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Creating an online store in Russia and the CIS: we choose the best contractor from the TOP-10 web studios rating

In search of the best way to create an online store, I could not ignore a number of companies offering their services in this area - that is, web studios. Therefore, I offer to the general public a brief overview of the studios that are included in the top cmsmagazine.ru.

So, after getting acquainted with the popular engines of “domestic production”, which I already wrote about in the previous article, I continued searching.

My next step was to find a web studio, since fitting the standard products offered by developers of various CMS to their own needs is almost inevitable and is most likely just a matter of time.
This time, my first step was the formation of a specific technical task, which I sent out to all web studios that are in the top 10 of the cmsmagazine.ru rating in terms of the number of stores created. I formed my request as a task of average complexity, excluding everything that, in fact, does not apply to web design (hosting, domain registration and everything related to CMS).

In the meantime, waiting for answers, I began, so to speak, to “meet each other”, that is, to get acquainted with the official websites of web studios. At the same time, it was guided by the logic that if a studio can make a decent website for itself, then it can make a good store for its client.


The description of the official site is not straightforward. On the one hand, the “teenage” design of the site is alarming. It also seems that the engine on which the site is made is a bit outdated and weak.
On the other hand, the good location of the set of interface elements on the unjustifiably small area of ​​the page is quite convenient, which indicates the creativity of the designers.

Representative offices based on the information provided on the Ural-soft website, the company has only one office in the city of Yekaterinburg.

Specialization - the following list of services is posted on the site:

As for the types of sites - Ural-soft offers the development of any sites from a business card to an online store.

Portfolio - the portfolio contains a variety of templates for all types of sites, about 2500 in total. As for stores, they make up about half (more than 1000 according to filter data).

Ready online stores are generally very good. We should also note the convenience and originality of the design of some of them. However, this product is also not without drawbacks: in the process of familiarization and taking into account the simple functionality it became obvious to me that the corporate websites of Ural-software are much more successful than the stores.

Using CMS - UralCMS has its own development, on the basis of which the company develops both corporate websites and stores. Other CMS are not used.

Price, options for proposals - the creation of a store will cost from 15,000 rubles, and the basic cost of developing a design is from 5,000 rubles in the minimum package of “Economy” services and up to 40,000 rubles in the “Premium” package.

The number of days of development - the deadline for the creation of an online store is 5 working days. Design work also takes 5 days for the minimum package and up to 15 - 20 days for the maximum.

Promotion of the online store - the site presents several packages of services for promotion, there is a one-time package and monthly packages. The cost of each package for the promotion of both websites and stores is 7,000 rubles.

Certificates - not provided.

Testimonials - to find vivid testimonials is a little difficult, since there are more than one third-party project or company under the same name “Ural-soft” that has nothing to do with the web studio we are interested in. The reviews found that related specifically to the Ural-software we needed were very uninformative and had a large share of subjectivity. However, in short, I can say that it was a question of too much price relative to the quality of the product.
I did not find reviews on the site itself.


Description of the official site - the overall impression is not the best. All the time it seems as if the company keeps something secret or sells you a cat in a bag ... As for the web studio, there is almost no design, not even the same type of icons. The site is not very informative, there is a number of important information (at least for me), moreover, the online consultant posted on the site turned out to be “dead” - nobody answered me for more than an hour.

Representative offices - only Moscow representative office.

Specialization - the company positions itself as universal:

Portfolio - contains about one and a half hundred examples of sites: shops, business cards sites and corporate ones; however, due to the inability to filter samples by type, it is extremely difficult to deduce only stores from the total number. All scanned samples, mostly unpretentious, can be traced stereotyped design decisions. Starting at about 6-7 pages of the portfolio, outdated templates are found. Some of them are frankly tasteless.

Also presented is a section “Before and After”, which contains screenshots of about a dozen sites, including shops, before and after redesign.

