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Where does the phone design go?

Quite a long time ago I noticed that gradually gadgets of a form factor other than the iPhone disappear from the Russian mobile device market. The information below is the result of short research and reflection and does not pretend to be supernatural.

Brief historical background

The history of the development of phones is quite rich in events. From the appearance of the first phone to becoming a multifunctional device.

There were quite a few historical articles describing some interesting exhibits that are breakthrough models of their time, such as IBM Simon .

In this case, the question of the design of handsets is interesting, and not its internal component with respect to the OS, so the distinction between phones and smartphones in essence will not be made. So, the first phone is the Motorola MicroTAC.

Antenna, buttons, speaker, built-in hinged cover ... After that there were a lot of different phones made in this design.

1995 could be called the general introduction of mobile cellular communication. True, the dimensions of the devices of that time were somewhat shocking. However, already in the year 96, there was a significant development of the phones, and, accordingly, a decrease in their size (Nokia 9000).


The next step was the stylization and minimization of telephone sets, in particular, colorization.


The reduction of the process technology and components led to a tendency to reduce the size of telephone sets (internal antennas were increasingly used).

The turning point can be considered the year 2000, marked by the advent of a touchscreen mobile phone, released by Motorola.


In 2001, the world's first monochromatic cell phone appeared. A color backlit display has become an alternative to boring black and gray displays (such as the Nokia 8250). And so, in 2002, there was a giant leap in the development of telephones. Phones got big color displays and cameras.


The next significant change is the appearance of "clamshells."


Omitting the moment of appearance of the "sliders", it can be noted that in 2007, Apple Inc introduced the first iPhone to the world.
Later, many different devices were introduced, with a QWERTY keyboard, without it at all, but in fact that's all.

What is observed now

If you go search for the main stores in Russia, engaged in the sale of cellular phones, you can find the almost complete disappearance of devices that are different from something similar.

The launch of the IPhone market and its promotion led many companies to abandon the production of phones that have the design of old phones. For some reason, the design of the shovel firmly won the first place. Everything began to revolve around a large touch screen, the space for which was obtained by abandoning the physical keyboard.

An interesting fact of how the development of phones and networks in other countries. He himself is familiar with these issues only by hearsay, but in principle it is believed that, to some extent, there are many areas where the direction of development is the same. However, if you believe the articles and suggestions of stores, Japan adhered to the original path of development. The development of telephone sets mainly fell on the shoulders of companies that provide communication services, so phone manufacturers are represented there by their own companies (for example, DoCoMo). An article from Wikipedia ( as it happened ) shows the presence on the market of a large number of devices of various structures. Remarkably, clamshell positions are in the lead. From my point of view, these telephones have several advantages. It includes a compact size when folded, the screen is protected from external influence and the presence of a keyboard.

The qualitative difference between the devices and those representatives who were and remained on the Russian market is impressive.


The development of the clamshell form factor devices can now be described with similar characteristics, if you look at the Fujitsu F-02D:

This unit has some features:

It is easy to see that this device can adequately compete with representatives of other form factors on the "stuffing", having the original design.

If you look at the Russian market and consider representatives of the clamshell, the list will not be very long. If you look at the offer of one of the popular Svyaznoy stores, then it’s quite short:

From these devices you can expect something like:

If you use a search engine, the list expands, but representatives are mostly of the same type and cannot compete in possibilities with the main category. Of course, Motorola RAZR phones are a little pleased with the design, but this is more of an exception. GPS-equipped devices are practically absent:

About the last device was already information on Habré, but to find the post failed. It is this device that is currently the only actual competitor in terms of its capabilities to the main representatives of the market. However, its appearance on the market was not marked by any bright advertising event and, it seems, didn’t change much.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/233823/

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