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Acquaintancesemey.rf - service for the formation of the circle of communication of their children

Greetings. I want to promote my fresh startup on the parent theme. In short, the goal of the project is for responsible parents to find each other and create a social circle for their children, because around is not the best social environment and educated children better hold on to each other in order not to dissolve in this environment. But this is ideal, but for now it is not clear what will come of it.


Can you tell me, they say, who needs this dude ?! Well, at least to me - and the idea of ​​the project appeared. But I understand your concerns, so I am ready for different outcomes, including a complete failure. There is always a risk when you offer a new service to the public. It's okay, let's see what happens.

The service is a map with the marks of families, specialized profiles, and this is also added to the community component, and with its casual chips.

About the technical chips with the Google map, everyone heard and knows a lot, so there is nothing to tell especially here. We have prepared for a large number of users: There is a clustering of tags; The loading of data by tags occurs only in the selected city. Therefore, tens of thousands of users on the map should not be a problem. Rather, the problem may be that they even appear on the site :)



From the technically interesting, perhaps I will tell you about the double profile. The site does not have profiles of individuals - we have all family profiles. From here follows several curious details - for example, the ability to switch from one family member to another in comments, posts or personal messages - this will be useful if the family uses one point of access to the Internet. The family has a common lichku, a common list of awards (more on that later), in general, all for two. Curious probably also in the fact that the wife and husband have separate logins and passwords to enter their family profile.


Here it is necessary to say about the interests. Each family can mark their attitude to different interests. This is mainly done in order to avoid conflicts. Indeed, in creating a social circle for their children, it is important that their parents also have a good relationship. {irony} Well, in fact, all this is needed only to distinguish a padded jacket from a svidomit. {irony}



Only one map and profiles do not promise great attendance, and generally run the risk of being bent if users do not keep something on the site. I tried to make the community simple and interesting. Fewer nesting levels, more casual chips.

Community Rewards, Levels, and Points


And the most interesting, and probably even the only thing that is new in our community, compared to others, is the system of awards and community points. The site has an internal currency - with real money is not connected in any way - Community Points. Each family gets several points every day, depending on the level - there are also levels there. And for these very points, you can give awards to posts, photos, profiles, or just put the pluses. Perhaps in the future, it will be possible to receive some additional site services for community points, and their purchase will be an additional source of monetization. But so far no real money - it all works only for interest.

There are 30 types of awards on the site, not counting the awards in the photo contests. In the future, this opens up opportunities for compiling a variety of top posts and photos within the meaning laid down in various awards.

Photo contests


Everything is simple here. There is a contest this month - photos collect their awards. The Level in the community immediately pops up - those families that have more community points can have a greater impact on the position of the photo in the rating. Of course, you cannot vote for your photos.

At the same time, at the same time, there is a set of photographs for the contest next month. Each photo is moderated, the results of which families are notified in private messages.

The family that posted the winning photo receives a unique award in profile, which is drawn for each contest individually, as well as the constant “rotation” of the photo in the list of winning photos in the page footer and on a separate page of the photo competition. For the second and third places there are also special awards.


The nearest monetization plans include only a couple of advertising banners. The parent audience is considered to be of sufficient quality, so the money can be quite good - but it all depends on attendance, of course. There are many direct sponsors in this industry, with whom, I hope, it will be possible to come to an agreement with sufficient popularity of the site. For the long term, the possibility of buying community points and expanding ways to spend them.


I want to say a single word about privacy. Disclosing one's place of residence is an extreme degree of publicity on the network. All that I could do to reduce the vulnerability of people - I, like, did. When placing their place of residence, each user is advised not to indicate his exact place of residence, but to indicate the approximate location within the region. User profiles are not available for non-authorized users and, accordingly, search engines. When filling in personal information, we do not ask you to enter your last name, emphasizing separately that, in addition to the name, the user may not enter anything. Or enter only the name and nickname, for example.

My thanks to the project programmer Vladimir Zhukov .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/233715/

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