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In Ukraine, will not block sites?

Behind recent events, one interesting case went unnoticed. Namely: the Security Service of Ukraine (Security Service of Ukraine) sent a request to block websites that "promote war, incitement of ethnic hatred, etc." in the InAU (Internet Association of Ukraine). Continued under the cut.

The request was sent on July 18, 2014 http://www.inau.org.ua/20.2780.
Request copy

In the course of implementing measures to counterintelligence protecting the interests of the state in the field of information security, the department obtained data on the use of individual Internet resources for posting information that promotes war, interethnic disagreement, replacement by means of violence of the constitutional order or the territorial integrity of Ukraine.
In particular, according to the findings of the National Expert Commission on the Protection of Public Morality, Internet resources: <list of resources> disseminate information materials of an extremist nature and terrorist instructions.
In addition, the content resource that is registered outside Ukraine is used to post relevant information, namely: <list of resources>
Considering the above, in order to prevent the spread of information that promotes war, interethnic strife, a change of constitutional order or territorial integrity of Ukraine by means of violence, please ensure that access to these resources in Ukraine is restricted.

To which InAU held a press conference on August 7 http://www.inau.org.ua/146.2806. :
During the press conference, the general situation of information security on the Internet, the legislative field in the field of information security and the possibility of legal influence on Internet resources that conduct anti-Ukrainian propaganda, the technical capabilities of Internet providers in countering the information war, the balance between the right to free speech and information security of the country .
Today the most important thing is to understand that the very practice of shutting down resources without trial is very dangerous.
Freedom of expression does not mean the right to promote terrorism and incitement to war, but to publish credible facts and the right to analyze.
SBU can not break the law - it is an axiom. Having identified sites that propagate the war and support terrorism, the SBU is obliged to start criminal proceedings, conduct a state examination that will establish the existence of suspicions of the SBU, and go to court.
We must find a clear balance between issues of information security and freedom of speech. Without this, we can regulate the information space so that we will not know how to act after the war.

During the press conference, it was announced that preparations for the Round Table on blocking Internet resources will be held next week. We will follow and hope that an adequate decision will be made.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/232705/

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