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Master's degree in Norway

Recently I finished a magistracy in Norway with a degree in Electrical Engineering and, finally, I matured to write my post on Habr.
For those who are interested in how to get into the country of trolls and fjords with career benefits, I ask for a cat.


Why Norway?

“It's cold and dark there,” many will say. But in fact it is ... well, in general, so. However, looking to compare. If with Spain or France, then yes. But to me, a guy from Murmansk, such a climate was very familiar (although there were some surprises, more on that below).

I fell in love with Norway for a long time, for many reasons. First, the striking nature. Secondly, a serene lifestyle. Third, respect for the human right to be yourself. For Murmansk citizens, a trip to nearby Kirkenes is a rather common matter. It is worth noting the developed cooperation of Norwegian and Murmansk universities, which facilitates the admission process.

Educational System of Norway

School education

Everything is simple - after the kindergarten the child goes to Ungdomsskole - this is something like our school until the 9th grade (only here they study in this mode for 10 years). Then begins VideregĂĄendeskole - 2-3 years of high school. They are different. Some of these schools immediately give a profession (hairdresser, accountant, mechanic, electrician), and some - prepares for further training in technical, economic or humanitarian areas. Schools are different, often students move to another province to study in VGS. It happens that the student chose a school with a specialty, but at the end he decided to continue studying further - that's okay, he takes Forkurs and gets the necessary items for admission.

Higher education

Higher education can be obtained at universities and university colleges (Høgskole - literally "higher school"). If the first focuses on fundamental knowledge, then the second is more practical. And there, and there - a bachelor's degree (3 years, 180 credits) and a master's degree (+2 years, 120 credits) or a master's degree at once (5 years, 300 credits). Education is free for all (there are several private schools, but the conversation is not about them).


So, I finished the 4th course (2011) in the specialty "Automation of technological processes and production" at Murmansk State Technical University. It was time to think about the future, and here I was informed that our university sends students to Norway in packs, and with scholarships as well. I visited the MSTU website - there is an international department. I saw that there are trips to the University of Tromsø (UiT) and to the College of Narvik (HiN). Since I already had enough fundamental knowledge, I decided to apply to Narvik for the “Master of Science in Electrical Engineering” direction. Education in English. Came to the department; I was told that it is too early, come after the new year.

I came, it means, after the new year, in January, it seems. I was told that there is a scholarship for six months (8900 kroons per month), and there seems to be another two years for quotas (7800 kroons per month). It is clear that I wanted to immediately go to the whole magistracy, but the application form is still one. I had to prepare a letter (not even a motivational letter, but simply, briefly tell about myself, and why I want to go to Narvik, half a page) and translate the record book. The specialist in the international department assured everything and sent to school. Then there was a long silence, but at the end of April the coordinator from the Norwegian side asked the question - did I teach English at school for 7 years? (It should be noted that knowledge of English is usually confirmed at the interview). We answered “yes, of course,” and the next day we received a letter of admission with a grant for six months. Here they are, the Norwegians.

There was no time to rejoice or be upset, it was necessary to apply for a student residence permit. At the same time, I met a guy who entered with me, Vanya. The cost of a residence permit - 2500 CZK (about 14,000 rubles). If you do not come on a scholarship, you must first confirm your solvency - a security deposit of about 95,000 kroons (about half a million rubles) is sent to the school or university, which will then be transferred to the student’s account upon arrival.

While I was waiting for the visa, I defended my diploma, pulled up my tongue a bit and turned in on the rights. About 3 weeks before departure, I remembered that the housing issue was not resolved; the site of the hostels was “not processed”. After several calls and letters, Vanya and I were allocated around a room in a hostel-hotel. Cost - 3800 CZK per month (including electricity, Internet and TV).

About the trip. We decided to go by car (Murmansk-Kirkenes-Inari (Finland) -Kiruna (Sweden) -Narvik). About 1,300 km, but it was entertaining when the program navigator already in Norway asked for a download of 90 MB of traffic. Most of the way we drove really almost along the pack of the White Sea Canal. Students are allowed to have a car in Norway for up to one year without duty. At the moment I can say that it was a very sensible decision. On the road for two took about 6 thousand rubles.

Border Finland - Sweden

Border Sweden - Norway

Windpark near Narvik


Arriving in Narvik first thing after staying at the hotel (we really waited there). Then we went to the police, to the school, walked. In the evening, after a long journey, I safely passed out. The next day we went to the police again to take a picture of a residence permit, and began to explore the city. The town, in principle, is small, 12-13 thousand people.

Part of a hotel designed for long stays, including for students

A few days later the opening of the school year. We were solemnly greeted, had a tour, registered in a single information system, fed. Everything was very nice.

Previously, it was several buildings, but then the street between them was covered with a glass roof, it turned out Glassgata - glass street.

