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User interaction in Smart TV commercial interfaces

This article is a continuation of the report " How to ask for money through the TV ", made by our designer Ekaterina Yulina ( Katarios ) at the conference ProfsoUX 2014 . The main topic of the report was the interfaces of commercial Internet providers: typical user interface errors, good examples, hardware actions that complicate user interaction with the TV. The conference report can be read on habrahabr.ru .

In this article - recommendations on building interfaces, statistics, as well as examples of successful interface solutions.

It all started with an order for the design of service reports on payments received for "smart TVs". Internet service needed to be adapted for Smart TV.

Smart TV - TV with the operating system and Internet access, in other words - a hybrid of a computer and a TV. It can use the browser and applications. Why do you need it? Well, imagine that you want to watch several seasons of a television series two years ago. You can catch up on the Internet, but watching a movie on TV is more convenient and more pleasant.
Or another situation. You have a cool telly at home, you are gathered by a group of friends to see The Lord of the Rings. Open the application, find the movie, pay for Full HD - and right there look.

Designing interfaces for Smart TV is necessary - I became convinced of this even more after my presentation at ProfsoUX'14, when users of this device approached me and talked about the difficulties of interaction.

About money, registration and promotional codes

Existing payment options (Fig. 1):

Fig. 1. Payment options for the Playfamily application

To pay through a carrier, you will need to enter a mobile phone number (Fig. 2). It is fast and convenient. In the future, the mobile number can be used as an identifier for the system.

An SMS is sent to the mobile phone with a request to confirm the payment (Fig. 3). After confirmation, the money will be written off from the personal account, and you can watch the movie.

Fig. 2. Buying a movie through a mobile carrier

Fig. 3. Payment confirmation via mobile carrier

The second way to pay for content is bank cards.

Here you will also need to enter numbers (Fig. 4):

A bank card can be tied to the system in order not to re-enter all details with the next payments (Fig. 5).

The user does not need to confirm the payment, the system itself will report on the success (or failure) of the payment (Fig. 6).

Fig. 4. Entering bank card data

Fig. 5. Binding a bank card

Fig. 6. Success screen

In addition, you can create a user account in the system and replenish it through a mobile service provider or using a bank card.

At the time of this writing, I have not met any applications that would accept payment through third-party payment systems. Probably, the fact is that TVs are not powerful enough and their RAM is limited - they also cannot run two applications at the same time and make something work in the background.

There are applications for registration in which you need to specify the email address, city and other data, but this requirement is due to the tradition rather than practical considerations.

When creating interfaces for Smart TV, it should be borne in mind that it is easier and easier to enter numbers - both when registering and paying, and when entering promotional codes.

Content providers and manufacturers of Smart TV

Providers provide both paid and free content. Of course, each of them seeks to keep his audience. And the viewer can have a TV of any brand.

There are enough manufacturers on the market. In fig. 7 shows not the entire list, a more accurate one can be found, for example, in Yandex.Market.

Fig. 7. Smart TV manufacturers

No matter how many manufacturers, Smart TV models are quite typical (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8. Typical Smart TV

About physical interaction and virtual keyboards

Smart TV is a medium with its own ways and principles of user interaction. First you have to use the remote. There are many, they are different, but two types can be distinguished (Fig. 9):

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/232345/

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