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Rootless Root in Russian. Revelation Fourth.

Foo teacher and methodologist.

Traveling through sacred computing centers with Nubi, Teacher Foo
liked to conduct seminars in the evenings for adherents of Unix in those townships and
villages where the Teacher and his student stayed overnight.

Once, a methodology consultant was present at such a seminar.

"If during optimization you do not check whether your code contains
weak points, you look like a fisherman who throws a net into a lake that does not have fish, ” said Teacher.
“This is not quite true, however, almost so,” said the methodology consultant, “You will look like a fisherman who throws the net at bezrybe if you do not use the process approach of continuously measuring your own performance when managing resources ...”

“I once met a fisherman who accidentally missed the net and she drowned,” said Teacher. “When I met him, he rummaged around the stern of the boat to find a net.”

“But if the net drowned in the lake - why did the fisherman search for it in the boat?” The consultant was surprised.

“Because he couldn’t swim,” Master Foo simply replied.

Hearing this, enlightenment condescended to a methodologist.

Copyright 2003 Eric S. Raymond

- Related link:
Wikipedia on methodology

Also, maniaque found notes for Rootless Root translators — all of the following translations will take these recommendations into account.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23615/

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