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Seminar: WeMakeWeb - Series B


We are holding a second meeting within the WeMakeWeb group. This time it was decided not to limit the speakers to any framework. Let's talk about server technologies (OpenStack, Docker, Node.JS), and how to build a thick web.
Participation in the event is free, but you must register at www.meetup.com/WeMakeWeb/events/205101712

Every year, web applications are becoming more complex and their capabilities are increasing. From computers, they are moving to mobile devices, refrigerators and even watches. One can no longer simply rely on manual (functional) testing to test the new functionality and avoid unpleasant bugs. Even a unit of tests on the frontend is sometimes not enough, because errors often occur during the integration of different systems with each other.

The error of insufficient compatibility checking can cost a lot of money, just recall the NASA program "Mars Climate Orbiter". Two development teams gave excellent working components for the probe. The problem was that they worked perfectly only separately. One program received data in feet, and another sent it in meters. After integrating the two systems and sending the probe to Mars, it became clear that the mission was doomed to failure. The error of insufficient integration verification cost $ 100M and jeopardized the entire Mars exploration program.

Of course, we do not launch rockets using the web, but it has firmly entered our lives and we often depend on how stable certain applications are:


Mikhail Koltsov @Luxoft will talk about how to avoid problems with front-end applications using unit and integration testing. Show how this can be done on AngularJS using the Karma & Protractor tools. And finally, it tells how testing can be accelerated with the help of Docker containers.

Denis Sobolev from WebMoney will share his experience in building a high-powered download.ru service using OpenStack Swift technology, fast storage for files in an Amazon S3 cluster, content return from Nginx, using AngularJS + Coffeescript + Foundation Framework for the front-end and Ruby on Rails on the backend.

Andrei Kasatkin @Luxoft will talk about what a modern “fat client” is and synchronize client data with the server using the MEAN stack.

The following topics will be covered:
• Thick and thin clients: pros and cons
• Thick web client
• Basic and asynchronous data synchronization between client and server

Arthur Khalikov @Luxoft will hold a small practical workshop on the topic: “Rapid prototyping with Node.js”:

“How to quickly wrap your idea in the form of a web application before you forget about it?”
We’ll try to go from idea to prototype using Node.js, MongoDB, Twitter Bootstrap, Heroku and other tools. ”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/236081/

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