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Apple Watch: what's been waiting for

Today’s Apple presentation will surely go down in history as the most productive, and bringing us the greatest number of long-awaited gadgets. Apple Watch, which opens the era of so-called wearable gadgets in Apple products, was finally presented today at a special event at the Flint Center in Cupertino.

Contrary to expectations, the watch was not named iWatch, as journalists had christened it a couple of years ago, but the Apple Watch, and ultimately, they are not similar to any concept that we have seen a huge number of.
The watch is waterproof, equipped with a wireless inductive charger and a “proprietary” MagSafe connector. As expected, the device has a number of sophisticated sensors on the back cover, which take readings about the user's well-being from his wrist.

The watches will be produced in two sizes - male and female (42 and 38 mm respectively) and three collections - regular, sports and gold Edition with 18-carat coating, in six different finishes, and in total with 18 types of different straps and bracelets.

A square sapphire display with rounded edges contrasts with round interface elements made somewhat in a sporty style. The interface itself is fully optimized for small dimensions of a wearable device. It can be adapted to any needs, you can change the color design, the appearance of the dial, as well as a set of functions.

For example, you can move the central area, and the clock will shift, and the main place will be given for information about promotions or location. In social networks, you can read messages, and also respond to them with the help of template commands.

The Apple Watch has Siri, on which, with such a small amount, special hopes are placed on user interaction, as well as an integrated music player, so you can store your own music, playlists in it, and also connect to external speakers.

In addition, in the demo video, the head of development for the Apple Watch department, Kevin Lynch, showed icons and screenshots of a number of third-party applications designed specifically for Apple watches. The Wall Street Journal has already noted on this occasion that a wave of application development for the new format and their appearance in the application store specially created for the Apple Watch is waiting for us.

It is worth noting that Apple's watches will be compatible only with models ranging from iPhone 5. Nothing was said about the weight of the apple and battery capacity at the presentation.

“Apple Watch is the most personal gadget we have ever created,” said Tim Cook. “In addition, it’s also an integrated medical and fitness device,” the CEO added.

Watch from Apple will go on sale in early 2015 and will cost from $ 349.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/236277/

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