Welcome barbecue.

Then we were taken to the mountain - a center in Narvik.

We have the next day - a tour of the city and the ceremony of dedication to master students.

As a motivation they gave just such a piece of paper, they say, a student.

It should be noted that in general, the first week was different for different students. For us, masters, for 3 days in a row there was an introductory course in linear algebra, but generally non-stressful, they remembered matrices. For bachelors and those who signed up for a Norwegian course, the program included several other activities. You could also play bowling, there were parties at the club and so on.

Paper questions


10 days after the photographing, a card and a letter came that I was such and such, I have the right not to leave Norway for half a year. As a bonus, I have the right to work not to the detriment of studies for up to 20 hours a week.

Personal number

He is fødselsnummer. 11-digit personal code, in the form of DDMMGGTTSTSTTSTS - date of birth and 5 random numbers. Issued in tax. It is expected about a month, without him - and no step to step. Also in the tax book is ordered tax card - skattekort, where on the basis of the estimated income (in fact, from the bald) written tax rate. I installed immediately 36%.

Bank card

Now, not all banks want to give Visa Classic students. DNB is mischievous. Therefore, I ordered a Skandiabanken card via the Internet, an identity verification was carried out by mail. Then I already ordered a card in Sparebank1, they give out a normal photo card (can be used as an identity card) and a one-time password generator for Bank-id (a single identification system, with the help of one id you can go to Internet banks, to private offices on site of state services, insurance, almost and so on).

Driver's license

Russian valid for 3 months from the date of first entry. Although international, at least some. After this period, local rights must be obtained. The pleasure is long (about 3 months) and expensive (I paid about 34 thousand crowns).

Studying proccess

In theory, this is the most important thing. The bachelor's schedule is similar to a typical schedule in Russia - couples interspersed. Masters in Narvik are not like people. A semester consists of two sub-semesters, each of which lasts 9 weeks. Week 1 and 5 is given to one subject, 2 and 6 to the second, 3 and 7 to the third. Weeks 4 and 8 are assigned to self-study, week 9 (and usually Friday / Thursday of week 8) is given for exams.

Sometimes, in order to adapt to the invited teachers, weeks change places. Each item is credited with 5 credits, but sometimes one item is read for 3 weeks, then 7.5 credits are due for it, or one week for 2.5 credits. In addition, there are projects instead of lectures, that is, instead of the exam at the end there is a public defense.

Every day on the academic week from 8:15 to 12:00, 4 hours of lectures are held (45 minutes + 15 minutes break), then an hour lunch and the solution of practical / laboratory tasks from 13:00 to 16:00. At this time, you can ask advice from the teacher, sometimes the teacher conducts such classes, but rarely. The teacher is posting assignments and supporting materials on the portal It's Learning. Delivery of tasks usually occurs through this portal too. StudentWeb is needed to change the curriculum, check grades for exams, order re-examinations or additional subjects. Also on it is the payment of a semester fee - 700 crowns per six months.

All the books are purchased independently. In the school store books are expensive, cost about 700 crowns per textbook. You can take in the library, but there are often old editions for a short time and in small quantities. You can buy with it at half price. You can also order on the Internet, on average, 30-40% cheaper, delivery is free, but takes up to a week. It turns out that 50% of the subject you are sitting without a textbook. The list of necessary literature is rarely published in advance; the curriculum may change every year. Usually I tried to take a textbook in the library and ordered it right away in an online store.

The exam is anonymous, for 2-3 days the student is given a unique number, which is indicated on all forms instead of the last name or student number. There are censors at the exam - usually pensioners who have nothing to do with school, issue forms and keep order. For some items you can bring a textbook, additional literature, your own notes, dictionaries. This is indicated in the title page. Oxford dictionaries are allowed for all exams, they are school and lay 3-5 pieces per class, they can bring additional. If the task is formulated incorrectly or incomprehensibly, a clarifying question is written on a separate sheet, which is transmitted anonymously to the teacher through the censor. The office is usually mixed students from different directions. The exam is checked by the teacher and reviewer for a month; each of them gives their own marks, then they discuss all discrepancies between themselves.

Grades from A to E, F - not passed. The grade may be affected by the assignment, if so provided by the curriculum. For example, the calculation - 30%, the exam - 70%. The results are loaded into the system separately (exam - by candidate number, calculation - by student, open number), which calculates the final grade for publication.

There are general subjects for several directions (linear algebra 2, numerical methods, economics and innovations, management and innovations, engineering thermodynamics, OOP, computer technologies), but most of the subjects are individual. In our plan there were “Theory of Control 1 and 2”, “Power Systems”, “Alternative Energy”, “Stability and Restoration of Power Systems”, “Electric Market”, “Project”. Within the framework of one subject there was a trip to Oslo, where we visited the head offices of the largest Norwegian companies - Statkraft (energy production) and Statnett (energy distribution). We also went to Handel (an hour from Oslo), where the young company is engaged in the Smartgrid. Plus there was a small cultural program. Flights and accommodation completely covered by the school.

