little one under his wing ...
In Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, a city where winter begins with the first steps of September, a tiny little hedgehog twisted into a ball on a dank street. “It’s raining in Kamchatka, on the edge of the sky ...”, so I couldn’t pretend that I don’t see anything. He went down to him, squatting next to him. I thought: scared, run away from in the park-forest-field, but no ...

I didn't understand any of this. But the same performer sent the strongest title in the series: “I really feel sorry for the Hedgehog ...”. If you cut out a capital letter and an ellipsis from it - it will be the best.

We are looking for a house for a hedgehog
Good day! I appeal to everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of the little hedgehog.
Found him on the street - the unfortunate and the thin. Our Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky is not too happy with the heat and with the arrival of autumn the real winter can begin here. Unfortunately, the circumstances do not allow to put a hedgehog at home, and he really needs protection.
I ask to respond to those who can take responsibility for the further fate of the prickly foundling and help the hedgehog to spend the winter. Usually, hedgehogs hibernate by mid-November, but to wake up healthy and continue their existence, their weight must be at least 600 g - otherwise the animal simply will not survive the winter. Therefore, first of all he needs to help gain normal weight.
We very much hope that there will be someone who can put a hedgehog in the country and arrange a safe shelter for the winter.

There is a raid of official "looking for a house." Such stories should be as specific as possible - “looking”. Next is also a variable about the time of day. “With the arrival of autumn, the real winter can begin” - thanks, cap, I understand what I wanted to say, but the wording has let us down a bit. The second half is good. It can be seen that the person was prepared theoretically, there are numbers, a motive, a very good CTA, a clear understanding of the goal. On long texts, I think, it is revealed and writes remarkably. But shy to start, my short format is not about her. It cost 5 bucks.

Please respond to those who love animals and are ready to take a temporary hedgehog. The situation is this - during the walk we found a hedgehog - in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Vidjika unhealthy and painful. Our winter may begin in October and even at the end of September, and the prickly little animal found by us is clearly not ready for wintering. We can not keep it at home and ask for help from those who have a cottage and who are willing to devote part of their time to caring for a poor thorny little animal (occasionally inviting a vet to him). We are looking for a reliable person with a kind heart, who has the ability and desire to care for the hedgehog and has a warm place where he can survive the winter. The hedgehog weighs a little, therefore needs good food. We are looking for a responsible person, remembering that "we are responsible for those who have tamed."

One phrase “the kind of hedgehog is unhealthy and painful” will immediately make you think that this barbed creature is re-affecting the whole family. Periodically inviting a vet to him is full of stitches.

Help save the hedgehog
Friends! A hedgehog was found on the street in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The animal is very depleted and on its own will no longer have time to accumulate enough fat to the cold to safely lie down in hibernation. Meanwhile, in our area frosts can descend on any September day, which means death for an animal, which in a long winter sleep will simply die from hunger. Keeping a hedgehog at home won't work either, as close ones are against.
In general, we are urgently looking for caring people who will be able to take our hedgehog, settle it at their dacha and feed almost any human food for a month. In addition, the hedgehog needs to properly dig a nest, for warming it is drywall, grass and moss, so that the animal survived the frost.
Help save the hedgehog! Both we and our spiny foundlings will be very grateful to all who responded.

This is a great example of a well-working text that will never be chosen by the customer, because it looks too standard. But this is exactly what is needed. Please note that at the end we are building a nest together: this is a very good extension of the time line, it works like a dive effect. 6 bucks.

I will give the Hedgehog in warm hands
Little Hedgehog is cold in the "winter"
Who would take the little one under his wing ...


In Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - a city where winter crosses through autumn even before September has time to take its first steps - on the dank street, curled up into a ball with its thin body, the tiny Ezhok lurked.

Would you be able to pass by such a gentle, but barely warm tum, dressed in a gray Christmas tree "with a needle" with a touch of green longing? Personally, I could not. Especially after I saw that this baby’s spines were completely defenseless.

You must agree that each of us at least once in his life, even if not with his body, so with his soul, “cringing” like this. So I took him to my house. But, unfortunately, I cannot leave him. And the little monkey is too weak to survive the winter outside.

Baby needs care. It must be fattened, sheltered, for example, in the country, so that it is stronger in the spring. Such a miracle will not bring much trouble, but it will give a lot of pleasant emotions. Therefore, I beg you: "Take him in your warm hands!"

This is an essay, not a text for a task. But here is another moment. Reiter realized that the text for social networks is not just letters, and showed in addition to text what photos to attach. This is a very strong move, more precisely - going beyond the standard pattern. Viva.


