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Shopozz.com - free mail forwarding in the USA

Instead of the preface

Mail forwarding - mail forwarding of goods from any online stores / auctions from the sending country (in this case, the United States) to the recipient's address. The process is relevant for independent purchases abroad.

Forwarders' services are used by mail services for at least two reasons:

  1. not all online stores / sellers from eBay and other auctions / trading platforms send goods to the buyer's country;
  2. for a certain commission, customers can collect several products from different online stores at the stock of such services, combine them into one package, send them to their address and save a considerable amount on the delivery of goods.


Shopozz.com is an absolutely free mail forwarding service (MF, virtual address for independent purchases) of goods from any online stores and from US auctions.

This service belongs to the company Shopozz CORP, which since 2005 has been delivering goods from the USA, Japan, China and Europe to any part of the Earth, simultaneously providing the “Help in buying” and “Virtual address in the USA” services through the resource Shopozz.com .

On July 1, 2014, we allocated the MF service to a separate service, which is now available at Shopozz.com .

Today, Shopozz has over 200,000 customers purchasing services abroad. We have created convenient and, importantly, profitable web services, have established international transportation of goods in the shortest possible time, automated the work of all warehouses, which allows us to process orders extremely quickly.

Few of the tariffs

The essence of the changes and, in fact, the delegation of a virtual address to a separate domain was, first of all, a new tariff policy, which now consists of the following:

Using the brain's minimal analytical functions, you can come to the right conclusion that the entire basic set of warehouse services in the US is absolutely free, but with the exception of a number of additional services , without which the result remains the same - you receive the package by courier, or in the nearest Post Office Russia at no extra cost.

Cognitive dissonance as a unique selling proposition (UTP)

Referring to the Post of Russia in the Sue, the consciousness involuntarily draws pictures of the crashed tablet or lost parcels. But, whatever one may say, today UFPS demonstrates an active course towards modernization and change. Over the past few months, the Internet community has been actively discussing such initiatives as a state-owned company’s tender to create a mobile application for 19 million rubles, half a billion investments in the Unified call center, and the possibility of confirming registration on the public services Internet portal through the Russian Post offices.

Today’s Russian Post is a reliable partner whose services we highly appreciate. Therefore, we guarantee the delivery time of parcels from the USA using specific figures. If the parcel reaches the recipient later than the deadline, the next parcel is sent to the user at the expense of Shopozz.


According to the statistics of our service, since February 2013, Russian Post has not lost a single parcel, and 98 of the 100 parcels arrive on time. It is possible that this is due to the change of leadership in April 2013. Also, the possibility of the adjusted work of the ASC UFPS - automated sorting centers, which are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg, is not excluded.


By the way, to the words about the modernization of the Post of the Russian Federation as a large state structure, I would like to add information on preparing for the commissioning of several more ASCs in Russia - in Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don and Mineralnye Vody, which will certainly serve as a factor positively affecting the speed of processing and delivery of mail, including international ones.


In general, until 2018, Russia plans to launch at least seven distribution centers (ASC).

Insurance claims

Despite the joy of change at the Post Office, we will not exclude the human factor in some aspects of its work. By the way, here I recall Franz Kafka’s novel “The Process” - insurance and red tape - words almost identical for both the Russian Post and the USPS.


About all the delights of receiving / knocking out insurance payments can be read here and here .
About the case at UkrPoshta, which received a wide public response - here .

In order to avoid unpleasant situations associated with loss / damage / theft of goods / goods during international transportation, we have built our own insurance fund. In other words, all insurance compensations are paid from the insurance budget of Shopozz CORP. The cost of insurance depends directly on the value of the goods / goods in the package. For example, insurance of a parcel with a value of $ 1000 will cost our customers only $ 23.7, which is just over 2% of the total value of the goods in it.

Another factor that can isolate you from the endless bureaucratic red tape - the correct filling of the customs declaration. As already described above, this option is provided free of charge.

Final part

In addition, I would like to say about the Russian-speaking support , whose task is to assist clients and advise them on any issues. We use about 6 communication channels, so if you wish, you can get an answer very quickly.

PS In our Habrablog, we’ll tell readers about the most interesting innovations in the world of digital technology, all kinds of gadgets that you can easily get in the US and other countries, about prototypes of iron that is about to turn the world on its head. Join now!


Have a nice shopping. Together with Shopozz .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/233473/

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