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Alfa Camp 2014: 94 participants implement their ideas in 5 weeks and present them to investors

Let's not be shy: many of us just have brilliant ideas in their heads. Some even two or three a day. Only here too often they die, unfulfilled. Or die after the first unsuccessful attempts to translate them into practice.

We sometimes just do not have enough time, knowledge and connections in order to realize our brilliant plan. At the same time, large companies have these resources, but it is almost impossible to get access to them "from the street".

After thinking about all this, we decided to organize Alfa Camp . This program of development of FINTECH startups is precisely designed to give young innovative teams the resources they need to implement their ideas.
It all started with the fact that a year ago we had our first hackathon at Alfa Bank. We liked the process and the results.

Thanks to that hackathon, we have an extraordinary savings account “ Activity ” (the more you play sports with a fitness tracker, the more money you can transfer to a deposit with an increased interest rate).

Now we have decided to go even further - to organize a larger program for anyone interested in financial innovations. And we are pleased to announce that yesterday, 98 startups, developers, designers from all over the country gathered at Alfa Camp to try to realize their cherished ideas with the help of Alfa Lab and Visa, which has become our partner in this project.

We provided the participants with jobs and housing in the hostel (if they are from other cities). We provided them with the Alfa-Bank API (card-to-card transfer service, Internet acquiring, issuing virtual cards, transfers from a physical person account to a legal entity account, and other pieces). We attached experienced mentors to each team and organized a program of lectures and seminars.

Alfa Camp participants will work on their projects for five weeks. In the end, they will have to make a presentation both before the top management of Alfa-Bank and before independent investors and business angels.

We are interested in “Alpha Laboratories” not only in the search for new ideas and talented developers, but also in the development of the entire financial market. Therefore, we made this program free (moreover, we even pay our campers a stipend). In this case, all rights to the created services are reserved for developers.

Of course, during these five weeks we will talk about the most interesting events of Alfa Camp and will try to acquaint the readers of “Habr” with the majority of “campers”. For now, we asked several of the most courageous participants what projects they are going to work on, what they expect as a result and what they think about the development of the Fintech market.


- In 2007, I opened my own web-studio, then worked in an advertising agency, and then moved to a financial startup. Colleagues refused one of the projects that we did, but I believed in it, and decided to finish everything myself. And so our service appeared. We anonymously predict the solvency of the client based on his behavior in social networks. It works like this: when a person logs in with his account, the program collects all his data, sends it to us, we compare this information with models obtained from analyzing our database (now there are four hundred thousand people) and instantly issue the amount, which can be entrusted to a person as a deferred payment, knowing that it will be easy for him to return it. Plus, our system can calculate and cut bots very well.

It's no secret that from 30 to 50 percent of the audience that various agencies sell to you is just bots. Now, the evaluation of one account costs seven rubles, in the future we would like to reduce the cost to a ruble.

We started very recently. So far, we have only one friendly startup from Yekaterinburg in our clients. The main thing I’m going to Moscow for at Alfa Camp for is to tell the professional community about our project and get new customers on board. It's great when there is an opportunity to communicate directly with people who make important decisions, rather than knocking from another city through managers. And we hope that we can use the technologies of Alfa-Bank - our scoring would only benefit from this.


- We make the service Picture Manipulation Inspector is an automated system for monitoring the accuracy of photo reports. We are fairly well known in innovation and investment circles - in February 2014, PMI became the first invested project of the accelerator of the IIDF Presidential Fund. Checking images for authenticity is a very popular service, and the demand for it is growing rapidly, especially among insurance companies (it is critical for them to deal with advanced fraudsters who use Photoshop). There are 15 people in our team now - mostly developers and people who are engaged in product commercialization.

Now our program is used by the largest insurance companies and several advertising agencies, we also supply software to the Latvian police, the Ministry of Justice of Taiwan and the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Kaliningrad region.

Our technology is also used to check the photos on the portal of the Moscow government "Our City" We have a few more ideas on how to commercialize our products. For example, in the West, to get a loan, it is enough to send scans of several documents to the bank. There is no such thing in Russia - a person needs to come and bring originals. As part of Alfa Camp, one of our key tasks is to identify areas and ways to apply our developments in the banking sector.


- I graduated from the Financial Academy, was engaged in scientific work related to new insurance and investment products, and then worked as a trader on the stock exchange. My partner (he also graduated from Fink) and I decided to take up cash risk insurance. Our project Nodevaluation is designed to provide businesses and individuals with a reliable tool to protect against financial risks.

Anyone can go and exchange money in the exchanger at an overvalued exchange rate with predatory commissions, but it is much better to immediately or immediately make the necessary operation at a reasonable price at a call or click of a mouse.

Not everyone has this opportunity. The phrase "financial market" in the public consciousness is associated only with "MMM" and Forex. Meanwhile, it is a key sector of the economy. In the West, insurance companies and hedge funds are the leaders in terms of the volume of attracted investments, and here we have this glade is still not tilled. It is obvious that now this area will develop rapidly. We started selling our service to friends and acquaintances, and well know how to make a small business, where to get an audience. But now our task is to make a completely finished product and run all business processes. For this we came to Alfa Camp.


- For a long time I worked in the field of finance - I was engaged in the audit of financial statements at Deloitte, worked as an investment director in one of the largest Russian holdings. Over time, I began to think how, using my knowledge, to do something enormously useful for ordinary people. I wanted to help people deal with any unsolved problem. This is how the idea of ​​the site Nalogia.Ru was born - now we are the most visited resource on personal taxation in RuNet. Our mission is to help people correctly and timely report on their income, pay taxes without overpaying, and even return taxes (get tax deductions).

Now the only paid service on the site is a web service for the preparation of declarations. Filling is fully automated, this is the whole thing.

We have quite a few competitors, but I am sure that our service is the most reliable and convenient. One of the main services for which Taxation appeared was the filing of the declaration online. She is already being tested and, soon, finally, will appear. I filled out the declaration, clicked on one more button on the same page - that's all, the document was sent to the tax inspection, no need to go anywhere. About 200 thousand people have already used the service for filling in declarations, and the site is gaining more than a million views a year. At the same time, in the team, besides me, there is only one developer and one employee of customer support. I hope, Alfa Camp will have a lot of smart, ambitious and talented people, communication with whom will help to expand the horizons and stimulate the birth of new ideas. I also have a vision of how to integrate our service with the services of Alfa Bank.

Ilya Makarov

After I stopped being a hired manager and started managing my own business, I was faced with the problem of financial planning. In the average Russian business, it looks like this: in the morning you come to work and wait for the accountant to send you an extract in order to understand what funds you have in your current account. Usually all this information is kept in Excel. The scheme works exactly as long as the company has one or two managers (that is, you are with a partner). But as soon as the business grows and the number of managers grows, everything becomes very complicated. To lead a table in Excel becomes extremely inconvenient. We have created a very convenient tool for internal financial planning. His working title is MoneyPlanner. This web application looks like a tablet with two columns - information about income (both received on the current account and planned) and expenses (current and upcoming) are entered there. Service great helps keep your finger on the pulse. The project is being developed in NowMedia web production. Since we are quite in demand in the market, my team is overloaded, to say the least.

If we continue to develop MoneyPlanner at a pace like now, that is, a teaspoon per month, it will remain the development that we sold to five customers.

Therefore, at Alfa Camp, I send a development team led by my partners, Yuri Goryakhenkov and Maxim Soldatov. Yura is a product manager with tremendous experience, and Max is a brilliant developer. The guys have the task to make the finished product in five weeks and put it on the market. It is quite real.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/233777/

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