As part of the educational process, laboratory work was only on Power systems, the labs are small but neat.

Lab Electrical Machines

It is worth noting that the technical equipment of the school is very high - in all classrooms there is a screen and a projector, most of them have a teacher’s computer. 4 computer classes + remote connection. MFIs throughout the school (150 credits are given for each semester. If the Koran is not xerit, there is enough). Laboratories of Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Electrical Machines, Structural Mathematics, Mechanics. Electronics workshops, machining. 3D printers, milling machine for printed circuit boards. In general, everything you need. Most of the workers are always ready to help, suggest, find someone who knows. There are, of course, nihilists, but rarely one of the Norwegians.

He took a diploma on the topic “sample only when necessary control” - I myself chose which direction to move, the teacher (old Finn, a little out of this world, but a very cute uncle) is not that completely withdrawn, no. But he really supported me in my endeavors when I built these or other hypotheses. We met with him once a week or two, for 2-3 hours we talked about advancing work and just about life. He always asked if I needed help with technical equipment, does it interfere with the writing of a diploma. In general, only positive emotions (except that I have been waiting for an assessment for almost 3 months). The diploma is printed in 4 copies and recorded on 4 CDs. Additional credits for diplomas, covers and spirals are issued by the school for free.


As I already wrote, the training was conducted in English. In Narvik, almost all master programs in English, with the exception of construction. Undergraduate - in Norwegian. English is also quite enough for everyday life. However, I wanted to learn Norwegian, but the school for masters did not have any courses. Therefore, the first six months I learned the language myself. And then the school still financed a short 30-hour course, where I had already polished my initial level. After that, I was able to start talking to Norwegians in Norwegian, well, and continued to study myself. Of course, at the moment my level is still very far from good, but I will be honest, two years ago my level of English was no better than now Norwegian, which did not prevent me from studying for a decent two years.


As I wrote, I was given a grant for six months. Then extended for another six months. And the second year I covered myself. Thanks to friends, I got a job in a hotel in the middle of the first year, this money was quite enough to prove solvency.
What is the difference between a grant and a scholarship? The grant is given for a period (3 months, six months, a year), funding comes from various funds. The goal is to give good outside of Norway, to share knowledge. If you come under a quota (or Norwegian), then Lånekassen is already working here. Lawn is an educational loan, it consists of scholarships (about 1,200 kroons) and the loan itself - everything else. If you overwhelm the session, the scholarship goes into a loan, you will have to give it up. If, after the expiration of the study, he left the European Economic Area and did not request a residence permit for 3 years in any of these countries, the loan is written off. Payment of the loan is very slow - about 20 thousand per year, but with an engineer’s salary (from 450 thousand per year) it does not strain (it is more annoying that the payment stretches for a very long time).


The purpose of this article was not to give instructions on how to proceed, but to tell how I did it. Norway is not part of the European Union, so there (unlike the same Sweden) education is free for non-Europeans, the environment is beautiful, the people are friendly and friendly (although it is rude). If someone is interested - check that your university should have a department of international relations, most likely, they have connections with Norwegian universities. In other cases, a program is chosen without any problems on the website of a particular university, then you need to contact the coordinator and clarify points. Sometimes it will be smart to enroll in the Russian university, which has connections, then you can enroll on preferential terms.

Now I have completed my education and I work in Norway. Any questions about training - I will be happy to answer. If anyone is interested in the topic of finding a job in Norway - I will write an article.

Ps. There are almost no photos directly from studies. Not until the camera was.

Just now noticed that I missed the surprise from the nature of Narvik. Correct.
Beyond the Polar Circle there is such a phenomenon - the Polar Night (mørketid - dark time). When I arrived in Narvik, I thought that the phenomenon was familiar to me as for the Murmansk citizen (the same breadth), but because of the mountain that covers the sun, the polar night begins a month earlier and ends a month later. That is, you see that the opposite bank of the fjord is illuminated by the sun, but you yourself sit in the shade. It really pressed hard, I wanted to sleep and hang myself all the time. However, Fish Oil and Gerimaks helped a lot. If someone is going to go to such a region, especially for a long time, 2-3 capsules of fat and a gerimax tablet - every morning is a must!
And the weather itself is very mild compared to Murmansk. The proximity of the Gulf Stream leads to the fact that in December and January streams can quietly murmur. But in the off-season there can be good blizzards with overlapping adjacent roads, therefore it is not recommended to leave the fuel tank empty (often you have to go on a hard detour), and you should always have something to chew in the car. Now everything seems to be.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/233979/

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