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Conflict management or the first competence of the Dark Lord

Sorry for the silly name, it is solely to attract attention. Of course, the competence of conflict management lies beyond good, evil, and other value judgments. So, it will be able to help both those who will enslave the world, so it will be useful for those who will be engaged in its liberation from the enslavers ... Joke.

At once I will make a reservation that this publication is a kind of essay on a mental map in which I packed my own experience and acquired knowledge on the topic of conflict management. My view is not complete and limited, which means if there is any hole in the semantic fabric of the topic - let me know, I will finalize (for whom it is more convenient to use a mental map for understanding - it is at the end of the text):

This article discusses the conflicts of the class person-person, as the simplest type of conflict, unlike other, affecting the larger systems (group; super-group). The conflict itself is understood as a type of relationship between subjects endowed with a will, having their own interests and capable of taking a position because of this.

Conflict as a special case

The usual (regular) situation turns into a conflict, and then crystallizes into a conflict when one or several factors occur:

And if the goals and circumstances more or less clear, the other two points need to be clarified.

By the built position, I mean a rigid set of theses describing interests ( I think; I need; it should be so; I am interested in something; it is necessary ) to force the participants in the situation to accept them, which would entail a concession in the interests and change their own action, or give up and sway the situation before the conflict.

In turn, a conflict agent is a certain type of behavior that causes stimulation of the development of a conflict. The very concept and categories of conflictgens took from Kozlov :

Well, got into a conflict, what's next?

If you have traced the birth and development of the conflict or (even better!), They themselves managed it in a manageable way, realizing the full scope of the influencing factors - congratulations! You were among 3% of the audience, who succeeds in this. All the others are aware of their presence in the conflict, only by markers, which are accompanied by a riot of emotions (cry, swearing, scandal, etc.). The so-called “blind” entry into the conflict occurs either because of the deep denial of the essence of the conflict and the internal fear of the consequences, because of the inability to manage processes of this type. Therefore, before you think about how to get out of the conflict, you need to fully understand the causes and the influencing circumstances due to which you find yourself in a high intensity zone.

Reflection of the conflict is a simple operation, which, however, requires the ability to think and be sincere with yourself. In order to accomplish it, you need to go through a series of questions one after another, thoroughly and thoroughly interpreting each answer:

- How do I understand the situation as a whole?

- What are my active (or reactive) actions that led to the emergence and consolidation of the conflict?

- What is my position?

- Who is a party to the conflict?

- How do other conflict participants understand the situation?

- What is the conflict of positions?

- Corresponds to the reaction and behavior of the participants in this situation?

- What factors (possible causes) cause abnormal deviations in behavior to contain, conceal, or escalate the conflict?

- What is your potential influence (power) on the situation?

- Do you have a resource of influence (power) that can significantly change the balance of forces in a conflict?

- Do you have access to the resources necessary to participate in the conflict? How much?

Reflection of the conflict allows you to fully present the situation, the interests of the participants and plan a set of actions to manage its development.

How much does a house build? Here we stand - we will live!

After thinking about the conflict, when you are clearly aware of the current "card alignment", you can calculate the cost of the conflict, taking into account what you have in your hands. The cost of the conflict is calculated by the formula:

SC = (WOC + PDP) - (WK + UK + NDP)

SC - the cost of the conflict
Wok - the benefits of conflict, namely the amount of benefits acquired in the perspective of the conflict, in fact - the goal of the conflict;
PDP - positive long-term consequences that are acquired by the system of relations between the parties to the conflict;
ZK - the cost of the conflict, in the form of the resource cost of participation in the conflict;
PK - damage from the conflict caused by the parties to each other in all areas that affect the conflict;
NDP - negative long-term consequences that the system of relations between the parties to the conflict acquires.

Also, to choose a strategy for further action in the conflict, it does not hurt:

Actually, after calculating the cost of the conflict and taking into account additional factors, it is easy enough to decide about the future strategy of their actions. As if the cost is negative and additional factors are not at hand, it means there is no point in holding the conflict - it will be more expensive for yourself. And if positive, then “soft” scenarios can also be neglected in order to realize your interest and fix your position.

How to ripen the situation or “Leopold! Come out, you mean coward! ”

There are two subtle points in the art of conflict management - it can only be resolved when it is discovered and matured (except when you are an active conflict author). So, there are difficulties, both with the first and with the second process.

The fact is that most often (in 90% of cases) the conflict is hidden. Rather, I will say differently - in 90% of its existence, the conflict is in an unrevealed state - in the form of a conflict situation. Being outside of public space or being deliberately concealed, the conflict situation is growing accumulating mass. Lack of communication, unfulfilled promises, violation of conflicting hygiene, unfulfilled expectations are the best nutrient medium. In such a gradual corruption, the accumulation of small (sometimes large) inconsistencies, failures, errors, tensions, the evolution of the conflict occurs.

In this phase, the conflict is very tenacious; it does not require resources for its maintenance, including attention, and there are practically no obstacles to development. The conflict brings to clean water (in the active phase) either a change of circumstances or the will of one of the parties , which is expressed in stimulating the conflict by: using conflict parties or bringing the conflict situation to the public plane.

And then everything is clear. Being manifested, the conflict, as the fire begins to blaze and goes into a phase of intensive consumption of resources. The speed of processes increases, the number of events and decision-making acts increases by several times, which of course puts the parties to the task of fully engaging and elastically interacting. In cases where hard strategies are used, otherwise, a zero-sum game is all plus or minus. The difficulty begins when the parties want to find an alternative to war. In these cases, before leaving the conflict, it can be like the moon, and managing the maturity of the conflict takes the first place in the priority list.