Using CMS - has its own CMS, whose name I never met on the pages of the site. There is a demo version, which, according to the order of work set out on the site, is provided to you only at the second stage after the cost and time of the project has been agreed. Training you in using it is attached only at the 6th of the 8 stages of the work order.

Price, variants of offers - from 14,900 rubles for the minimum version of the online store and up to 49900.

The number of days of development - the development of the store takes from 10 days to 20 days, depending on the option.

Online store promotion - judging by the information provided in the “Promotion” section, the company in this sense works for the result. That is, it all depends on how many visitors you want to receive per day. The required number needs to be communicated to the manager - that's all: there is neither a clear package of services, nor a price. This pricing policy applies to all types of sites.

Certificates - not submitted.

Reviews - are present on the main page of the official site in the form of scan-copies with a stamp of thanks as a whole for professionalism, and personally for the employees of the company.
There are many and very different reviews about this studio in the network. Among them - explicit custom comments about how terrible and beautiful this studio, where mostly the same moments praise and spread rot: dates, prices, functionality, design quality, level of professionalism and general decency of the company.


Description of the official site - in general, the site is quite convenient and understandable, but the design is a bit simple. At times, an oversupply of text on the pages raises the question of improving the organization of content. Roughly speaking, the online consultant is for beauty, since having raised an elementary question and having waited a long time from the manager to the manager, I never received a clear answer for almost an hour of “communication”. So, the indicated price is more likely a consequence of logical reasoning, rather than confirmed data obtained from a reliable source (why should you answer a simple advertising letter with a link to a demo about a simple question raised by an online consultant? version and user manual? I still do not understand).

Representative offices - there are representative offices in Moscow, Kirov and Minsk

Specialization - TradeSoft specializes in various kinds of products for the automotive business: for auto repair shops and spare parts stores. As for the design, the picture is the same - only automotive subjects.

Portfolio - presented about fifty examples of stores of fairly good quality, but only automotive subjects.

Using the CMS - working with its own engine Web AvtoResurs, which is also focused on automotive topics. Also on cmsmagazine there is a mention of Bitrix, however, the information confirming this, I did not come across on the TradeSoft website.

Price, variants of offers - the base cost of the system is 96,000 rubles. Development of design in the Company “TradeSoft” - from 49 500.
The cost of products ranges from 9990 to 157990 rubles, depending on the selected option of the tool for the sale of auto parts AutoIntellect. There are also a number of paid add-ons that most likely will be needed by those who want to have a good trading platform. These are such additions as: “Order table” (from 3,700 rubles), “Catalog” (1,900 rubles), “Accounting for goods and services” (from 2,990 rubles).

The number of days of development - the base system on the complex of servers “TradeSoft” is established within 5 working days. Design development takes 2-3 months. Subsequent customization of the created design or customer's own design - from 10 working days.

Promotion of online store - the company is not engaged in promotion.

Certificates - not provided.

Reviews - on the site itself there are several dozen customer reviews in the form of short text messages. Of course, they are all positive and concern the quality of the company's products.
Those reviews that I managed to find on the network were also extremely positive. They talked about the absence of failures, the stability and speed of the system, as well as the responsiveness and professionalism of the developers.

Fast sales

Description of the official site - the overall impression of the company's site is ambiguous. Yes, the site looks simple-minded (and for some reason reminds me of a blog), but navigating through it is quite convenient and in the general design the corporate identity is maintained under the logo. Content is useful and informative. After reviewing the company's website, it becomes clear that Fast-Sales does not provide services directly on the design and development of stores, since the site does not have any data about it. And this, from the point of view of this acquaintance, is a serious minus.

Representative offices - the representative office in Ulyanovsk is indicated

Specialization - the company provides promotion services and sells its own CMS. The site does not provide any information regarding design services, from which it can be concluded that Fast-Sales does not deal with them. However, in this case, the question of how this company got into the top 5 of the rating remains open.

