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Overview of Microsoft Azure platform updates for June-July

As part of this news digest, the Microsoft Azure cloud platform brings together major announcements and content for developers, IT professionals and all professionals interested in cloud technologies and the Azure platform. Previous editions of the digest can always be found on the following link .
In the digest added sections "News Open Source" and "We are exploring the platform."


Machine-learning-as-service preview

An irreversible increase in the amount of data and operations in our world leads to a complication of the modeling process of what will be (we hope) or maybe (already more likely) tomorrow. Will buy new yogurt? Will you give a rating of 9 to our speaker? Where will buyers spend time tomorrow? The number and complexity of models increase, the available resources are limited. A cloud flies to the rescue - now you can take your model, upload it to Microsoft Azure, train it and constantly get the result. You can try Machine Learning for free.

Preview Event Hubs

It’s not that the existing mechanisms are not suitable for the new concept of the Internet of Things, but it is better to make a new one and for it to work well than to face the limitations of existing services at some point. Azure Event Hubs is a service that is an aggregator of signals from sensors in any quantity. What does he do with them? All of them fall into one big tunnel, from where handlers pick them up. At the same time, the system does not have Dead Lettering - if the message has become poisonous, then we, unfortunately, have no luxury (time) to think about what to do with it. But there is nothing to worry about - the tunnel can be called rubber. :) If you use EH with Service Bus Queues / Topics, then EH makes it possible to implement Command / Control for IoT.
More about the new service - Event Hubs .
Reverse DNS support has been added for cloud services ( IaaS & PaaS )

Now for cloud services and infrastructures, you can use Reverse DNS, while there is backward compatibility - in order to use the new function, you do not need to create everything anew. Reverse DNS is a useful feature, for example, for Weak AuthN . The function is free, but is available only through the API and Powershell.

Mobile Services Updates

Mobile Services has traditionally received a couple of interesting updates, not revolutionary, but evolutionary and, above all, useful for the developer. This time appeared: CORS support with ASP . NET Web API CORS for defining CORS policies at the service, controller, and action levels; Azure Active Directory AuthN support using Server-Side; Extensible authentication model for clients - you can add your own mechanisms in addition to Azure Active Directory, Twitter, Facebook, Google and Microsoft Account.

Acquisition of InMage Systems

InMage System is a company that develops interesting solutions in the field of ensuring the continuous operation of cloud solutions. So, Forrester called InMage Systems Enabling Technology for Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service. Their technology is behind solutions from Sungard and HP. Solutions will be integrated into the Microsoft Azure Recovery Service.

Microsoft and Amazon - leaders in the Forrester report in the field of data storage in the cloud

Enhanced availability of Azure Redis Cache

Azure Redis Cache has been available for a relatively long time - since May 2014. With it, you can use Microsoft's secure dedicated Redis cache . With this update, Azure Redis Cache has become available in new regions and forms - now even more cache. Learn more about how to use - How to Use Azure Redis Cache .

Azure StorSimple 8000 Series is Coming

StorSimple is a repository that you install and mount as a network ball. Then it is more interesting - inside her SSD and SAS, as well as integration with Microsoft Azure storage. Real-time storage looks at what data is accessed most often — it transfers them to an SSD — and to which access is generally rare — StorSimple deduplicates them and sends them to the cloud. Conveniently, you have a lot of golden images of virtual machines, some of which are rarely used, but they take up space. View the demo at StorSimple Hybrid Cloud Storage . The car is good, though available only to those who have entered into an Enterprise Agreement with Microsoft. Technical details are needed - here you can read in Russian.

New regions (and data centers)

There are no many data centers. Here and in Iowa with Virginia, new regions and, accordingly, new data centers. We can assume that these data centers were built using the latest innovations, and, if you are a new client, I advise you to use them.

Microsoft Azure WebJobs SDK beta preview

Everyone loves Cron anyway. Those who do not know what it is, begin to love when they find out (very roughly - a task scheduler with a simple API for event-driven processing. For more information on how to use, you can read the development guru - Sychev Igor. Habrahabr.ru/post / 217635 and Scott Hanselman www.hanselman.com/blog/IntroducingWindowsAzureWebJobs.aspx . And what's new in beta is here .

Microsoft Azure Certification for SAP Products

The Microsoft Azure platform is certified for SAP products: SAP Business Suite, SAP Business All-In-One, SAP NetWeaver, and SAP HANA Developer Edition. Support is provided from two sides, from Microsoft and SAP, and the SAP Cloud Appliance Library can be used to quickly deploy SAP infrastructures.

Azure Web Sites Backup out of preview

Now it is easier (and more reliable) to reserve sites running on the platform. When there is a built-in tool that can also be customized - it can not be wonderful. Web Sites Backup supports schedule reservations, retention and complex scenarios (for example, when the site administrator blocked some files from access and the reservation failed).

Open Source News

Microsoft, Google, Docker, Packer.io, and Open Nebula Collaborations

Microsoft started working with Google and Docker on projects for Microsoft Azure:
* Kubernetes - a solution for managing and orchestrating (declaratively) Docker containers from Google Compute Engine
* libswarm is a management solution for (imperatively) Docker.
Both solutions are planned to be supported natively.

