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How it all happened on GeeksLab Hackathon: E-government / City Projects

On July 25-27 , in the framework of Odessa Innovation Week , a hackathon was held, dedicated to e-government projects and “smart” city projects. Event organizers educational project for IT specialists Geeks
Lab and international network Impact Hub. About how everything happened in the organizational report.

The hackathon on e-government and city projects was held in Odessa for the first time and aroused interest not only among IT specialists of our city. The event was attended by 67 participants and 12 teams from Kiev, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk and Odessa.
Within the framework of the hackathon, two round tables were held, the first of which was devoted to the development of e-government in Ukraine, while the second was discussed urban IT initiatives.

The first session was attended by representatives of government agencies and socially active IT-community.
E-government is a topic relevant for Ukraine. The introduction of e-government will simplify the provision of information and the provision of public services to citizens, businesses, other branches of government and government officials, in which the personal interaction between the state and the applicant is minimized and information technology is used as much as possible.

Alexander Ryzhenko, Head of the Office of Information and Communication Technologies and E-Government of the Ministry of Regional Development, Head of the Working Group on the Implementation of E-Government Solutions, spoke about the prospects for the development and implementation of solutions at the state level.

Danil Molchanov, deputy director of the KP “Regional Information and Analytical Center”, who participated in the development of a joint OSCE project in Ukraine and the Odessa Regional State Administration “Electronic Governance 2013” ​​identified all the “pitfalls” of e-government implementation at the city level.

The round table was also attended by a consultant in the field of social IT projects and media development in IT, a trainer, the head of the SocialBoost competition-hack, an open data specialist Denis Gursky, “Maidan-hakaton and IT-tents” community coordinator, Valery Yavtushenko, a public figure and coach TechCamp, US, Vadim Georgienko, representative of the Information Resource Center, Alexey Zelivyansky.

The second round table, which was held with the support of the Center for Urban Initiatives, was devoted to IT projects that will help improve the urban environment or a certain aspect of it.

Representatives of the municipalities of Dnepropetrovsk, Lvov and Odessa told about information systems that work today and advised the most relevant areas for development and the most realistic ones for implementation today.

At the round table, which was attended by Anton Shishkin (specialist of the Lviv City Council Development Department), Oleg Eliseev (CEO and founder of the innovative telecommunications company TeNeT), Alexander Slavsky (lawyer, public figure, initiator of the Center for Urban Initiatives in Odessa), Stanislav Jerichok (the creator of the first innovative eco-project FabLab in Ukraine). The topic of the city eco-projects and the grants program from the charity foundation was presented by the representative of the foundation Sergey Vereshchak. Also discussed were issues of an effective system for the treatment of citizens, transport infrastructure, environmental problems and energy saving, public Wi-Fi in the city.

After lively discussions, the pitching of projects and the formation of hackathon teams began. In total, many ideas were presented in various areas: development of civil society, urban activism, urban planning, housing and public utilities, assistance to socially unprotected categories of citizens, ecology, public transport and road culture, the use of new media, journalism, attraction to the tourist brand of the city, and more.

After the presentation, 12 teams were formed, which immediately set to work. So, the list of projects that were presented at GeeksLab Hackathon.

1. My City. The system of interactive drawing on the city map of problem areas.
2. Helpers. Service mutual aid, help the needy and the city. CrowdHelping.
3. Questouri. Mobile application, tour guide with gamification.
4. SweepItUp. Application for improving the interaction of environmental activists and organizations involved in the processing and export of secondary raw materials.
5. GoPeople. The project allows you to simply create a statement about the problem that should be solved by state authorities.
6. IRC. Use of open data of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individuals.
7. Good Deeds. Application, geo-locator free Wi Fi points in cities of Ukraine.
8. Smart Car Parking (Accounting for traffic in parking lots in the city).
9. Ecoinsave. (Reduced utility costs, through the use of stepped tariffs)
10. Architecture of Odessa / Odessa Helper Fixing problems in real time and contacting the city council.
11. Open Municipal Data. Portal of open local council data.
12. Public transport. Control of public transport.

Mentors of the hackathon were not only representatives of state institutions and public organizations. Representatives of the IT community and start-up movement were invited, who helped teams build monetization models, advised on technologies and sustainability of the business model.

The mentor sessions were attended by Tatiana Zubets (Technical Audit Manager, Microsoft Ukraine, Coordinator of the Microsoft BizSpark Innovation Company Support Program), Ksenia Elkina (Head of International Relations, Yandex), Vladimir Pavlov (CEO of rollApp Inc. (Palo Alto, USA) Oleg Eliseev (director and founder of the innovative telecommunications company TeNeT), Roman Khmil (advisor to the IT Education Foundation of the Brain Basket Foundation).

July 27, at Odessa StartUp Day, when summing up the hackathon, prizes were determined. Projects were evaluated on the basis of creativity and relevance of the idea today, the reality of implementation and sustainability, the team and the possibility of scaling.

By unanimous decision of the jury, the Smart Car Parking project was recognized as the most interesting and decisive specific problem of the urban environment. The project team won the main prize of the hackathon - tickets to the Smart City Expo in Barcelona (November 18-20), which were provided by the partner of the hackathon company Yandex. Ukraine.
The winners of the hackathon are the Compliyator team, which offers a solution designed to simplify and unify the process of parking cars in the city, improve the culture of parking in the city, collect and analyze and park the flow of the city.
We hope to hear about the project in the near future. The team was also asked to test the prototype in Lviv with the assistance of the city authorities.

The second place for no less interesting project - Questouri . Kharkiv residents came to Odessa not only to swim in the sea, but also to make a high-quality and interesting project of quests and excursions with gamification. The team was offered mentorship and participation in the next program Tolstoy StartUp Camp from Yandex.

The third place is taken by the Ecoinsave team, who proposed an effective solution for calculating utility costs and reducing costs by saving and using resources wisely.

Teams received prizes from hackathon partners
- Free hosting from Tenet.
- Certificates for technology training from the CyberBionic Systems training center.
- Gadgets provided by Ciklum.

Odessa Open Municipal Data project according to open data and the portal of the municipality was awarded the Center for Urban Initiatives and HUB Odessa.

The project of the Good Deeds team to create a unified system and application for combining free Wi-Fi points in the city was invited to the IDCEE conference, which will be held in October this year.
Thanks to all participants for interesting projects and a desire to change the world for the better! We are sure that we will hear more about the hackathon projects.

Special thanks to DataArt's hackathon partners for delicious lunches and X-Box, Coworking space on Grecheskaya, 1A for a cozy room, SocialBoost project and IT-Maidan Hakaton for mentoring help and informational support.

Photo report of the event can be found here - on.fb.me/1sGT0Vt
and here - on.fb.me/Vfu9wK

We remind you that GeeksLab Hackathon: E-governement / City Projects is only the first event in the series. Stay tuned for updates on the Geeks Lab project and see you soon !

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/233431/

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