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Experience using Google Apps for Business

Each company at a certain stage of development is faced with the question of organizing and subsequent automation of its workflow. We want to share our experience using Google solutions - Drive (Docs), Calendar and Contacts.


This is what we had some time ago - our initial positions, so to speak:

For a while, everything worked this way, which suited almost everyone. But there were more employees, even more workflows, and we realized that we were at a dead end — it took too much time and nerves to support the secondary, supporting work.

Our work encountered typical problems (in order of decreasing importance):
  1. We can not find the document, although it was definitely;
  2. We write the text "from scratch", although such a text has already been written before (it follows from paragraph 1);
  3. The employee leaves us, and we must accept his documents and close his access. It happens rarely, but when it happens, there are a lot of worries at once;
  4. To have contact information of clients / partners (more precisely, the data of their many employees, since our partners are mostly large organizations) in the public domain;
  5. We need a corporate calendar with a schedule of events, meetings, etc., accessible to all;
  6. And I also wanted to work with all this comfortably from smartphones and tablets.

As you can see, the main problems were related to the joint work with documents. Why Google Docs, not wiki, you ask? Three main points:

Since we have already worked closely with Google products, we decided to try Google Apps for business to solve these problems. We registered our domain, opened accounts for volunteer experimenters, and started working in a free 30-day mode.
We agreed to pay $ 5 per account for each employee, but this is what we found out in the process:
  1. General storage of documents and files. Even with the mode in which documents are available to all users of the domain, documents of other users of the domain are not visible in the list. In general, no “list of documents” simply does not exist. The created document can be found either by direct link or by searching (and, explicitly indicating that the search will be within the domain). All the same applies to files (Google Drive). Minus;
  2. Mobile version. We were counting on cool support for mobile platforms (Android and iOS), and it really is. All the main elements of Google Apps (Mail, Docs, Disk, Calendar, etc.) are in the form of applications on mobile and implement all or almost all the functionality compared to the desktop web version. Plus (however, with p. 1 problems are the same);
  3. From the admin panel, in a few clicks you can transfer ownership of files from one account to another. In the free version, only the document owner could do this, and one document at a time. A plus;
  4. Work with multiple accounts. Due to the fact that no one planned to give up personal accounts, support for working with multiple accounts was needed. In applications for Android and iOS, this is implemented by simply switching to the application menu (for Gmail, Drive and others). But there were difficulties with the constant switching of accounts in the desktop version in the browser. To work in Google Drive you have to completely log out and log in again. Plus or minus;
  5. Shared address book. Only those users that we have registered in the domain are displayed in the contact list. In fact, this is not an address book, but a list of users (your employees) with contact details. You cannot add a person to it without creating an account in the domain. Minus plus;
  6. However, you can delegate your contacts to one or more users from the domain. It turned out that the employee has his contacts, he has to delegate them to someone else, moreover, to delegate everything, although only some are needed. Very confusing. Minus;
  7. The calendar. A quick preview showed that each user has the opportunity to create personal calendars, i.e. There are no differences from the free version. (therefore not appreciated).

Weighing all the pros and cons, we realized that Google Apps for business doesn’t provide practically anything useful for solving our problems.
Therefore, we thought a bit and did this:

And that's what they got:

Thus, we managed to implement all the necessary functionality using free solutions from Google, without resorting to Apps for business. And if you decide to use the described approach, then do not forget about the backup data - Google does not make any guarantees.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/232675/

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