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WGDC Competition: First Findings and List of Top Questions


Wargaming Developer Contest continues to gain momentum. Registration of ideas and projects ends after 10 days, August 15. At the moment, nearly 500 people participate in the competition in 54 teams, which have announced 107 projects and 358 ideas. Being aware of the tendency of many to postpone registration for the last days or even hours, we expect that on August 14 and 15 these figures will increase if not by several times, then by tens of percent.

It is clear that we cannot disclose the list of projects and their details before October 15 - the finish line of the development phase. However, we will be happy to share information about intermediate statistical results, discuss the observed trends and give answers to the most popular questions that potential WGDC ​​participants have asked our support service.

Intermediate figures on ideas and projects

Approximately 50% of the submitted ideas were approved. The main criterion: compliance with the rules and topics of the competition. The quality of ideas and projects at this stage was not evaluated.

The distribution of ideas by category is as follows:


As for the projects, about 50% were approved. Distribution of projects by categories:


Main trends

Before the start, we assumed that the topic of numbers and statistics was already exhausted and it was impossible to come up with something new and interesting, but we were pleasantly surprised by the flight of imagination of some participants and non-standard approaches to processing statistics.

Another trend is a clear bias towards the ideas and projects supporting the “Clan Wars”. There is already no surprise here. First of all, clan APIs are actively developing, and before the start of the competition there were several releases of fresh methods. Secondly, the elite of World of Tanks plays in the clans, the stakes are extremely high, and therefore the players use every opportunity to gain any legitimate advantage over their opponents.

Main questions of the participants

Below is a selection of current questions on the competition and answers to them.

The main question that worries developers - "What will happen after August 15?"

After August 15, you will not be able to register as a participant in the competition and add a new project. However, editing already added projects will be available until the end of the development phase.

"Are ideas being accepted simply?"

Yes, just ideas are accepted, but the idea must be justified.

Excerpt from the rules of the contest:

“In the“ Registration ”section, register using Wargaming_id and fill in the questionnaire. Attach to the questionnaire a description of your idea in the form of a pdf-presentation (4-6 slides with mock-ups) or a video of 2–3 minutes in length, which should be briefly described: the essence of the Project, the target audience, the value of the Project for the target audience ”.

“Prizes for the best ideas will be awarded along with the main prizes or earlier?”

The overall award will take place at the fourth stage of the competition.

Clause 2.2 of the Rules of the WGDC ​​Open Public Competition:

“The competition is held in four stages:
• The first stage - “Registration and submission of ideas” - within one month from the start of the Competition - until August 15, 2014
• The second stage “Development” - within two months - from August 15, 2014 to October 15, 2014.
• The third stage “Determination of Winners” from October 15, 2014 to November 12, 2014
• Fourth stage - Awarding winners from November 12, 2014 to December 12, 2014 "

"Nomination" For contribution to the development of products and services for the community Wargaming "- what is taken into account in it?"

The nomination “For contribution to the development of products and services for the Wargaming community” takes into account any projects already created before the start of the competition. The competition jury will choose a project that, during its existence, according to the jury, has made the greatest contribution to the development of projects of the company Wargaming.

In this category there are no restrictions on specific products and services, as well as the types of end-user interface.

To submit a job to this nomination, you must provide a link to a web resource (or a link to the store of the platform for which the application was developed), on which you can download the installer (if necessary) and complete testing the functionality of the developed software.

In addition, projects published before the start of the competition can take part in the main nominations. This will be possible if the participants refine their projects as part of the competition.

We are very grateful to those participants who indicate in their presentations which part of the project will be finalized, since only the functionality developed during the competition will be evaluated.

“Nomination“ The Best Idea of ​​the Project ”- which ideas exactly are meant? Ideas about innovations in the game, or what? "

The nomination “The best idea of ​​the project” implies the choice of the best idea of ​​the projects of the main nominations, namely:

• The best modification of the game client.
• The best functional project.
• The best application for social. networks / mobile application.

"What happens if the game client updates and my mod submitted to the contest breaks down?"

We will evaluate the mods for the version of the client for which it was created. Updating the mod to the current version of the game client is welcome.

“What does“ approved / not approved ”mean in the status of my project? What happens if my project has not yet been approved?

We have already begun screenings for compliance with the subject of the competition and its rules. If your work has received the status “not approved”, it means that it does not correspond to the subject of the competition or contradicts the rules. If your work is being reviewed, this does not mean that everything is lost and you need to abandon the project - we just have not reached it yet, and you can safely continue to develop your project. The final status of the work will have to get after the end of the development phase. Up to this point all projects can be finalized, and presentations can be improved.

“I have an idea that covers several categories. For example, Wargaming TV is one idea that can be both a mobile application and a desktop one. Is it possible with one idea to participate in two nominations at the same time? ”

One project can be presented both in the nomination “Best Functional Project”, and “Best Modification of the Game Client” or “Best Mobile Application / Application for Social Networks”, if it satisfies the themes of these nominations.

“If someone else suggested the same idea as mine, or a similar one, the one who first suggested it would be evaluated? And if the ideas are just a bit similar, then what? And in general I would like to know more about this. ”

We must understand that the most interesting, fresh and innovative ideas will win and coincidence is unlikely.

The order of presentation of ideas also does not matter. If the authors of similar ideas will refine them to finished projects, we will evaluate the final execution of projects, and not the speed of submission. Evaluated projects will be in accordance with paragraph 6 of the "Rules of the competition."

“In clause 5.1 of the rules of conduct it is written: “ ... The contest work of the participants (hereinafter the Project) is any FREE software product ... ” . How will the project be considered if the main part of its functionality is free, and additional functions that extend the functionality are paid (a kind of “prema” in Wargaming projects)? ”

In this case, the project evaluation will take into account only the free part of the project functionality.

“The user agreement states that it is prohibited to examine and modify the game client files. How will this item affect this contest if, suppose, the application is going to use the game content (models, textures, etc.)? ”

Clause 4.4. User Agreement:

“The User undertakes not to investigate the code, not to decompile or disassemble the Project, not to modify the Project, except for modifying the Content with the permission of the copyright holder, and not to create derivative products based on the Project or its parts. User-modified Content is subject to all requirements of this Agreement with respect to the Materials, including but not limited to Section 6. "

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/232313/

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