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3Doodler - review pen 3d-printer

This is one of the most interesting gadgets that I have ever held in my hands. And after a month of use, I am ready to analyze its capabilities and talk about its advantages and disadvantages.


Box and equipment

I'll start with the first impression. 3Doodler comes in a stylish box with a nice texture. But the contents of the box leaves a double impression. On the one hand, you are delighted to grab the doodler and hurry to plug it into the socket, and on the other you see that it lies in an unpleasant plastic bed, covered with a thin, creased cardboard box, which very quickly has torn and torn in several places.

This is probably a loyal attitude to such a box, because this is a start-up from Kickstarter and not a new iPhone, although the package is not very solid for a project with $ 2,344,134 charges .

Inside the box you can find Doodler itself, a protective cap for it, a power cord, instructions and four sets of plastic (2 PLA and 2 ABS).


Several times it seemed to me that I understand the difference between these two types of plastic in work, but every time I was wrong. As a result, I could make any kind of models with any kind of plastic.

The doodler itself is quite plump and it is a little more difficult to hold it in your hand than a regular pen. At the same time, during operation, its cooler buzzes like a hair clipper. Doodler has two buttons that should adjust the plastic feed rate (slow and fast), but in fact the plastic comes with one driven speed, regardless of which buttons are pressed. And if you hold the buttons at the same time, the doodler will gently give back the unused piece of plastic. True, the piece may turn out to be short and then it will not be possible to get it, and you will have to work out everything to start using another color for printing.

It is also interesting to note that on the back of the 3doodler there are threaded holes for securing the gadget. So you can adapt it as a printing element for a home 3d printer.


Start typing

Doodler allows you to make five types of models:

We tried to demonstrate in our video review all kinds of models and ways to work with 3Doodler

It is better to start with planar models, because first you need to learn how to exactly lead the lines and control the randomly varying plastic feed rate.


Then you can try your first cubes and frame models. Here the skill of planar design comes in handy, because the skeleton model must be started from the bottom.


Generally dudler work hard. We have it three times clogged for a week of use and three times with yellow plastic. Maybe the yellow in our set is just defective, but we had to unscrew the heating head three times and push the stuck plastic through the heated dodler. A similar situation with blue plastic (we did not think of filming the yellow blockage) was taken for video.


After the first ten minutes it seems that the doodler is a complete garbage and can be put on the shelf. I have repeatedly burned my heated heating spout (by the way, plastic cannot be burned, it hardens and cools in a couple of seconds). Because of the built-in fan, the doodler is noisy, like a hair clipper, and even intermittently interrupts work because it cools down too much and requires a second or two to warm up.


But after the first successful model, all the flaws are forgotten, because 3Dudler opens up new horizons for creativity. This is not very practical, but really cool gadget, which is worth the money for one hundred percent!

After all, if you show perseverance, then after half an hour or an hour, cool things will start to turn out. And here it is useful not only the desire to create, but also the ability to design, make drawings and divide structures into separate parts.

So, for example, Andrei Rode immortalized the stitch from the Dota universe.




And another friend of mine on the first day was able to make a helicopter =)



I believe that Dudler definitely deserves attention and justifies its cost of 5000r. Despite the fact that the doodler can be adapted to solve practical problems, it is still quite capricious and therefore is more a toy or a tool for creativity. But the doodler toy is not only for children, but perseverance, drawing and planning skills are necessary for working with it. It is rather a toy that will help develop these skills in adolescents or that will allow their talents to be realized by adults. And in Dudler there is something from magic. When you sit for several hours, bending over the table, you draw something, buzz with a doodler, change sticks with plastic, and then give the result. This is a new kind of modern art and it’s very cool to feel part of it. And for providing a copy for the review thanks to the store Madrobots !

First generation 3Doodler in Madrobots

3Doodler 2.0 in Madrobots


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/233749/

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