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Why Bitcoin is Good

They asked me to help argue convincingly that the BTC is good, despite the negative reaction from Russia and some neighboring countries.

By the way, as characteristically located on the map of the country, according to the attitude towards the BTC ...
I decided that when discussing this issue at Habré, there may be many more good arguments that I myself can’t think of.

So - what are the good BTC.

For individuals


Information about your bank cards is stored in banks. It is easy to find examples of how, due to the imperfection of security systems, card information is stolen by thousands and even sometimes by millions. Every time you pay with a card, you need to be afraid of dishonest sellers or waiters, and putting a card into an ATM will mean the presence of skimmers.
For the safety of cash also have to worry. Starting with pickpockets in crowded places, and ending with safes, safe deposit boxes, etc. No money is a problem, a lot of money is another problem.
Bitcoin wallet is also easier to protect. Up to print the code phrase on a piece of paper, if you do not trust computers.

Cheap transfers worldwide (where there is internet)

Regular money transfers cost money, because you need to ensure their security, keep records and check the absence of double payments. For this, intermediaries charge considerable interest. Moreover, it is the interest from the cost of the transfer - as if $ 100,000 to transfer is 100 times more difficult than $ 1000.
With Bitcoin, you can transfer funds anywhere in the world for a meager cost, independent of the amount transferred.

Privacy protection

When working with bank cards, you give out to intermediaries a cloud of information about yourself. No wonder so often she falls into the wrong hands. BTC allow not to disclose their personal data when making payments.


You can pay something, generally remaining anonymous. Yes, payments are known to the entire system - but these are just amounts and generated addresses. You need to work hard to bind the address to the person.

Simple payment system from a smartphone

Already developed simple applications that allow you to pay BTC or scanning QR-code from the screen of your smartphone, or through contactless NFC payments.

No need to keep a computer / smartphone on or somehow accept Bitcoins manually

The system works in such a way that if you receive a payment, it is already stored within the network, and you do not need to turn on the computer to confirm it, go to the bank for a signature or do something else. Even pick up as an e-mail is not necessary.

No inflation

The system is designed in such a way that new BTCs are infused at a limited rate and their total number is limited. Therefore, in the long term, you are not threatened by the depreciation of savings due to the fact that some country has turned on its printing press.

For business

Inability to return payments.

There are cases of fraud with card payments, when the payment is made, and then it is responded by the buyer. Insurance of these cases ultimately falls on the business in the form of interest that intermediaries charge for handling payments.
Since Bitcoin does not imply refunds, these risks are absent.

Low interest

There are no intermediaries, no interest in accepting payments - they should not be included in the price of goods and services.
Growing market

Now the BTC market is growing, and joining it today, the business wins.

High transparency of operations.

Since the network includes a global log of all operations, you can demonstrate the absence of theft and complete openness of the business.

Human Benefits

BTC is not regulated by any state or company.

No organization can directly influence the course or distribution of BTC, imposing its will on others for political or any other reasons.

Arguments against

There are several arguments against cryptocurrency. Let's try to disprove them.

This is solid terrorism and money laundering.

Have mercy. Fraudsters and illegal traders existed, exist, and will exist in the near future. The fact that criminal elements can use the tool clearly does not lead to the need to ban it. It is impossible to prohibit the use of knives due to the fact that they kill someone.
In addition, the palm in all criminal matters was carried and will continue to carry the good old cash - the only truly anonymous means of settlement. We will not cancel them on this basis? When fighting crime, it is not necessary to forget that first of all we must take care of the convenience of honest citizens, and only then catch the criminals. Otherwise, it would be necessary to prohibit leaving the house unaccompanied by a policeman - that would be a crime fell ...
A crime will find something to use. Here is the famous ancient hawala translation network.
It was before the appearance of the first banks in Europe, and will continue to exist for a very long time. Money goes on a call (by email, by fax, by SMS) and no one can track it.

BTC high volatility

Well, oil has big volatility too. Prices over the past 40 years have jumped an order of magnitude. Many wars are arranged specifically for prices to jump back and forth. Will we ban oil?
In fact, price jumps of BTC interest only those who want to use them for storing savings or investments. If you want to quickly exchange your currency for BTC and buy something for BTC, you absolutely do not care how much it cost yesterday or it will cost tomorrow.

This is not money, because nobody lets them out

And since no one releases, then there is no one to ask. Oh well. Here is the US produces dollars. Who can ask something from the USA? Someone forbade them to include a printing press or issue bonds or ruin the entire global economy? I do not remember.
But BTC is not subject to any influence. The more people use them, the better they feel.

BTC are subject to hacker attacks

As already mentioned, it will be more difficult to steal BTC than information from a credit card, or a wallet from a pocket at the station. And what to do, no one is immune from losses - it happens that the bank cells reveal. There is nothing to lose only to those who have nothing.

This is for geeks only.

I think when creating a bank card system, many grannies also complained that de bills with coins are understandable, and all these cards are a devilish invention.
About 10 years ago, a much larger percentage of people than now could not even use simple cell phones. Now, both young and old go with smartphones, so payment through the application will be no more difficult for them than in Angry Birds to play.


So, everything seems to be good - but only if we pursue common human interests and strive for a better life. What the current leadership of the country seeks is not very clear to me personally. It seems that the construction of a high wall, so that if someone had something better, then this would not have been noticeable.
In addition, since officials do not understand modern technologies beyond playing on tablets, it is very difficult to explain to them why some laws are disgustingly bad and hamper the development of the country. I hope that someone will try to explain it to them, using all the possibilities.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/233907/

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