As for cooperation with Packer.io, two plug-ins for Microsoft Azure and Hyper-V with native support of Microsoft technologies become available. Packer can be used to create machine images and run them on a Windows Server, Azure support is coming. In this case, Packer does not replace Chef / Puppet - when creating images, Packer can be supplemented with them.
As a result of collaboration with OpenNebula, new plug-ins for hybrid clouds of Microsoft Azure appear. OpenNebula is a simple and powerful solution for managing data centers.

Announcement of the program Windows Developer Program for IoT

The program includes comprehensive information on how to use Intel Galileo for Windows, as well as the most pleasant one - that Intel Galileo will be sent to the registered users. And in the Open Source section, this news is for the reason that for development we give the toolkit mostly in Open Source.

We are learning

Azure Web Sites Cheat Sheet and many useful articles , as well as a course for quite beginners

Cheat sheet for websites. Includes:
* Functions
* How-To:
* Filter traffic by IP
* Disable Server Affinity
* Set dynamic IP limits
* Auto-Heal
* Set HTTP compression
* Deployment patterns
* Short manuals on languages ​​(PHP, etc.)
* Team Guide
* Powershell Guide

The thing is important and useful. As for those who only harness, and those who have long been using Microsoft Azure websites.

Linking to articles, you will find articles on how to scale websites, how to design them correctly, how to develop web services on Node.js and MongoDB, and how to connect websites with LOB applications.

Do not want to read long articles and guides? You can see the short course and immediately start using the sites.

Stress Testing

Load testing using Visual Studio and monitoring what is happening with Application Insights. Watch here .
And about Application Insights, and in general the topic of telemetry and tracking the life cycle of projects, you can see in the course of three modules consisting of hardcore techniques.

Practical use of machine learning

A Microsoft Research scientist demonstrates how to use the Microsoft Azure Machine Learning service.

We delve into the Virtual private network

Scott Hanselman in his Azure Friday ' s series talks with Ashwin Palecar about virtual networks in the cloud, about security and firewalls. Communicate here .

Have a question? Will answer and give :)

Dear Azure - interesting questions and equally interesting gifts.

How to use Azure Websites Extensions

Websites on Microsoft Azure have great functionality - extensions. One of them is Visual Studio Online Monaco. But you can and much more. In the PM article, Daria Grigoriu talks about what it is and what it should eat.
Another great extension is Web Deploy. You can use Web Deploy as an extension at least to ensure that if we have a lot of sites, each of them has its own instance of the service. More details .

Corporate WordPress - with Websites

Azure Websites scales well and is monitored. Here you can deploy and Wordpress, and deploy seriously - in a corporate way. The article will tell and show everyone.


In any infrastructure at some point you can set a serif - it becomes clear that we need automation tasks. Monitoring, execution of tasks, deployment and much more - all this is already getting out of place and the human factor naturally arises at the most unnecessary moment. In order to remove it as much as possible, Microsoft Azure did Automation, a service operating on runbooks or sets of procedures. To learn how to prepare runbooks, read the article on how to create an Automation account, how to create and use a runbook, set up logging and frequency.
In the video - the real experience of Microsoft IT. How self-service infrastructure was done and how the infrastructure deployment time was reduced from 20 to 5 minutes, while observing all policies and procedures.

VNet-to-VNet: how to connect two networks in different regions

When the infrastructure is distributed, the question arises - how to connect two virtual networks in different data centers so that traffic goes and does not swear? About this - in the blog .

DevOps in the cloud

About the concept that has just started to spread (which, nevertheless, is more years) DevOps in the cloud will be told in the video “Accelerate DevOps with the Cloud” from TechNet Radio, special attention will be paid to Visual Studio Online. Watch .

Courses: Developing Azure and Web Services Jump Start

In-depth study of the theme of developing web services on Microsoft Azure in the course format. Very comfortable and informative. Watch .

Courses: Moving to the hybrid cloud with Azure

They say the future is not just a public or private cloud, but a hybrid one. In the course for ITPro, they will tell everything about Azure System Center 2012 R2, as well as how to solve the problems IT faces when developing hybrid solutions ..

Courses: API Management

API Management is when you need to create and manage an API in a secure environment. On Microsoft Azure, this can be done easily and naturally, and about this in the video:
API Management in under 5 minutes
API Management 101
CORS & API Management
Rate Limits and Quotas

useful links

Below you will find links to resources that will help you in using the Microsoft cloud platform:

Free 30-day trial of Microsoft Azure;
Free access to Microsoft Azure resources for startups , partners , teachers, MSDN subscribers ;
Microsoft Azure Development Center (azurehub.ru) - scripts, tutorials, examples, recommendations on the choice of services and development on Microsoft Azure;
Latest Microsoft Azure News - Twitter.com/windowsazure_ru .

We will be happy to answer your questions at azurerus@microsoft.com . And we are waiting for you in the Microsoft Azure Community on Facebook . Here you will find experts (don't forget to ask them questions), photos, and lots and lots of news.

That's all! Thank you and see you soon.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/232239/

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