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Rootless Root in Russian. Revelation the second.

Teacher foo and script kiddie.

When Teacher Foo had breakfast with his students, a traveler from the country of Woot came to them.
“I hear y00 are very l33t,” he said. “Pl33z teach m3 all y00 know.”

The pupils, embarrassed by the barbaric language of the wanderer, looked at each other.
Teacher Foo just smiled and replied, “Do you want to walk the Unix Path?”
“I want to b3 a wizard hax0r,” replied the wanderer, “and 0wn ever3one's b0xen.”

“I do not teach this Path,” answered the teacher.
The stranger began to mock: "D00d, y00 r nothing but a p0ser," he said. "If y00 n00 anything, y00 wud t33ch m3."

"Good. For you, I have no Path, but a Path, ” said Teacher Foo, “ she will lead you to wisdom. ” Teacher scribbled an IP address on a piece of paper. “Hacking this car will be easy - its guards are arrogant and incompetent. Come back and tell about what you find there. ”

The stranger bowed and left. The teacher finished the meal.

Days passed, then months. About the wanderer forgotten.

Years later, the traveler from Woot returned.
“Damn you!” He said to Master, “I hacked that car, you told the truth — it was easy. But the FBI tied me up and hid me in jail. ”

“Good,” Teacher Foo said. “You're ready for the next challenge.” He scrawled a different IP address and handed a scrap of paper to the wanderer.

“You are crazy!” Cried the wanderer. “After all that I've been through, I will never hack computers again!”

Teacher Foo smiled. “You have come to the beginning of the Path of Wisdom.”

And enlightenment descended on the traveler as soon as he heard it.

Copyright 2003 Eric S. Raymond

Anticipating the questions “Why weren’t the first sentences of the script kiddies translated?” I answered:
Russian is not able to convey "hacker" slang as it is done in this revelation. In principle, to translate and interpret these phrases into the Russian way is the same as translating Baggins surname as Sumkin (a real example — I somehow caught this translation in the Lord of the Rings electronic book — and this was far from a goblin translation. ..)
Actually for the same reason, I do not translate the names of the country Woot, the names of the characters, and even do not translate them into Russian. Everything to preserve the atmosphere :)

Revelation the third

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23223/

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