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Specificity of used goods purchases on eBay: statistics, force majeure, security

It is no secret that in addition to new products, on eBay, you can also purchase products that have already been in use. They are sold under two conditions of sale: a fixed price (buy now) and an auction. What second-hand goods on eBay do people buy in Russia and the CIS, and why do they do it? After all, it is possible that, by the will of Fortune in the Post Office, they will take away a piece of worthless things that are not what they wanted and were impatiently expected from that coast of the Atlantic. And if so, how to be in such cases and how to secure their financial investments in the purchase?


More about all about it under the cut.

What second-hand goods buy on eBay?

Having given in to the fashionable trend of collecting statistics on everything that is possible, we decided to examine our base “used orders” up and down. Not to say that the data presented below was collected specifically for this post, rather, on the contrary, this post is a consequence of collecting such data. In any case, the share of diagrams should not be considered as a mirror reflection of the current situation on the market, because there are suspicions that the categories, not to mention the numbers, will be different for different periods of time. But a certain tendency, nevertheless, can be discerned. However, this is a topic for a separate post-comparison.
So, we begin with the statistics of the most popular used goods categories from eBay.com, according to customers of the Shopozz.com service (purchase assistance service), which we collected in the first quarter of 2014. Inexpressibly glad that the category “Clothing, shoes and accessories” does not appear in it, from which, probably, it can be concluded that “we have become better dressed” (c).

Now we delve a little into each leading category.

Category "Musical Instruments"

Selling musical instruments in Russia is a profitable and high-margin business. The cost of similar goods abroad (and in the USA, in particular) may differ by several times, and not in favor of domestic stores. This is what concerns the new equipment. Our article and statistics is devoted to second-hand goods. Therefore, the choice of a certain segment of our customers is obvious. In addition to guitars and wind instruments, the category “Audio Accessories” is in demand - these are samplers, drum machines, sound cards, microphones, synthesizers, monitors, and more.

Category "Collectibles"

Here, the choice of buyers is largely related to the number of offers. And, as it is known now, supply creates demand. Separately, we mention about the goods "Militaria" - items of military subjects - from this category, not everything is subject to shipment in international mail . Therefore, we recommend to clarify this possibility with our support.

Category "Mobile phones and PDAs"

Certainly, many of our customers, akin to Jean Baudrillard, do not consider the act of consumption for achievement. That is why they choose more affordable, but still the same high-performance used smartphones and other items of marketing pride and the whole world of digital technologies.

Category "Toys and Hobbies"

Like “Collectibles”, the category “Toys and Hobbies” is popular due to the presence of a huge number of offers. Many collectible items are used a priori, and that is why this category is the place to be in our statistics.

Category "Cameras and Camcorders"

We will not reveal big secrets by writing that a good camera or video camera is not the cheapest pleasure. Therefore, choose "used". I remember that in one of the reviews to the received parcel the young man shared his impressions of the views of family private photos, which were abundantly based on a forgotten digital camera memory card.

Category "Consumer Electronics"

Products from this category are often bought in the "appendage" to the package. Although there are individual items, consisting entirely of lots with consumer electronics.

Category "Music"

Demand here are the original editions of albums, LP, EP (not repressions) and test-pressing of original editions.

With the above categories of goods (and not only) can be found closer in our Russian directory eBay .

Feedback Time!

In addition to collecting statistics, it became extremely interesting for us to obtain new knowledge about second-hand goods and possible phenomena associated with the purchase of these, in order, first, to imagine possible scenarios and, second, to influence them. Therefore, in the second quarter of 2014, we decided to study the opinion of our customers about the used second-hand goods on eBay through a telephone survey. To do this, we used the simplest script, the content of which only 2 points sought to clarify:

  1. You bought used goods on eBay, are you satisfied with its quality, and does it fully coincide with the expected / described in the item card?
  2. The second point is situational. “Yes, everything is ok” - thanks. “No, everything is not ok” - the reasons for the discrepancies received with the desired were found out.

