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Some Google employees secretly live on office space

Google Office Sleeper

Working at Google is so exciting for individual developers that they don’t want to leave the office at all. And why do it when everything is there: food, gym, shower, laundry? What is missing is a bed to spend the night. But this does not stop the most extreme "life hackers."

The Quora site is a census of "Googlers" who live in or near the main office of Google. Employees share experiences and helpful tips. For example, in which rooms of a large headquarters it is possible to spend the night, where to set up a tent on the adjacent campus territory, in which model of car it is most convenient to lay out a sleeping place.

One of the designers Brandon Oxidine (Brandon Oxedine) admitted that for three months he had spent the night in the Volvo station wagon in the parking lot of the office building Building 1900. He wondered if there were any rules prohibiting it.
Brandon laid out the IKEA mattress in the cabin and hung the windows with black curtains (with tinted windows of 90%).

Judging by the discussion in the thread, Brandon is not the only one who uses tricks to stay in and around the office. They say that one guy lived for 2-3 years. In the morning he went to the shower near the gym, then to the workplace, where he stayed late. After a couple of years, he saved up enough money to buy a house without a mortgage.

Another company employee, interface designer Ben Discoe, secretly lived on campus for 13 months. “I had to pay for the house and alimony. There was no money left to rent a house at California rates. I bought a 1990 GMC Vandura van for $ 1,800 and this, figuratively speaking, was my only rent for 13 months. ”

Ben Disco also used IKEA mattresses and hung curtains tight for a comfortable sleep. One day a security guard approached him, found out that the person is an employee of Google, and no longer approached.

Looks like you can really live in a Google office. By the way, 675 cooks and kitchen workers prepare free food here. Employees eat more than 40,000 servings per day, only the company spends a million dollars on chicken meat every month. In general, it takes about $ 20 per day to provide food for one employee.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/236233/

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