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MySpace and Asian culture

The social network MySpace made a rather unexpected attempt to conquer South Korea. Unexpected, because this country ranks first in the world in broadband Internet and the proportion of active Internet users. Here, social networks are popular as anywhere else on our planet, and local developments are an order of magnitude superior to their western counterparts in their technology (for example, the 3D world of Cyworld ). And here comes a new project from relatively backward America. Who needs it? Previously, attempts to enter the local market were undertaken by many Western companies, including Google, and they all failed.

Guide MySpace still hopes for some success. To meet the needs of advanced South Koreans, they have worked very hard to adapt the site to the local culture, reports AP .

Naturally, the interface is translated into Korean. But that is not all. Especially for the local audience, developers have created a new feature “minilog”: something like Twitter, where teens can post short comments throughout the day. Korean teenagers polls use the Internet almost 24 hours a day, then this feature should be in demand.
Since Asians are very fond of fancy stationery things, then specially designed for them in MySpace created design templates using buttons, stamps and background wallpapers in the form of various notebooks. In addition, the blue color of the site design is made softer to create a feeling of greater intimacy of relationships.

I wonder what innovations will appear in Russian MySpace to correspond to a very specific Russian way of life , the norms of which condemn extreme individualism?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23635/

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