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Market analysts and project managers

Our company is engaged in the implementation of information systems.

There is a powerful platform of its own design. So it turns out in life that the staff turnover is there. Employees with the least complaints are delayed in the company for 3 - 5 - 7 years. But everything grows, everything changes: the company, and the market, and employees, life-is-life. It also changes the search for new people, the requirements for them, the essence of the tasks and so on.

The situation of the recent time - we need project managers, we need analysts; due to the increased number of projects, their complexity and tasks for them, technical support specialists are needed. The latter are called “configurations”, often in the business chronicle they are “implementers”, the youngest and greenest of them are called “attribute-inquirers”, the rest are yes, implementers / configurates.

And so we launched a new search. RP (project managers) and analysts - from 60-70 z.p. TP (technical support) - from 50 hp It is important to note that the search is NOT (!) In Moscow! Pay attention to this in assessments of my judgments, conclusions and comments in the future.
Our logic of requirements for candidates was simple: the analyst should be able to remove the survey from the “client”, express thoughts in the TK and this TK should be alienable, i.e. freely accepted without comment by the RP and the developers for further implementation of the solution on the platform. If so, then the project manager (RP) should be able to draw the structure of the database - they also need to understand what the TK is talking about.

It was decided to make a small test problem that the applicant for a vacancy should solve at the interview. Of course, the “non-store” task, i.e. not “goods / customers / sales”. Here I apologize, for several reasons, the test can not disclose. But he was taken from real practice, from a really made project. Something like “we rent space - draw a database structure (5 - 10 main tables / do not limit any clarifying questions / time)”.

Then the fun began.

Funny number 1. For 2 months of searching for a specialist for 60–70 thousand rubles, approximately 5% of applicants could draw the structure of the database! The rest began to be confused and in fact did not "give birth".

Funny number 2. Approximately 80% of TP specialists, claiming 50 thousand rubles per month, solved the task in less than a minute, showing excellent analytical and survey ability of clients. Especially from those who "long admin", participated in the implementation.

For me now, this statistic is completely unexpected nonsense!

How so? What happens to the labor market? People at 70! thousand rubles a month is not able to draw the structure of the database - 10 basic tables of a simple task! I believe that 60 - 70 thousand rubles - this is not enough. But how? What is this business intelligence?

You will say that for drawing the structure of the database should be a system architect? Perhaps, but not at the task level at the interview. In the project - yes! But the level of the task at the interview with the analyst should be solved.

To continue the presentation, I would like to talk about the key characters who were in the interview.

1. A girl from our city (30 years ±). It was obvious that he was very trained at interviewing. Desires of 60 thousand rubles. Could not draw anything. When I realized that everything started to convince me that we have a company, most likely a small one, and she worked in large ones and she, as a project manager (!), Should not know the structure of the database, nor be able to conduct a survey - these are tasks for professionals. To the question - what should she be able to do in the project, she answered: “Distribute tasks”.
2. 57 years old, male. Works in a large enterprise. He writes in the summary that he is able to do everything that is needed: both the DB is designed, and everything else. I thought: "Well, finally!". In fact, a capricious man of pre-retirement age came with the stories "but here I am ... there ... yes it is ...".
3. I remember the “boy” who said that he worked on Oracle and on MS SQL. The task is not solved. When I called one of the developers to test his knowledge, the boy quickly admitted that neither Oracle nor MS are his fad, so what's time for him to go home (mom calls, apparently).
4. Girl (30 years ±) from the oil-bearing region of the Russian Federation. I arrived with my husband in our city. Wants 60 thousand. Can not do anything! At all. Engaged in testing and user training. But he wants 60 thousand rubles a month. The red price is 30 thousand. I must say that she is a good fellow, because she understood that she would not pull it and asked me to give her an estimate. I gave and she was not offended, but thoughtful and took note. Apparently, it “cost” about 60 in the oil-bearing region, and thinks that here it will cost the same.

One could continue; there were more pearls. But I will not "ship." Basically everything was faceless. I asked the office manager to indicate in the vacancy that experience in designing a database is required, and that the task of designing a database will be at the interview. What has this changed? And only the fact that the lines more often began to appear in the resume of applicants: “There is an experience in database design”.

But! On the part of the TP!

We are not just looking for TP. We are looking with the knowledge of t-sql. From 50 thousand rubles. And this is where the labor market and a surprise. It turned out that at this level, many are able to solve the problems we need. And there was a stratum of people who have long been “admini”, participated in projects, but by the age of 35-40 they grew out of adminstva, while the knowledge is not bad, and most importantly (!) Is experience. Many of them, of course, have a higher education, as well as those who went to analysts, RP. Actually, for solving the tasks of projects up to “medium”, with some training they are ideally suited. Quickly and immediately understand the tasks of customers. Able to draw documentation (maybe not perfect, but learnable).

1. I do not understand how people who are unable to solve a simple task on the structure of the database, in general, can produce at least some kind of examination? Or at least some project management? There are many of them and these people somewhere performed these functions before they began to apply for our vacancy.
2. Imagine how much “office ballast” paid by customers sits in large promotional offices. For me, this discovery!
3. Search analysts continue. What to do with project managers is not clear. Here a situation arises that at a certain salary price mark “a person already wants only to lead”.
4. “Medium” projects will be solved by people with experience - this is already a fact.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/233969/

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