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Acm icpc on-line programming world championship

The acm icpc student programming world championship finals are over. The Russian teams performed successfully - in the top ten 4 teams - SPbSU ITMO team gets gold medals and becomes world and European champion of 2008!
# Team Massachusetts Institute of Technology took 2nd place and received gold medals.
# The team of Izhevsk State Technical University took the 3rd place and received gold medals.
# The team of Lviv NU took the 4th place and received gold medals.
# The Moscow State University team took the 5th place and received silver medals.
# The Tsinghua U team took the 6th place and received silver medals.
# Stanford U team took the 7th place and received silver medals.
# The team of U of Zagreb took the 8th place and received silver medals.
# The U Waterloo team took the 9th place and received bronze medals.
# The team of PetrSU took the 10th place and received bronze medals.
# The SPbSU team took 11th place and received bronze medals.
# The BSU team took 12th place and received bronze medals.

The team from St. Petersburg is not the first time becoming a champion! Well done! It is also possible to note the excellent teams from Udmurtia and Lviv! The Moscow State University team is stable in the top ten - 5th place. Petrozavodsk State University, St. Petersburg State University and Belarusian State University - 10,11,12 places, which is also an excellent result, given the total number of teams at all stages of the championship - 6,700.

The teams of the Altai State Technical University and Vinnytsia NTU solved 4 tasks each and took 31 and 32 places respectively, the teams of the Ural State University and NSU solved 5 tasks and took 23 and 25 places respectively, the teams of MIPT, Oryol State University and Stavropol State University decided on 6 tasks and took respectively 13, 16 and 18 place. The world champions of 2007, the Warsaw U team have 6 tasks and 14th place. ( Source )

Official results here , a set of tasks here .

List of our teams:
* SPb IFMO # 1 (Abdrashitov, Parashchenko, Tsaryov - Russia, SPSU ITMO)
* Izhevsk STU (Kamashev, Kuzyakov, Skidanov - Russia, Izhevsk State Technical University),
* Stavropol SU (Krasilnikov, Babenko, Gritsenko - Russia, Stavropol State University),
* Belarusian SU (Irzhavsky, Kerus, Foresters - Belarus, Belarusian State University),
* Petrozavodsk SU (Arkhipov, Medvedev, Spirichev - Russia, Petrozavodsk State University),
* SPb SU # 1 (Kopeliovich, Petrov, Davydov - Russia, St. Petersburg State University),
* Moscow SU # 2 (Popelyshev, Levin, Shavlyugin - Russia, Moscow State University),
* Orel STU # 1 (Zhukov, Ershov, Shishkov - Russia, Orlovsky GTU),
* Ural SU # 1 (Aizenstein, Samsonov, Chevdar - Russia, Ural State University),
* Moscow IPT # 2 (Kostin, Kvasov, Swede - Russia, MIPT).
* Novosibirsk SU # 1 (Kuzkokov, Gatilov, Butyugin - Russia, NSU).
* Altai STU # 1 (Akinshin, Mogozov, Kolosovsky - Russia, Altai STU).

PS Once it was a purely American contest - now we set the pace.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23244/

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