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Forecast of technological development until 2020

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Based on the analysis of published reports on the conduct of research and development, on the basis of a system analysis of the patent and licensing situation and its development trends and prerequisites for fundamental and local changes, -

Four groups of fundamental technologies have been selected that will determine the nature and development of humankind in the 21st century:

A) The latest basic technologies, i.e. revolutionary technologies, on the basis of which the development of society and its forming foundations can be fundamentally changed, -

1.1. Microelectronics
1.2. Terabit memory
1.3. Superconducting devices
1.4. Super Intelligent Chips
1.5. Self-reproducing chips
1.6. Optical electronics, including - terabit optical storage devices; terabit optical communication devices; elements and nodes of optical computers and control systems of various levels based on optical terabit memory;
1.7. Bioelectronics, including biosensors; bio-computer;
1.8. Equipment information systems, including - a super-computer parallel action; neuro-computer;
1.9. Software, including automatic translation systems; reality simulation systems (VIRTUAL REALITY SYSTEMS); self-updating databases;


2.1. Ceramics, including superconductors (coils with the property of superconductivity at high temperatures); superconductors - nanocomposites based on artificial and natural diamonds; gas turbines and engines created using ceramic materials; New types of glass (nonlinear optical glass); New types of coatings on glass and ceramics, significantly changing their properties;
2.2. Semiconductors, including - optical integrated circuits; semiconductor elements with superlattice;
2.3. Metals, including amorphous alloys; alloys with absorbed hydrogen; magnetic materials;
2.4. Organic materials, including - organic nonlinear optoelectronic elements; memory based on optical hole burning; molecular instruments; thermoplastic molecular composite materials;
2.5. Composite materials, including high-quality plastics with carbon fiber hardening; high quality metal composite materials; high quality ceramic composites; high-quality carbon-carbon-type composites (carbon-carbon, with modified graphite, with pyrolyzed graphite, with multi-stage pyrolyzed graphite, with electrochemically activated graphite, on a flexible or elastic viscose base, followed by electrochemical activation after deposition of the viscose matrix of pyrolyzed graphite);


3.1. New types of drugs, including - drugs for the treatment (prevention) of tumor diseases; drugs for the treatment (prevention) of senile dementia; drugs for the treatment (prevention) of diseases of the immune system and allergies;
3.2. The use of human somatic features, including - the bone marrow bank; bioenergy;
3.3. Production of artificial biological objects, including - artificial organs; artificial enzymes and membranes.

B) Basic technologies that ensure production activities, that is, technologies and integrated combinations of technologies that ensure the competitiveness of industry in the world market.


4.1. Energy production technologies, including - fuel cells; solar energy sources; alternative gasoline-water emulsions; small-sized light-water reactors with their own stability; nuclear fusion reactors; high speed multiplier reactors;
4.2. Technologies for increasing energy efficiency, including high-performance refrigeration units and heat pumps; superconducting energy capacitors;


5.1. Robotization, including - robots with artificial intelligence; devices for working with micro-objects;
5.2. Technologies in the field of processing equipment, including - machines with artificial intelligence and computer numerical control; integrated machining centers; ultra-precision machining machines;
5.3. CAD / CAM technologies, - COMPUTERIZED DESIGN AND PRODUCTION, including - computerized design systems with artificial intelligence; product modeling;
5.4. CIM / HIM technologies (complex integrated and highly integrated production), including autonomous systems with distributed control; integrated process equipment.

C) Socially important basic technologies, that is, technologies that help raise the standard of living.


6.1. Satellite and mobile communication systems, including personal communications; ultra-small terrestrial stations (VSAT) and satellite data networks;
6.2. The transfer of images, including - high-definition television (HDTV); cable television systems for satellite communications radio transmission (CS / DC-CATV);
6.3. Multi-channel communication, including - television conference call systems; videophones;
6.4. The development of communication networks, including - switches of broadband integrated digital communication networks (ISDN); optical subscriber communication systems; local optical communication networks;


7.1. Railway transport, including - means of transport with a linear motor operating on the principle of superconductivity. Means of transport of a new generation with a linear motor operating on the principle of superconductivity at high temperatures; high speed ground vehicle with linear motor (HSST); advanced train control system (ATCS); bimodal systems (end-to-end motion system);
7.2. Production technology of cars, including - new generation cars (with combined engines, with engines running on gasoline and water emulsions or diesel oil and water); cars with alternative energy sources (electric cars); revolutionary car production technology;
7.3. Shipbuilding, including techno-superliners; vessels with surface slip; artificial intelligence vessels; watercolor bots;
7.4. Air transport, including multi-passenger passenger airplanes; hypersonic transport aircraft; small-sized propeller aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing;


8.1. Technologies of space exploration, including - underground facilities for conducting experiments in zero gravity; research bases on the surface of the moon; linear motor catapult;
8.2. Ground-based technologies, including - the construction of supernumerary skyscrapers; super-large air domes; technology dismantling superhighstands;
8.3. The use of underground space, including - a network of underground cargo traffic; the construction of underground highways and railways at great depths; underground heat condensation systems;
8.4. The use of the ocean, including the creation of artificial islands; floating stations; sea ​​pastures; marine recreation areas.

D) Technologies aimed at combating environmental degradation, at creating resource-saving industries, at creating waste-free industries.


9.1. Measures related to the general warming of the earth (climate warming), including the technology of CO2 binding with the help of a catalyst; CO2 binding technology using plants; CO2 binding and recycling technologies;
9.2. Combating the destruction of the ozone layer of the earth, including - gases replacing freon; Freon regeneration technology;
9.3. Waste management, including - self-destructive plastics; underground waste treatment systems; underground water storage and treatment facilities;
9.4. Resource Saving Technologies
9.5. Technologies of non-waste production
9.6. Decontamination technologies of infected objects
9.7. Technologies for cleaning water from radioactive contamination
9.8. Technologies of personal protective equipment against man-made and natural disasters
9.9. Technologies of personal protective equipment against terrorist acts
9.10. Technologies of disposable personal protection equipment against man-made and natural disasters
9.11. Technologies of disposable personal protective equipment against terrorist acts
9.12. Technology to protect individual housing from man-made disasters
9.13. Technologies to protect individual housing from natural disasters
9.14. Technologies of alternative energy sources for individual housing in case of emergency situations
9.15. Technologies for obtaining synthetic water from air

Livshits David Iosifovich, USA

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23369/

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