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Crash test nine products with Kickstarter

On August 9-10, we made our booth at GeekPicnic and exhibited exactly 10 items, 9 of which raised funds for Kickstarter. All gadgets and other things could be touched, used and tested in any way. In two days at least a thousand people passed through us. And not all products from Kickstarter passed such a stress test.



Let's start with those who failed the stress test:

SSSSSpeaker is a compact silicone column from the Kiev team, which only recently collected $ 31,111 on Kickstarter. We thought that it was not killed at all and boasted of it to all visitors of the stand. But in the end, on the second day, the column could not stand the torment and was torn in half.


P.S. Not final fees were written on the card, since at the time of printing the project was still active on Kickstarter, as a result, the desired amount of $ 30,000 was slightly exceeded.
Our video review speakers

Polar Pen is a pen that consists of fairly powerful neodymium magnets, which has collected a solid $ 800,000 +. Stress test failed. Immediately from the three magnets broke off the pieces, which immediately spoiled the appearance of the handle. These are sometimes poor-quality projects, even at high fees.


Now it is the turn of those projects that, in general, have shown themselves to be good, but there were some small troubles.

3Doodler - the first pen 3d printer about which many have already heard. She was the second gadget in demand at our stand, and our guests constantly tried to draw something with it. For two days, it got clogged twice, and both times with yellow plastic, maybe it's in it. I had to look for pliers and unscrew the heating head to push the blockage.


Sensu Brush - a brush for drawing on touch screens. She was in the first place in demand and regularly discharged my tablet, which in the end constantly stood on the charge. So it turned out that at Gik-Picnic it was rather dusty, so the brush soon began to react badly to pressing. It had to be cleaned of dust every 2-3 hours, and the tablet was wiped even more often.
Our video review of this brush


Calaveras - very stylish playing cards in the style of the Mexican Day of the Dead. Maps are made at the legendary Bicycle factory and they are made very high quality. Of the unpleasant moments, it is worth noting that they, too, became dusty and stopped slipping so cool in their hands with card tricks, and the box from under the cards was disheveled due to numerous openings and closures. In general, the cards were not affected.


Pebble - Kickstarter champions with collections of $ 10 million and simply famous smart watches. They worked perfectly, they also constantly walked their hands. Twice the curious users nullified them, dropped them several times, but it did not harm the clock. It is worth noting that on the second day they were completely discharged, although on the first day they were 80% charged, which in normal operation lasts a week.
Our Pebble watch video review


Magic Wallet is a magic wallet from a Russian guy who collected 30k on Kickstarter. Hundreds of people approached, took him in their hands, said that they did it in childhood and with sadness in their eyes they read that he had collected such money on Kickstarter. During the stress tests, the gum at the wallet was stretched so much that money began to fall out. It is curious that for the year of its operation the rubber bands were not so stretched. But a stress test is a stress test.


And here are the champions who were not impressed by the stress tests. The truth is, and the gadgets are such that they could only physically break.

Power Pot - a kettle that generates electricity through the Peltier element built into the bottom. They did not put him on the fire, trying to pick off the sealant was suppressed, and the general dusting did not prevent him from turning his hands and telling about the principles of his work.
Our Power Pot video review


Galileo is a turntable for shooting time-lapse video and spherical panoramas. They asked about it the least, but for us it is the most valuable gadget. Even in such conditions, we were able to make a small video about how people tormented the exhibits at our booth.
Our Galileo video review


Netatmo is a smart weather station that is the only one on the list that has not passed Kickstarter. This two aluminum cylinders walk on the Gik-Picnic was the easiest.
Our Netatmo video review


And we are waiting for new gadgets and are preparing for them new stress tests in your hands.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/233661/

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