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Nokia Lumia in the hands of professional photographers

The theme of mobile photography always causes a lot of controversy, especially when it comes to professional photography, or rather, the possibility of replacing a digital camera with a smartphone with advanced photo capabilities.

However, the more intense the flames of global tech races, leading not only to an increase in the number of megapixels, but also to the birth of original solutions and algorithms, the more often there are professionals who use the smartphone as one of the tools for shooting.

This year, three well-known photographers from Lumia confirmed this thesis in different parts of this world. As part of this post, we will try to tell a little about each project, and most importantly - share with you the results of their filming.

Journey to Everest | Steven Alvarez (National Geographic photographer) | Nokia Lumia 1520, Nokia Lumia 930 (20 megapixel, PureView)

Collaborating with National Geographic since 1995, photographer and director Steven Alvarez has been shooting research, adventure, and tradition stories around the world. As part of a joint project with Nokia (and now Microsoft) "Seven Natural Wonders of the World" armed only with our smartphones, he has already managed to go on photo expeditions in Rio de Janeiro and the Wild West .

Sunrise from Mount Two Brothers. The picture was taken on the Nokia Lumia 1020.

Sunset in Rio de Janeiro. The picture was taken on the Nokia Lumia 1020.

"Horseshoe" - a bend of the Colorado River to the south of the city of Page, Arizona. The picture was taken on the Nokia Lumia 1020.

This time Steven chose a more difficult task for himself and went to Nepal, where the highest peak of the Earth is located - Mount Everest, or Chomolungma. In this expedition, Alvarez planned to use two Nokia smartphones - the Lumia 930 and Lumia 1520.

Inspired by the feats of Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, the first people who reached the summit of Everest (8748 meters above sea level) 61 a year ago, Stephen Alvarez went on a journey, rising to an altitude of 5600 meters above sea level, taking pictures not in the simplest conditions for this .

The 14-day expedition was held in the "all inclusive" mode. And this is not reusable meals and a free poolside bar, but snowstorms and incredibly low temperatures. Nevertheless, the Lumia 1520 and Lumia 930 continued to confidently shoot in such difficult conditions.

Trail at the Imja-Khola camp on the slopes of Everest, Eastern Region, Nepal. Photo taken at Lumia 1520.

"There is an expression in the photo:" Bad weather can give good photos. " But the trouble is that not all photographic equipment is adapted to work in terrible conditions. Harsh weather is not a problem for Lumia smartphones. Snow, ice and cold did not hurt them ... But snow, ice and cold really bother me, so when shooting in these conditions, I usually wear thin woolen gloves. Despite this fact, Nokia smartphones respond sensitively to any touch. I have a special cover for working on smartphones, but ordinary gloves “work together” with Lumia phones, ”says Stephen.

Evening sky in Lobuche, Eastern Region, Nepal. Photo taken at Lumia 1520.

Professional photographers are very kind to lighting. Therefore, photographing in conditions in the absence of any artificial sources, they try to choose the moment when the light falls best. This is usually early morning before sunrise and evening hours before sunset. During this expedition, Stephen was chosen to shoot at this particular time, even if the weather was cloudy.

“Sunlight is not always needed. Sometimes a small gap in the clouds or the colored rays of the setting sun is enough. So do not be discouraged if the weather is not perfect. In addition, clouds can give a photo a special mood. For me, this snapshot makes it interesting to see a cloud hanging low on the left: it helps to separate the mountain from the middle ground. ”

Kumjung, Eastern Region, Nepal. Photo taken at Lumia 1520.

"I love landscapes, and one of my favorite practices when shooting landscapes is to put someone in the frame," says Stephen. - “A person in the background of the landscape gives a sense of scale and helps the beholder to imagine himself in his place. Usually putting someone in the frame means to persuade your relatives or friends to get up early with you, as it was during the shooting of this frame in the village of Kumjung. So travel with those who are ready to help you! ”

Shooting mountainous terrain has one peculiarity - many scenes are too large to fit in one frame. Removing Everest or the Lhotse massif, Stephen repeatedly resorted to panoramic photography. And if before he had to do gluing and post-processing on a laptop, then taking pictures on a smartphone, he used the Nokia Panorama application.

Kala Pathar, Nepal. Picture taken on the Lumia 1520.

Record of a hiking journal (April 16, 2014, Gorakshep, Nepal, 5,180 meters above sea level):
For these 20 megapixels, we got pictures of journal quality. I am particularly impressed with the panoramas. Getting the finished file from the camera without resorting to a computer is really great. Today it was quite cloudy, which gave my pictures a special mood, and in general the scene was traditionally beautiful for shooting. We waited there upstairs, watching the lighting change.

Gorakshep, Eastern Region, Nepal. Picture taken on the Lumia 1520.

Stephen experimented with this look for a long time: the lighting was successful, but the author tried to build the most emotional frame.

