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"Well, let me go home ... it won't be anyway better ... no, I don't want apples, I don't want croissants, I WANT TO HOME! .. nooo, I can't ... and in general, it's Saturday evening." Yes, it was Saturday evening. Desert building Rambler. I and the designer. One on one. We, or rather, he did the main page of the project Rambler. Beta. Abstraction, which turned out, I stubbornly did not accept. Of course, karma plus the desire to escape from the dark dungeons was higher than the desire to do what would be called his portfolio. The result - I lost. Design from him is not achieved. Called X. By the 2nd night the design was made. With an orange helmet and a cherry from the cake.

A welcome child is born in agony. The appearance of bugs is directly proportional to the approach to the hour X. Permanent testing. For the next project, I will buy a blanket for our QA-managers (we have a sofa). But they will not need it. They sleep like Zhukov in the hours of taking Berlin - always on their feet. Why changes come at the very last moment, rule by living. It looks like an operation without anesthesia. Unpleasant Although ... the child is welcome, it means flour in joy.

Sobmbulicheskoe state of the night dissolutions in the office stopped on Sunday in the evening. You know, we probably will not launch the project. Our colors are starving. This is a diagnosis. Under this colorful phrase there is an abbreviation of requests from BackEnd (who does not know are hundreds of computers. They spit out in response to a query what they found in the index). Throughout the night, the backends fed on the energy of the unixoid, who took it upon themselves to feed them courageously, and finally, by lunchtime, ate (and the latter went to bed), and the project was poured out.
What is beta? Beta is the experimental site of Rambler, where we test our ideas for improving traditional search and a number of other projects. Other companies have Google.Labs or Yandex.Nano (however, the latter is not particularly active). So why do you need this new search?

The fact is that ordinary, full-text search engines process data of various kinds, which are “vacuumed” from the Network, using common approaches. In this case, the data "normalized" and lose their structure. The search results result in a dump, namely various sources. Different in nature and structure. For example, catalogs, news sites, descriptions of products on manufacturers' sites, uncleaned linkwashing machines, etc. Except for the date or relevance to sort this data is not possible. I'm not talking about their relevance and completeness.

So, vertical search is a set of specialized ones, i.e. on a specific topic, searches that are “implanted” into the body of a traditional search. For example, you enter "Mazda", a search engine shows not only the results of full-text search, but prices for new and used Mazda, producer news, reviews and test drives, owner reviews, etc. This approach combines the inclusiveness of the topic, completeness and relevance ( what for example is important for prices for cars). In addition, each vertical allows you to structure the data (select, sort) based on its subject. For example, in vacancies in salary, employer, type of work, etc. If this is news, then on the topic of news, date, etc.

In the new search on the beta there are still a number of features. For example, thumbnails. From each page we select the picture that most closely matches the search query. On beta.rambler.ru see sample requests. Search results are very visual. As one of the users joked, now you can watch porn without going to sites. Another feature - when you enter a query, the search engine chooses the most relevant verticals. For example, “Vladimir Putin” is unlikely to be found in reviews. Most likely - Wikipedia and news. By the way, at the bottom of the SERP, developing the principle of openness, added the ability to search in other search engines.

What the users are talking about, and they are to my surprise very active (up to 50-70 opinions per day apart from the fact that it comes on ICQ), I will write a little later. In general, if possible, please look at the beta and make a number of comments, better than critical ones. They can be sent to my ICQ, and it is better to leave here in the comments. The more critical - the better. The author of the most critical (and objective) comment (comments on positioning, interface logic, ranking are especially welcome) will receive a prize from me personally :)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23271/

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