Looking for a new home for a hedgehog!
Help the hedgehog from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky! We found it on the street, but we cannot leave it in our apartment. We don’t want to let out either: it’s too skinny, it’s not enough time to get enough of the necessary fat for successful wintering, and in September it can already come winter!
Settle a hedgehog at your dacha! All you need is to fatten it a little and help with the arrangement of the nest. The hedgehog eats dry and wet pet food and feeds on fruits (no milk should be given!). He can spend the winter in a pile of dry foliage or in any secluded corner of the garden. You can make a small house from the boards with a free manhole and ventilation. It must be well insulated with straw, foliage and moss.
Your care will allow the hedgehog to safely winter, and since spring he will take care of the garden: he will not allow insect pests and slugs to breed, he will keep mice, voles and snakes away from the site.

There were several similar texts, but here, pay attention - the only person who did not kill the hedgehog with milk. Very accurate description of the future nesting. An attempt to sell a hedgehog with utility is not the best - but no one else has tried it. Add here about 600 grams and the best title - and you can publish. 8 bucks.

Since the writers, who are freelance freelancers, knew that there is no hedgehog, I cannot say anything about feedback and emotional involvement. Textbroker did not know - and about half of the stock exchange was knocking on the person with questions, clarifying, two girls wrote a week later to ask if it worked or not. In general, lively participated. Before writing, I apologized for my dirty insinuation and told me that this was a test.

Yes, there was another good title: “Save the hedgehog, ahead of the cold!”.

There were still good ideas, different. There was a post on behalf of a hedgehog. There was a headline “Small. Barbed. Your". There was an infinitely good post from St. Petersburg for 100 rubles (but without CTA), but this was very lucky with the writer.

Second iteration of selection

The second series of tests was for a real commercial problem. We have the game "7 on 9", which is characterized by the fact that it is very difficult to explain in letters. It was her description for the online store that I ordered from several writers. The peculiarity is that there are only three good sources - our site Mosigra with our description, the text of the rules (PDF for download) and the text from the box on the manufacturer's website. Plus, some reviews on forums and blogs, but without special specifics, for their own.

The results were very clearly divided into two categories: $ 2 and $ 4 for 1000 made a rewrite of varying degrees of study (100% unique, but in fact - a copy from our text). I asked if it was a rewrite or a standalone text, and asked for the source. I was told that independent. Starting at $ 6 per 1000 characters, the writers thought and really climbed into the rules - this I can say for sure based on the knowledge of mechanics. Somewhere along this border of $ 6- $ 10 there is a good price for the descriptions on the site. Above everything is bad: the result is the same as that of $ 10, just more Ponte. Well, or people were afraid to do something non-standard, the market learned.


I found three people who are ready to order. Two on the stock exchange, one indie. Those two are not going anywhere with the exchange, and there is a reserve in case of urgent need, vacation or illness. The coolest thing is the knowledge that you can just throw off the order and get the result in a day without any kind of preliminary caresses and cheating. Curiosity is satisfied, the personnel reserve is found.

In the usual time without pre-search, you can throw orders at the stock exchange for $ 20/1000 and know that everything will be fine (there are about a dozen writers of this level, and you won't be able to choose a jamb through the manager or simply with your hands). But in this case, the winners took 6 and 10 bucks for 1000 characters, which is much more profitable. Just keep in mind that Mikhail knows by results who has written the best text, and can increase the payment for this person.

On the market as a whole, I have a presentation based on this test and a couple of similar ones, plus general sensations, plus two posted vacancies for a permanent office (interview: “I wrote 40 thousand characters a day for three months for women's sites” - “Oooh. Aaaa Nothing happened to you? "-" Everything is fine, even an MRI was done, here is a certificate "). IMHO, practical advice such. Firstly, SEO and rewriting are all up to 6 bucks, in plug 6-10 there are normal writers. You can find a good specialist for a large order and for 4, but it is difficult. Secondly, a very, very simply incredibly high percentage of randomness. The order may hang for a week, because the freelancer took something else big, left, forgot, scored, fell ill, and so on. I would advise you to work either with clear bonuses for the period, or with the team (when someone manages the wiseas, but at the same time, when she understands that you have worked together, she increases the price) or, again, with the exchange through their manager. Well, either just keep the contacts of those who help out. On exchanges and in teams there is more or less understandable pricing, based on real events. Indie writers put a price on downloads and advertisements, there is always a chance to find a shy diamond, or to run into a school essay or television store for $ 20 per 1000.

That is, efforts will have to make as much as the search for the developer. And the stories are about the same. And the market - can come as they do not understand, and gurus. Only the developer has a clear metric of his results, and the guru knows that he is a guru. And the writer has no objective assessment.

Now if you are a writer, and you have batthert . Tell me, have you ever tried to take a topic, write text on it, and then order the same from others? 100 bucks for the region - half the salary, I understand. But it pays off maximum in a week. Try it. Well, or ask your favorite customer for conversion data from your texts and make him a couple of versions for free.


Yes. Our hero the next morning a beautiful girl, Squirrel, took it and arranged it in a nest near the dacha with care, as per instructions. The warm weather lasted another 3 weeks. We do not know what happened to this single hedgehog, but there at the dacha the next year began to cut a hedgehog family.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/236365/

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