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The principle of Level-up in the management of the company: use with caution

“Everyone should have their own goal” is the slogan of our time. Movement towards a specific goal gives life meaning.

The problem is that goal setting, like any mass phenomenon, is based, as a rule, on stereotypes and cliches common in society.

We set priorities for ourselves, based not on the principle of expediency, but on the understanding of what is prestigious and what is not.
Having received an education, we find a job, start a family, purchase a car and an apartment, etc. In the movement to such stereotypical goals there is no place for a serious breakthrough, accompanied by full emotional and emotional satisfaction?

The pursuit of “alien” goals is not only a “disease” of an ordinary person, but also a serious problem for managers related to the effectiveness of business management.

The desire to be on top in everything, despite the urgent problems of the company also leads to chaos and confusion in management.

Steps such as choosing a company management system , defining processes that need to be optimized first and foremost, etc., are often taken on the principle “the more, the better”. At the same time, the current state of affairs (AS IS) and those tasks that are critical to the company at the moment are ignored.

“Improving” individual processes while simultaneously “slipping” basic processes causes a serious blow to the company's budget. The conclusion is simple: to achieve measurable results, you need to properly prioritize the optimization of the company's business processes. The question is, HOW to determine the "lagging" processes that really require optimization . We will talk about this, as well as the criteria for the correct approach to optimizing the company's activities at each stage, in this post.

What does the Maslow pyramid?

In short, the idea of ​​Maslow's Pyramid is that human needs evolve and are transferred to a different plane as they are met. So, if your physiological needs are met, they are replaced by needs for protection, love, respect, prestige, etc.

The hierarchy of needs, reflecting the change of priorities, can be used as a basis for the development of a management strategy. To do this, you must first realize that the business process is not an abstract mechanical model or a formal instruction, a vital part of a single organism, which is the company's management system.

Like any other life-supporting system, the business process is continuously evolving. During its life cycle, the process goes through 5 levels of maturity, for each of which specific recommendations are developed:

  1. Elementary
  2. Repeatable
  3. Certain
  4. Measurable and manageable
  5. Being improved

1. The initial (unsystematic) level

The name speaks for itself: the process is not regulated, it does not have a well-established logic. Ways to achieve goals change from time to time, which hardly allows you to achieve guaranteed results.

At this stage, bringing the process into a regular, repeatable form is the primary task.

2. Repeatable (executable)

The process is largely intuitively executed: persons responsible for performing specific works are not identified, which often leads to duplication of roles and functions, individual performers can perform current operations in their own way, that is, as they see fit and acceptable.

At this level of maturity, the need to achieve the coherence of the work of the process participants and the transparency of their indicators is on the agenda.

3. Defined, or standardized

The process route is transparent, the actions of the participants are strictly regulated, but they are not tied to specific employees:

The work uses the best practices and experience of process management. In other words, the processes are put in order.

At the current stage, there is a need to preserve and decompose data, documents and information within the process.

4. Measurable (controlled)

The result of the process is predictable at the intermediate and early stages of the process. This is achieved with the help of modern visualization and monitoring tools, which show what stage the implementation is at the moment:

All information on the process is decomposed and communicated to the performers. Technically, this is implemented using elements such as operations (As a result, the optimal speed and intensity of the processes have been achieved, everything works as it should (AS IS).

The truth is known: to remain successful, it is necessary to move forward all the time. When this level of managerial maturity is ensured, this means that a large reserve has been made for the further improvement and scaling of the process model.

5. Innovative, or improved

The level of maturity of the process allows you to make a qualitative leap from the current management organization (“as it is”) to “as it should be” ideally, which is important for the development and competitiveness of the company.

This is the highest level of the company's development, one of the main conditions for achieving of which is the implementation of an effective BPM system.

As you know, the limits of perfection does not exist. Moreover, it is not enough just to “pull up” the level of development of processes to a certain level — it is much more important to keep this level in the future. All this requires serious financial costs.

Thus, it is necessary to clearly understand what level of maturity of processes in your company you want - and can - achieve.
For example, if for a large holding with a formed management structure, it is realistic to immediately reach the 4th level of maturity, then in the case of a developing young company, it is necessary to gradually increase the level of maturity, weighing the expediency of each step and soberly assessing the associated risks.


So, we found out: the level of development of the company's business processes directly affects its financial well-being. However, it is not necessary to force events, radically reviewing the current state of affairs and striving to get high results “on all fronts” and in a short time.

The first thing that needs to be done is to analyze the existing situation and identify those areas of activity that are really problematic and need reorganization. Having identified priority areas, you will be able to competently form a budget and distribute company resources.

Another important consequence: you should not blindly learn from the management experience of advanced international companies, not conforming to the current state of affairs and current tasks. If for someone someone is an innovative level of development of processes, this does not mean that you, as a manager, should strive to achieve this level. Set realistic goals and current tasks.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/233875/

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