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School time in Akademgorodok - impressions

A rather interesting event is held annually in Novosibirsk - the Summer School of Academpark (AS). There is also Winter, but we were not at Winter. Actually, we want to share the experience.

Let's start with explanations - ASHA is a project that allows start-ups in the field of IT, medicine or instrument engineering to undergo rigorous training, selection and get money for development. This is the tip of the iceberg.

In fact, this is a great opportunity:
  1. Get acquainted with a bunch of people who are experts;
  2. Get a lot of feedback at various levels - from directors of large enterprises and foundations to ... people who are represented by experts;
  3. Find a mentor for your business;
  4. Find customers for your business;
  5. Find investors for your business;
  6. Find artists for your business;
  7. Do business;
  8. Get into FRIA;
  9. And much more.

In general, the opportunities offered by the school are much more extensive than one might think. Literally at the first lecture, it turned out that several people at school were not the first time - they did not come here for the sake of a place in the finals, but for the excellent opportunity to talk face to face with experts, make first sales and simply promote their project.

But we understood this not immediately.

It all started with filing an application to ASHA. Or rather, from an interview where they look at your adequacy. We came, beautiful, in shirts, an hour went from the city to Akadem. We took a bunch of smartphones to show our installed product. As a result, the meeting took five minutes of quick questions, after which we were conditionally accepted into the ranks of schoolchildren.

Our project is mDiagnostics and we are doing something interesting in the field of mobile applications, which will be discussed later.

A bit of retreat. Akademgorodok is a rather picturesque place. In fact, these are scientific centers built in the midst of the ecologically clean atmosphere of the Siberian forest with an admixture of typical Khrushchev architecture of residential buildings. It is perfectly normal to make your way to new-age buildings along the paths in the forest, feeding squirrels along the way. It comes to the fact that the individual paths are named after famous Novosibirsk scientists. And, getting out of the forest, the last thing you expect to see are two large and very strange towers. Pride of engineering, because, they say, they are assembled by hand. In general, Academ is a really unusual place, here you should really take a walk along the local streets and be surprised at the shifting styles of architecture and landscapes.

Actually, the introductory part of the school, a la first class, was in the style of a talk show - we were led into a large hall with a stage, on which there were a couple of sofas and a separate table for the presenter. Our concerns were allayed a little when, at the official part, various representatives of the city government and business were simply put in there and they talked quietly and peacefully under camera flashes.

Become a standard, self project.

The official part of the entry ended with an innovative school bell on the tablet and we were all released into sections.

As it turned out, our interview was conducted by Julia Titova, the leading IT-section. After the introductory part, she gave us a big tour of all the towers - to be honest, to work there is very cool. There are conversations with comfortable sofas, coolly organized jobs, beautiful views from the windows. After passing the LSHA, if your project turns out to be suitable, you are given free residence here. And this information seriously encouraged many.

Julia is generally a person who takes care of startups and is doing everything possible for everyone to reach the final. For example, feeds. They fed us notably, the local dining room makes excellent homemade food. It is so notable that the total weight of our project for the final for four people quite challenged the capacity of the local elevator.

And here we are in a lecture at the first lesson. We didn’t know what was happening in instrument making and medicine, but the person who opened our IT section was “you are all shit!” Gleb Tertychny. In general, this is one of the most useful and valuable experts represented at LSHA - if after his comments you are still confident in your project, then you are doing something worthwhile. More or less. In fact, Gleb seriously helps start-ups - he is always open for communication and feedback, teaches the right and understandable things, and also represents the quasissence of a “sarcastic” expert. A kind doctor of the Bulls of the Summer School.

In general, we were told that the essence of our stay in the summer school is to form the MVP before the semi-final - “minimal product” - when the prototype is ready, the team, there are first sales and the market is studied in detail. Another goal of our stay is to pass the FRIA preaccelerator, a large number of experts from whom spoke at LSHA. Actually, like Hleb himself.

And then we were offered to get to know each other right on the coffee break, in the most amusing way - by sticking on the backs of the signs with the names and area of ​​competence. And we went to get acquainted.

The startups that entered our section are quite interesting. Many already had sales and built businesses, someone came up with an “idea”, someone came without a project at all, as a potential team member.

Here we met with Grigori Shin, a representative of Radiance Production, who seriously helped us with the design of our project and, in general, general support. By the way, everyone who is interested in 3D-2D-animation, we advise you to visit their site - pretty cool guys.

And away we go. "Intensive" (as they called the lecture part before the semi-final) was really intense. During this time we communicated with a large number of experts, twice changed the concept of our product, came up with interesting features, met with future investors and partners. We learned a lot about a lot. In particular, about the famous metrics.

Our programmer, without wasting time, hastily completed our prototype at night. The rest were preparing for a big and terrible semi-final - this was when they decided whether they would let you into the final. Our services included numerous ottomans and sofas, excellent Internet access and the opportunity to stay on school grounds until late at night. As well as experts within walking distance.

And the time has come. In general, “what exactly will be at the semi-finals” is a question that was actively hiding. In fact, there were many experts who assessed your presentation on certain parameters, there were speeches for 3 minutes with additional questions, there was no lunch and there was nothing terrible.

In general, we passed to the final. Now there is a “preparatory work” for the final, where they evaluate in general all the projects in all sections that went to the semifinals.

We liked. It was useful and interesting, gave great opportunities and a sharp leap in development.

We stole the photos for the article from the official ASHA website , there you can also read information about the project as a whole. And while we are preparing for the big-big finale.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/233547/

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