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"Venture squared", or 13: 0 in favor of the investor

A week has passed since the first post on our blog , from which the habropublic has learned that “there is such a party” is the VCStart collective investment platform. For the project, this post became the first appearance as well, since we have not yet conducted any advertising activity, having decided first to ask about the opinion of our “startup for start-ups” of Habr's readers. There are legends about the exactingness and meticulousness of habrovchan people - we knew what we were going for, anticipated questions and criticism, and were afraid, in case of complete rejection, of a squall of rotten eggs and tomatoes. But on the other hand, there was hope (and even some inner confidence) that we came to the address and it is here that they will appreciate, understand and support.


As a result, we received a complete set of everything that was expected. The project provoked a reaction, legitimate questions, and vanguing of skeptics, which, although disappointing, but at the same time caused confidence that "we were noticed." Egg-tomato salvo, thank God, did not follow, but some single shots were quite accurate.
“Venture is a very risky business by definition. This platform is a venture in the square, ” one of the commentators gave this assessment to the project.

Of course, at first she was not particularly inspired until the results of our exclusive announcement for Habr users became visible. And, judging by them, this formula has for many (let's call this group optimists) a different, directly opposite to the meaning enclosed by the author.

The reaction turned out to be extremely ambiguous, despite the rather skeptical general attitude of the commentators - in a few days 112 startups were registered at VCStart (and there were none before the first platform was closed to users), of which by the end of the week were moderated and approved by showing 13.

Opponents (let's call them pessimists by convention), say that this figure is so-so, in the classic Success Story there should be at least a few more zeros at the end. To which the optimists will object to them that the number 13 in esoterics and numerology means a transformation, a transition from one qualitative state to another. The fact that this number is happy was believed by the ancient Egyptians and Chinese, Mayans and Masons, and even today many people believe in modern and alien prejudices.

We do not believe in numerology, but we believe in Google Analytics and Yandex. A metric whose data far exceeded our expectations.

The first post on “Habré” for us was, rather, a trial balloon than the beginning of an advertising campaign to attract startups and investors to the platform. Now the platform works in a demo mode, which is 42 days. Its main task is to collect a certain number of interesting and attractive projects for investment. A large-scale PR campaign to attract investors is also planned, but it starts later, and immediately in several media segments, from social networks to the campaign on Yandex.Direct. The main strategic task at this stage is to attract at least a thousand backers to the community of each project, which will become the core of their investment groups at the next stage of financing.

As a result, the risk was justified: in addition to the placed startups, there were also quite a few people willing to invest in them at the demo launch stage - so far about 2 thousand new users have registered at VCstart, and some of them have already made their first investments.

Several thousand users - in itself is not a subject for pride. But as an indicator that the Russian Internet audience was unconsciously waiting for a service for collective investment and is ready for this type of activity, this figure can be interpreted.

Pride is something else - most of the time already moderated and placed startups are interesting and worthy IT projects with fresh and necessary ideas. Some of them are already successfully operating, attracting investments for further development, others, only those that were born, are seeking funding for a full-fledged start. And although they are all quite different, there are common features, such as high development potential and the benefits that they can bring to the final consumer and the investors who have invested in them.

As an example, I will cite the project “Cargo Search” , which is an information and logistics platform for cargo transportation that has been operating since 2012; over 75 thousand people from this professional sphere already use its services. In addition to her, among the applicants are independent media, mobile and cloud services, sales aggregators, payment systems and much more. Such diversity and enthusiasm with which the creators of startups reacted to our launch cannot but rejoice, because for this purpose everything was started.


In the future, we plan to regularly acquaint our Habroblog readers with the most interesting projects in order to help them gain financial support from investors and attract a target group - the same enthusiasts as their authors. And we very much count on the support of habrovchan, as the most savvy and progressive audience.

Subscribe to the projects that interest you, and sharing of links to them on social networks would greatly help their authors to gather the necessary audience for financing. In addition, we appeal to you for advice on the promotion of our service of collective venture capital investments in Russia and we will be grateful for your help.

“The biggest risk is not to risk it. In a world that is changing very quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is no risk. ”
Mark Zuckerberg

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/233765/

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