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Github - no command line

Sometimes, exploring other people's repositories on github, you notice errors, inaccuracies, or you realize that you could add something useful, but it may scare someone to perform a bunch of actions on the command line, someone is not available at the moment, and we pass by.

Many experienced github users know that it’s not at all necessary to use the command line. All this is so.

Here I collected several recipes, using which, without a single git command, you can copy your repository, create an auxiliary branch there, edit something in it, add / delete files / folders, make a pull request to the original repository. And after some time has elapsed, when changes not reflected in our copy will accumulate in the original repository - synchronize these two repositories - and also without a single git-command.

I think with the creation of a fork (copying the repository to yourself) - everyone can easily cope, so we immediately go further.

Creating a branch

It is considered a sign of good tone, if you make your edits in a separate branch, because the owner of the original repository may ask you to change / modify something before merging.

You can create a new branch (by copying from the current one) right in the window of the branch change. Enter the name - enter - ready.

Adding Files

Creating new files here is no need to go far. Click "+"

And immediately go into the edit mode of the newly created file:

Here you can edit both the file itself and its name. In editing the name there is one interesting feature - using '/' and '../' you can navigate through the directory tree. (in the end, when you create a file, at the same time will be created, did not exist before this folder)

Synchronization fork with the main repository

It often happens that we fork the repository, rule something there, do a pull-request. The author accepts this pull-request and we calm down for a while. After a couple of months, we again want to improve something, but our copy is hopelessly outdated. This requires synchronization. You can easily find how to do this using the command line. Much less common is an explanation of how to do this directly on github.


So many points, say you - I agree, the list looks cumbersome, try the video - only 53 seconds. I, having tried everything once, immediately remembered and began to use.

I did not describe here the obvious things: how to fork, how to pull-request - as they are done in 1 click.

And what else from the non-obvious one can do with turnips without using the command line?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/233719/

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