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We have C ++ 14!

C ++ 14 is ready!

Following the Isakwa meeting (Washington, USA) in February, we launched a vote on the draft international standard (DIS) for the next C ++ standard. This vote ended on Friday.

Today we received a notification that the vote was unanimously successful and therefore we can proceed with the publication. We will do some final editorial touches to correct some spelling misprints and accidentally missing words, and then pass this document to ISO for publication this year as a completely new international standard ISO / IEC 14882: 2014 (E) C ++ programming language also known as C ++ 14.

C ++ creator Bjorn Stroustrup writes: “C ++ 14 was released on time and the implementation is already being delivered by the main suppliers. It's great! This is extremely beneficial for people who want to use C ++ as a modern language! ”
Many thanks to our indefatigable C ++ 14 project editor Stefanus Duthoit and his assistants, and to all members of the C ++ standards committee. For the performance of work on time and with high quality, with a record low number of questions and edits in the CD and DIS polls!

This is not only the fastest release of a new standard in C ++ history, but, as Björn noted, it is also historical in another way: there are already some or all of the correct implementations (minus bugs) of C ++ 14 available today or in the near future - and this at a time when C ++ 14 is just published. This has never happened before for the C ++ (and I think C) standard. For C ++ 98, the delta between the publication of the standard and the first available, fully corresponding implementation, was about 5 years. For C ++ 11, it was two years. For C ++ 14, these two events merged, and we achieved the simultaneous release of a standard and its implementation.

Thanks again to everyone. It was a team work.

See also:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/233829/

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