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Rusobus made traffic jams

Issue routes

Starting from today, the Russian passenger transport card msk.rusavtobus.ru provides its users with the opportunity to search for and construct the best routes on the city public transport, taking into account the current traffic load in Moscow.

Traffic information is provided for each leg of the route. It is displayed directly on the route in the information output unit. The degree and structure of the current road load is demonstrated simultaneously in 4 versions:
  1. In points from 1 to 10 opposite each ground portion of the route;
  2. Color filling of the relevant area: from green to dark brown. Moreover, each score has its own color;
  3. In the form of a structured color display of the loaded section - the ratio of the carriageway with free movement, the obstructed section and the traffic jam is shown in percentage;
  4. And a textual description of the situation on the route section.
Cork structure At the same time, you can view information in the 1st and 2nd modes immediately, directly on the issued route, and for viewing in 3rd and 4th mode, you simply hover the mouse on the numerical value of the traffic jam in points.
In addition, the developers made sure that each user had a choice: decide on the route selection taking into account the traffic jam independently or get such a recommendation from the msk.rusavtobus.ru service.

For those who prefer to choose their own routes, the default service displays the situation on the road in the “show traffic jams, but do not take them into account in the calculations” mode. At the same time traffic jams in the issue are displayed, but the estimated time in transit does not take them into account. The user independently, based on his own experience, identifies potential delays due to traffic jams and chooses the route.

For those who want to receive a recommendation of the service on the best routes at a given time, you can choose the "show traffic jams and take them into account in the calculations . " In this case, the service will recalculate the estimated time in transit and will offer the user the best routes, taking into account the current workload.

Service from today is available in test mode. Developers will thank users for information about any inaccuracies found.

Bon Voyage!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23270/

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