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We need a blog

This article originated during the work on the previous one . Michael puzzled us, calling the figure of 1500 words, as the necessary minimum of content on the page. In the course of considering the options for implementing this requirement, one of the most logical solutions to the problem without affecting the design of the site seems to us a blog.

We decided to consider what other advantages blogging provides, including for online stores and other commercial projects. It turned out that in the context of a modern SEO blog has a number of advantages, to abandon which, at least, is not advisable.

Blog and SEO:
If your audience is small, you may think that creating a blog does not make any sense, since no one will read it. This is absolutely not true; the lack of a blog is one of the reasons why your audience remains small.

Blogs, even if you do not write anything fundamentally new there, can significantly help you in terms of SEO. The most obvious advantage of the blog is that it is an inexhaustible source of unique content, the presence of which greatly contributes to the promotion of your site in the rank of search engines.

Other benefits of a blog:

First, blogs are a great and probably the most effective way to increase the number of pages on your site. Each such page will link to the main page, which positively affects its search engine rankings. In addition, on your blog, you can link to pages that represent your products.


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Naturally, do not forget about the quality of publications. Internal links are effective, but links from other sites are much more important. When your article is referenced or shared on social networks, you get the desired profit. The more such links you can achieve, the more successful your promotion will be.

Speaking of social networks: the effectiveness of a blog will be much higher if you combine it with promotion on social networks. This is not about social marketing and VKontakte as a means of advertising, talking about the fact that banal three articles per week are more than a dozen links to you on Facebook, Twitter, Facebook and Google +, and the effectiveness of this tool is limited only by your activity or activity. your SEO team.

Secondly, regular blogging also signals that your site is constantly updated. Search engines track these changes. Each new page is a sign that your site is active, and this is rewarded by a higher ranking in Google.

Thirdly, blogs are a great opportunity to use keywords that have no place on the main page. The relative freedom of choice of topics, the lack of limitations in terms and formulations makes it possible to perfectly beat one or another keywords. But do not forget about your main goal - to sell the product, and if a user has come to the page with your article looking for the “best electric razors”, give him a link to your page that sells them.

Blog and trust

A blog allows you to tell your story, and a story is what helps build relationships of trust.

Personalizing your site is one of the most reliable ways to make your visitors empathize with you. The basis of this relationship begins with the “About Us” page. One study showed that people who visited the “About Us” page, which described the history of the online store and its creators, became buyers more often than visitors who were not interested in this page (the difference was about 30%).

Here , probably, is one of the coolest implementations of the “About Us” page that we have ever seen.

Using a blog, you can develop this initiative and create a strong link between you and customers. A vivid example of such blogs on Habré is " Mosigra "

In addition, a blog will help you demonstrate your competence in the field in which you work. If you are a manufacturer of the products you sell, for you this is just a great chance to earn the title of expert.

If you are just an intermediary, you still should not give up this field. From the point of view of visitors, if you have access to a huge number of goods, suppose technology, you have the material base in order to have a good understanding of it. You will be perfectly suited to reviews, test drives and other information related to your products and their application. Just do not abuse the situation, be extremely honest with the reader, do not try to “push” the “X” goods to him with the help of the article “As the goods“ X ”made the goods“ play ”.

What to write in the blog

Naturally, the blog should match the theme of your site. But it absolutely does not limit you in choosing topics. In fact, any interesting information about you or your product is a great topic for an article.

A small list of what you can write:

- Tops, digests and everything in this spirit. A selection of interesting materials, highlighting your field of activity, will not only show readers that you follow the latest trends, but with a good presentation can be a source of a huge number of external links in the social. networks.

- Light up issues that relate to your industry. One of the most well-known success stories of articles in online trading is the article “ How much is my pool really worth, ” by Marcus Sheridan. Then (in 2009), his success was so overwhelming that an interview with him was published in the New York Times and entitled "Revolutionary Marketing Strategy: Answers to Customer Questions." By his own admission, Marcus, on the day of publication, visitors who went to the order page from the blog made purchases of $ 1.7 million (of course, if you look closely at the cost indicated in the article, you realize that there were not so many of them) .

- History and faces of your project.

- Information on new products and planned revenues. First, you create interest multiplied by waiting, and secondly, you can get feedback in the form of comments that will show you how warm your customers will accept the new batch.

- Manuals.

- The story of your participation in the event related to your field of activity. Participation in conferences, seminars, exhibitions and so on is not only interesting, but also creates an image of an expert.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/233531/

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