Maturity can be described as the realization by all participants of the value of the conflict. Actually, managing conflict ripening is quite simple if you made a reflection. In fact, you have already made assumptions about how things will turn out and what the conflict will lead to. All that remains is to delicately (so as not to cause rejection) to immerse the rest of the participants in this knowledge through the proper use of communication channels.

Four legs of the conference table and table top to boot

According to the theory, after that, we should all together publicly recognize the reality of the conflict and institutionalize it, that is, create a territory (space, format) in which the work on the conflict will take place, and then proceed to resolve the conflict . But in practice, the situation may not always develop as smoothly as we would like.

For example, you are ready to look for the negotiation process, and the other side is not. In such cases, it may be necessary to delay the active phase of the conflict in order to accumulate maturity. Or, for example, when you have enough resources and circumstances playing on your side, you can purposefully work to exhaust the other side of the conflict in order to strengthen your own bargaining position. And so on.

In any case, the table has four legs: reflection, stimulation, institutionalization and legitimization, as well as maturity , as a tabletop. About three legs talked, a little question was also closed on the tabletop. There is a quadruple, the most difficult leg.

The conflict becomes manageable and legitimate when graphite rods are inserted into its gut to inhibit chaotic reactions. It’s not easy to do, especially if the other side suffers from emotional incontinence and poor control. In this case, the definition of norms of behavior (sit down and calm down!), The rules of interaction in the conflict (shut up and listen!), The format and regularity of communications (open mouth when I resolve!) - turns into another test.

At the same time, there should be a parallel process - understanding the trajectories of the further development of the conflict, which can be helped by the following formulation of questions:

- What are the general risks (negative consequences) for all participants? What changes (concessions) can conflict participants make? What is important and what is not for them ?

- What changes (concessions) can I go to end the conflict? What is important to me, and what is even? How can I donate?

- What can be scenarios out of the conflict?

There are five main strategies from which different hybrids are derived. It is possible to determine which one can be used without difficulty - since each of them has a specific goal, conditions and signaling markers of circumstances for the application. A good description found in the articles of Patlach ( part 1 ):


The strategy of confrontation / competition aims to demonstrate their own strength and superiority to the enemy, as well as the ability to resolve the conflict in their favor without his good will. This strategy does not deny the use of such tactics as bluffing or cunning. Circumstances for applying:


The strategy of adaptation / assignment is justified in the face of superior enemy forces and adverse circumstances. According to this strategy, it is necessary to adapt to the interests of the opponent, to make concessions up to his own surrender. Circumstances for applying:


The strategy of avoidance / avoidance implies the demonstration to the opponent that the conflict is unpleasant and destructive, therefore, it should be abandoned in principle. Circumstances for applying:


A compromise strategy is effective when both parties want the same thing, but they know that at the same time it is impossible for them. Understanding the structure of the conflict, the parties agree on partial satisfaction of their desire and partial fulfillment of the wishes of the other party, exchanging concessions and bargaining for the development of a compromise solution. Circumstances for applying:


The cooperation strategy is the most appropriate approach to solving the problem of determining and satisfying the interests of both parties, however, it requires the parties to time and the ability to explain their wishes, express their needs, listen to each other, and then work out alternative solutions to the problem. The absence of one of these elements makes this approach ineffective. Circumstances for applying:

In the same place, in the articles of Patlach ( part 2 , part 3 ) one can find descriptions of techniques that can be used during a conflict. It is useful to know about them, but using is already an amateur. I would like to note on the whole that the effectiveness of using strategies entirely depends on how much the parties to the conflict control themselves, are tolerant, wise, restrained and morally stable.

Forewarned is forearmed ... or vice versa.

Before you finish, I want to emphasize one more thing. If you take actions in situations of high cost, then taking a passive attitude towards possible conflicts is an unaffordable luxury. In other words, if the situation you are in is really important to you, then “think about peace, but prepare for war.”

Forecasting and conflict prevention are two preventive sets of actions that are useful for carrying out in relation to the systems of relations in which you regularly participate. The scope of action is almost the same as in the reflection of the conflict itself, only a slightly different accent:

Under the circumstances in this article, I mean active factors affecting the situation (its course). To identify them, I use the relevant questions. Consistent application of them to the studied situation will allow to gain a more complete understanding of it. I am sure that everyone remembers the grammar, but, just in case, the basic questions, the rest are created based on the specifics of the situation and the angle of the study:

Personal position, as PS:

History has shown that conflict management is one of the most useful competencies for active and strong-willed people. After all, active action always has a goal and in any case pursues interests. Purpose and interests naturally conflict, running into the limitations imposed by the external (and internal) world. Among these limitations are both own brain roaches and the goals / interests of other people, groups, institutions, societies, etc.

It is here, on the border frontier of the conflict of interests, circumstances and will, that an infinite number of conflicting tensions arise. It creates a thundercloud in which we are constantly - a reliable source of stress. With the length of life, the potential and intensity of conflict interactions change, occasionally a cloud rumbles and discharges a lightning crisis, occasionally morphs into cumulus clouds of calm and peace. But in potency, conflict is always there.

He is an eternal companion of the processes of development and growth. Any change is accompanied by conflicting pain that is useless to endure. This class of suffering is meaningless, and for this, first of all, the category of conflict must be removed from the influence of primitive dichotomies — value judgments of the class “good-bad”, and stop denying it. Ecology of conflict processes requires reflection and conscious management. Only then is the disintegration of losses replaced by the synergy of added benefit.

And ... Yes ... I call for conflict. This is how new knowledge is born, this is how a new skill appears, this is how reforms and changes, inventions, innovations occur. But more importantly, it is through the experience of conflict that the value / significance of harmony and peace appears - the supporting state of fullness, love and happiness.

Mental Map:

file reference (2.1 M)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/232269/

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