Portfolio - represented by a number of simple but pretty neat stores. However, stores brought into the portfolio can hardly be called “original” or “stuffed with functionality” - basically, these are mid-level stores with a slightly outdated appearance. This circumstance can be explained by the fact that the portfolio was formed quite a long time ago and was not updated for a long time, since several domains listed in the portfolio currently have completely different designs, and not the ones shown in the screenshots.

The price, variants of offers - the edition of the engine for an online store costs 10,900 rubles.

Using CMS - using its own CMS Fast-Sales Pro.

Promotion of the online store - the site does not indicate any specific tariffs or descriptions of promotion services. All that is available to the user in the "Promotion" section is the form for sending requests.

Certificates - Certified Partner bdbd.ru

Reviews - the reviews found on the network were mostly positive, but they concerned only the engine. As for the services provided by the studio, I did not find any feedback.
Reviews presented on the site also concern the engine.

Web robot

The description of the official site is generally quite a good and interesting site, and it’s also quite convenient: animated elements, convenient presentation of goods and services, fairly easy navigation, informative content and a convenient currency switch that converts prices from rubles to dollars and vice versa. However, this site is not without flaws: an excess of content per square centimeter in the center and a lot of free space around the edges of the pages, links are sometimes more than the main text, which makes it difficult to concentrate on reading. There is also a small marriage of typesetting at the very top of the site, right below the basket icon.

Representative offices - only Moscow is indicated

Specialization - the company provides a really wide range of services, some of which are not found among the competitors viewed:

Portfolio - represented by a dozen shops created in ShopScript. The design given in the examples is quite good and, as for me, at the level above the average, but not particularly original.

Using CMS - Shop-Script.

Price, options for proposals - drawing a unique design costing from 20 000 rubles. The cost of layout layout with integration into WebAsyst, developed at the studio, is 15,000 rubles. Layout with the integration of 10 000 rubles. Buying a finished design - from 2000 to 15000. Development of a vector logo - 7000 rubles. Transferring the finished design from another platform - 7000 rubles. A number of other design services - ranging from 500 to 20,000 rubles.

The number of days of development is a unique design from 7 working days, the layout period with integration from 8 working days. Logo development - 5 days. In general, all design work can take up to 14 business days.

Promotion of the online store - on the website of the company did not find any information about promotion services.

Certificates - the official partner and developer of NetCat, “HostMake” certificate. Regarding the certificate NetCat: the site I have not met anywhere else that the company works with this engine. Therefore, NetCat was not included in the list of used CMS.

Reviews - there are very few reviews about this web-studio; we can say that there is none at all. Those who managed to find, clearly belonged to the authorship of one person who wished to unleash their resource.


Description of the official site - first of all, I note that in this case, the first thing I liked was the combination of colors. In general, the site is user-friendly and does not cause any complaints.

Representative offices - the company has a number of representative offices in Russia (Smolensk, Moscow, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Tula and Kaliningrad), as well as a representative office in Europe, namely in Germany.

Specialization - among the services provided by the company:

Portfolio - there are many examples of sites of good quality and varying complexity. In some of them, non-standard design solutions are traced. Among the portfolio presented a number of designs online stores of varying complexity.

Price, options for proposals - the development of an information site ranges from 12,000 to 18,000 rubles, depending on the use of the design solution. The development of the store will cost 22,000.

The number of days of development - the creation of a store takes from 10 to 12 days. Directly, the design itself is prepared after signing the development contract and takes approximately 8 days, after which the sketch is coordinated with the customer.

Using CMS is Canape CMS's own product, quite suitable for creating online stores.

Promotion of the online store - there are several packages of services for promotion worth from 1500 to 15000 rubles.

Certificates - not presented. Although the site speaks of the Yandex.Direct certificate, as well as the presence in the staff of certified specialists in contextual advertising Google Adwords.

Reviews - reviews on the network, from which it would be possible to gather useful information, did not find.
The site contains a lot of positive reviews, which state that the employees of this company work quickly, efficiently and professionally.