“My assistant, John Birch, had to stand on a rock for quite a long time while I was trying to get a good photo,” says Alvarez. - “Finally, I stopped at this frame, taken from a rather low point of shooting. I wanted to emphasize the similarity of the boulder with the projecting mountain peaks in the distance. Also, having photographed from a low angle, I made the person in the photo opposed to clouds and snow. I always encourage people to take pictures from different angles and see which of them gives the picture exactly the effect they were seeking. ”

Record of a hiking journal (April 17, 2014, Gorakshep, Nepal, 5,180 meters above sea level):
I woke up late, I hope to return to the top as soon as the weather clears up. We sat in a tea house, waited, made friends with other climbers, waited, had lunch, waited again. Finally, at around 3:30 pm we moved towards Kala Pathar. Working at an altitude of 5.5 kilometers in conditions of oxygen starvation, I felt the beauty of small and light smartphones in comparison with bulky and heavy DSLR cameras. Every step, every movement here is given with difficulty, and any additional weight turns into a heavy burden. We reached the top around five in the evening. It is beautiful and very cold here. The afternoon storms have passed, now we have only running clouds and snow. Just wonderful.

Kala Pathar, Eastern Region, Nepal. Filmed on Lumia 930.

Many photographers will confirm that sometimes a stubborn persistence is required in order to get an interesting photo. Stephen climbed to Kala Pathar several times just to get a really impressive photo of Everest.

“Several times I went to shoot in the traditionally good time - in the morning. The photos that came out were good, but still not “mysterious” for me. Therefore, we again decided to come to Kala Puthar, but this time in the evening, when the weather is less predictable. It was very cold, but the clouds below made the photo special, ”says Stephen.

“I’m not telling you that you have to climb a 5.5 km peak three times to take good photos, but perseverance is rewarded. If you notice that something looks great in the morning, then you may want to look at it in the evening. And at this very moment you will get the most spectacular shot, ”he added.

Travel to Nepal - only the third expedition of Stephen Alvarez in the framework of the project "Seven Natural Wonders of the World." There are still four amazing points on the map of our planet that Stephen plans to capture with the help of our smartphones. If you liked these pictures, then you can follow the progress of the project here .

Two different worlds | Marcel Lammerhirt (RedBull photographer) | Nokia Lumia 930 (20MP, PureView)

“The world has become a completely different place compared to what it was one or two generations ago. Things have changed in the details, and on a global scale. Take, for example, glaciers. Where there used to be thick ice, now there are rocks and dirt ”- Marcel Lemmerhirt.

Marseille is a German photographer who deals mainly with sports photography, and more specifically, shooting extreme sports. He began his professional career in 2005 and to this day he is doing amazing projects with the most famous snowboarders, skiers, cyclists and divers.

As part of our collaboration with our friends from Red Bull Photography, Marcel set about creating the concept project “Two different worlds”. Using only the Lumia 930, he tried to show the difference between eras and generations, the transience of time, and how everything changes with its course.

“I have assembled a large glass cabinet with a piece of the past, like the windows that usually stand in the museums of natural science. Thus, I wanted to show the contrast with the modern world, which can be observed through its windows, ”says Marcel.

Marseille placed this construction on top of the glacier. Or, more precisely, in the place where he once was. Inside the cabinet was a man dressed in a traditional ski suit from the 20s of the last century.

“Where we are now, there used to be snow and ice. Over a long period of time, it became easier for us not to remember or not to notice these changes, ”he added.

For constantly working with professional cameras of Marseille, using Lumia 930 when working on this project did not cause any difficulties. In order to take this picture, Marcel used a tripod, several flashes and two LED flashlights.

“As a photographer, I always shoot in RAW DNG. Thanks to the support of this feature on the Lumia 930, I was later able to work with the details and adjust the colors, which allowed us to achieve this effect.

A quadcopter with a Lumia 930 was used to shoot some photos and a video.

As with Steven Alvarez, this is not the first part of a joint project with RedBull. You can see the work of other Red Bull photographers using Nokia in the Red Bull Photography Hub community.

Craig Wheels "Skateboarding in Perspective." Filmed on Nokia Lumia 1020.

Itself Vidic "frozen motion". Filmed on Nokia Lumia 1020.

Ray Demski "Norwegian Ice". Filmed on Nokia Lumia 1020.

Karelian expedition | Ivan Dementievsky (photographer, traveler) | Nokia Lumia 1020 (40 megapixels, PureView)

As for Russian photographers, we have been cooperating with the photographer, blogger and traveler Ivan Dementievsky for a long time. At the beginning of winter, he took the Lumia 1020 to the shores of the Barents Sea .

And this time he went with him on an expedition to Karelia.

“This time a selection of photos from a trip to the north of Karelia. With one recharge from a portable battery, I managed to shoot for two weeks, capturing the beautiful Lake Engozero, the River Vonga and the White Sea near the village of Ponhoma ”- comments Ivan on a photo report sent to us.

“The full moon and the first light reflected on the shores of the islands. This has already been removed from the motorboat on which we were thrown onto the nearest islands. To collect the catamarans early in the morning in the village is not the best option, I wanted to sleep off first, then eat, mumble and collect the rafting and put forward with a fresh head. ”

“ This shot was taken at the very end of the lake. The weather is great, no rain, no wind, and soft light every evening . ”

“A day at Engozer. This is the best time for rain to fall and a thunderstorm has come . ”

“The gentle colors of the dawn. I didn’t have a telephoto with me and I had a wide angle on plots ”.

" Every evening, photographers, like sea crabs, scattered along the shore in search of camera angles ."

The work of professional photographers with our smartphones has turned out so diverse and colorful. Of course, these special projects are only a demonstration of opportunities, and we have no illusions about competition with DSLR, but agree that this does not make the pictures worse. By the way, you can see for yourself what the cameras of our smartphones are capable of - it’s enough to sign up for a test drive .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/233415/

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