Sample size: 100 people

Total happened:

We analyze in some segments:

- segment " Who are you?" I did not call you! ": For any reason, they found it difficult to answer the question.
- the “ Something is not very good ” segment: a CDMA standard smartphone; external defects that do not correspond to the description of the product; dissatisfaction with USPS tariffs for international transportation; some shipping damage.

How not to get into the last segment and protect yourself in the process of buying both used and new products - we will tell you in the paragraph below.

GTX 780 Passion

Yes, there are such moments when the ordered goods do not correspond to the desired one. This is true for new products, used goods, products with eBay or Taobao. Fortunately, we have not found a single “interesting” case in the history of references or in the memory of getting used goods from eBay lately. Therefore, let us expand the story on the example of the case of buying a new product on Taobao, which happened recently with one of our clients.

On Taobao, a GTX 780 graphics card was ordered, priced at ¥ 148.00, which is approximately $ 25. In the description of the product appears "成色: 全新" - "Condition: new" (thanks, Google Translate).

What was expected:


What happened:



Possible reasons for what happened:

Despite the fact that the seller has a fairly large rating, in China, sales of low-quality goods occur with enviable frequency. Sometimes due to the fact that fraudsters can simply buy some account and through it sell a lot of trash. The reasons, in fact, can be many. But what is presented in a single copy is the desire to be independent of this multitude of reasons. How?

Save you ufo

Consider 4 cases on the example of the same eBay:

1. You buy it yourself and get trash
Then you open the claim to the seller yourself (in the case of eBay: the claim submission period is 30 days from the arrival of the goods), you have a dispute, find out the nuances of the return, send the goods back (as a rule, at the seller’s expense), the seller realizes the refund.

2. You buy your own through our free MF and get trash
Then you open the claim to the seller yourself (in the case of eBay: the claim submission period is 30 days from the arrival of the goods), you have a dispute, find out the nuances of the return, send the goods back (usually at the seller’s expense, with the difference that we act as the sender ), the seller implements the refund. Here it is worth considering the deadlines for filing a claim - 30 days from the date of delivery to the addressee. In the case of MF, the recipient is a service warehouse, therefore, depending on the speed of the postal services, you may not have time to file the above claim and get your money back. This can be avoided as follows: ordering the “ Check and Photo MF ” service. We check, take pictures. You get a photo, identify "wrong". Then go back to the actions described in the first sentence of this sub-clause.

3. You use our service "Help in buying" and trash comes to the warehouse
You can identify the unwanted product in the same way - ordering the service “ Check and product photo ”. Then we perform all the actions: we open a claim, hold a dispute, send the goods, accept money from the seller, return them to your account in the Shopozz system.

4. You use our “Help in buying” service, order a check and a photo of the goods and you still receive trash
Sometimes it happens. For example, due to the fact that employees of transport companies played football on your dinner set. Just for such cases, we have a whole fare called " VIP-Garant ". This tariff automatically includes the service “Check and product photo”, and also provides full insurance against theft, damage, loss and other unpleasant situations. By the way, all payments on the “VIP-Garant” tariff are made from the insurance budget of Shopozz, therefore, with compensation from USPS and the Post of Russia bypass you.

Addition to the above:
“Assistance in buying” service ; Shopozz.RU ;
free mail forwarding in the US Shopozz.COM .


I would like to hope that the reader will not face all sorts of problems when ordering goods from abroad, which fell and did not fall into this post. But just in case, let's leave here a promotional code for $ 10 dollars for the first 50 users (new or old) Shopozz.RU. A promo code can be used to pay for, for example, the “Verification and product photo” service, package delivery or redemption of the product itself.

Promo code: upasimenyanlo

Activation limit: 50
Valid until: 10.10.2014

How to activate:
1. register ;
2. go to your profile;


3. Open the Promo Codes tab and activate.


Have a nice and safe shopping! Together with Shopozz.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/236245/

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