Expert Plus

Description of the official site - the site is quite user-friendly, and it should be noted that it was Expert Plus that was the first company that sent the answer to my request. However, the official site is too "bland" for a company that provides web design and development services; moreover, I managed to notice some flaws of its creators.

Representations - the site indicates several Moscow offices .

Specialization - Expert Plus provides services for:

Portfolio - is represented by a number of designs of online stores of fairly average quality and with minimal functionality.

Price, options for proposals - the average cost of an online store on Bitrix is ​​120,000 rubles. Separately, the design on Bitrix (drawing 4 pages) costs 45,000 rubles. Shop price for ExpertPlusCMS, depending on the design: with an individual design from 70,000, with a template from 15,000 rubles.

The number of days of development - the creation of an individual store design both on its own engine and on Bitrix takes from 5 to 7 days. Subsequent integration of design takes: for Bitrix - about 5 days, for individual design on your own engine for about three weeks, including layout, integration and testing.
The finished design starts in 1 day.

Using CMS - the company develops shops under Bitrix, as well as under its own product ExpertPlus CMS.

Promotion of online store - there are several packages of promotion services, depending on the method of promotion. Package prices from 6000 to 10,000 rubles.

Certificates - not presented on the site.

Reviews - not found on the network. There are only two reviews on the site with the general load “Well done, everything is great”. By the way, this is one of them.

Site Image

Description of the official site - the site is simple and quite convenient. I liked the color scheme and the fact that the design uses the same type of icons. We also liked the rather original design solutions and the overall transparency - on the page of each design option there is a calculator with which you can quickly and easily get an answer to the question: “How much?” - that is, independently calculate the cost of the store and a number of additional services. It should also be noted that I have not met in the portfolio of other companies: in the Portfolio “Image Website” there is a clear distribution to adaptive and non-adaptive designs.
However, it is impossible not to note the presence in the content of sometimes intrusive self-promotion and the lack of feedback under the proposed designs.

Representative offices - the website contains representative offices in Kiev and Lviv. There is also a representative office in Russia, specifically in St. Petersburg

Specialization - this company can offer:

Portfolio - a lot of above-average stores are represented, among which are quite original design solutions. The functional content of the stores listed in the portfolio is quite enough.

Price, options for proposals - design development based on the finished template from 22,578 to 29,651 rubles, depending on the chosen template. However, in this case there is one nuance. I took the prices presented here, based on a calculator on the site, where I chose “Stylization” items worth 9030 rubles and “Banner Development” worth 1320. Without adding these services, prices range from 12,228 to 19,236 rubles - this is the cost of the engine and the template itself. All other works that are not included in the styling are negotiated separately and are evaluated in accordance with the cost of time.
The cost of an hour of work in this case is $ 20 - this figure was announced by the manager of the online consultant, since there is no detailed price list on the site.

The number of days of development - there are two options in accordance with the time spent on the basis of the finished design: a store with modifications starts up to 7 days, without modifications - the store starts in a day.

Using CMS - ImageCMS Shop engine.

Promotion of the online store - there are several packages worth from 5400 to 17850 rubles.

Certificates - in this company the largest number of certificates on the site:

Reviews - in the reviews found on the network, you can find different things as always: there are reviews like “No worse!”, But in general, most reviewed reviews rate this studio as a foursome.
On the studio’s website there are several dozens of positive reviews, supported by scan-copies and printing.


Description of the official site - in general, quite comfortable design with the presence of original elements. But this, perhaps, ends all positive impressions. Otherwise, the content is almost a solid self-advertisement or the text is not on the topic: neither prices, nor estimates of time, nor descriptions of the services provided, nor demos of the engine - no specifics.
Scrolling through the site several times far and wide, I still did not know how much my store created on their engine would cost me, and when I get it. The manager with whom I spoke through an online consultant also could not give me a clear answer.
And excuse me for the “spoiler”, but in the text of the reply sent there was also no specifics.
Therefore, all of the useful information found in the “Online Store Development” section is provided below as a screenshot:

Representative offices - only Moscow representative office is submitted on the site .

Specialization - the company is engaged in:

— -, , «» , «» . -, : , , .

, — 144 800 , 268 000.

— 40 80 .

CMS — Inspiro Siter.

- — 20000 .

— .

— , .


— . . , -: , .


— :

Portfolio is not very large, in which samples of both corporate sites and online stores are presented. Shops in general are average, but rather weak in terms of functionality and less original than samples of corporate sites.

Price, options for proposals - the cost of design depends on the complexity and ranges from 100,000 to 180,000 rubles. The development of an online store - from 300 000 rubles, regardless of which engine - Indynamic or on the box of a number of those with whom the company works.

The number of days of development is about 14-17 days.

Using CMS - there is its own Indynamic engine, and the company works with a number of popular boxed CMS:

Promotion of an online store - the site has several promotion options, the price for most of the options is the same (20,000 rubles), but this list also contains a couple of service packages, the cost of which is determined either as% of sales or cost per click.

Certificates - the following certificates are presented on the company's website:

Testimonials - the testimonials found on the network can be divided into two groups: the first one is testimonials related to the promotion services provided by the company. In this case, a significant majority of reviews are positive.
To the second group of reviews can be attributed reviews about the development and design of sites. In this case, not everything is so unequivocal: approximately in the ratio of 50/50 towards both negative and positive. And there is no clear line in either good or bad reviews: from “terrible office!” To “well done guys!” - everywhere “water”, relating to the professionalism, competence and punctuality of the company's employees.
The site contains a dozen positive reviews, confirmed by scanned copies of documents with stamps.

Replies received to my request.

- .

, 10 , , 6. , :

+ , , , .
— .

+ .
— .

+ In the letter, the product being sold is fairly well represented, there are links to useful information, a few sentences essentially “from myself”.
- In general, the letter still had a more advertising look than a constructive one.

+ an individual approach to request.
- all the same lack of specifics.

+ shown an individual approach.
- excessive conciseness and lack of constructive proposals, which can be described something like this: “either everything, but expensive, or minimum, but cheap”.

In my opinion, at this stage of the inspection, a separate mention should be made of PEREDOVIK.RU. Although within several days I did not wait for an answer to my request, I received a letter in the mail, according to which I now have 100 rubles. The text of the letter on the screenshot:

On the one hand, this is a positive phenomenon, as the company is aware of its problems in working with clients and not only tries to change something, but also compensates these gaps to potential customers.

So, it's time to sum up and draw conclusions:

After reviewing the top 10 studios present in the ranking, I was once again convinced that we should not believe in ratings without question. Perhaps this is my subjective point of view, but it seems to me that in this case not all correspond to their status: the top three, in my opinion, the best companies were in the top 5, to put it mildly, not at full strength.

In this market, at least in RuNet, there is not yet an indisputable leader, although a couple of slightly backward companies, which either need to retire, or change something quickly, have already been outlined.

StudioDomainsPrice, in rubles *Development time in daysEngineOverall rating on a scale of 1 to 5
Ural-softur66.rufrom 20,0005 -25UralCMSfour
REDOVIK.RUperedovik.ru29900 - without designtenMONOLITH.CMS2
27147 **from 5 to 1-3 monthsWeb Autoresource3
Fast-Salesfast-sales.ru10900-Fast-Sales Proone
Web Robotwww.web-asyst.ru400007 ,Shop-Script3
2200012Canape CMSfour
www.expertplus.ru15000 — 85 0001 7ExpertPlus CMS2
122281 7ImageCMS Shopfour
Inspirowww.inspiro.ru14480040 60Inspiro Siter2
10000014Joomla, Drupal, Wordpress,
, Netcat, UMI.CMS

* — - . / / .
** — o , , .

, , , , , “” //. , , .

- — . , , , “ ”. - , , , . , , — .

WebCanape — , , . — , . 270 , , , , . , . — , 5.

— , , : . -. — . ( 1 7 ), . 4.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/233855/

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