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What hinders the development of electronic document circulation in Russia?

The market of electronic document management systems (EDMS) in the current year celebrates its 20th anniversary, and the market for legally significant EDI - 2 years.
The quality of work with documents in Russian companies continues to be significantly lower than this indicator abroad; work with data of more than 70% of employees is still not automated.
According to the FTS, in Russia about 15 billion invoices are issued annually, and according to some operators, in 2013 less than 10 million electronic documents were transferred. That is, penetration is less than 0.1%, while in the EU countries this figure is about 20%.


What hinders the development of electronic document management in Russia?
1. Established opinion on greater security of a paper document

The main difficulty on the way to paperless document circulation is the established opinion at the level of society and the state on the allegedly greater reliability of a paper document certified by a signature and stamp.
Russian companies are very concerned about the issue of unauthorized access to information stored in the SED.
Of course, working with electronic documents in the system makes new demands on the information security of a modern enterprise. This is not only ensuring the safety and reliable backup of the electronic archive, but also the delimitation of employee access to electronic documents, preventing attacks on the electronic infrastructure of the enterprise from the outside; anti-virus protection; maintaining total control over the integrity of the information system and all actions of users.

2. Closing documents retroactively

In the current practice of paper workflow for a part of Russian companies, the standard of living is the preparation of documents with a “back number” - for example, in the process of closing the previous period (month, quarter, year). That is, designed in such a way, such documents are issued by the counterparty and are taken into account in the already completed period.
With electronic documents, such a model of work is not yet realizable: an electronic document is taken into account on the date when it is submitted / received. Date "backdating" can not be put.
At the end of 2012, during the development of a roadmap for improving tax administration, as part of the work of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, a proposal was prepared to legislatively fix the taxpayer's right to deduct VAT on invoices received prior to the deadline for submission of the VAT declaration, i.e. of the month following the tax period. At the same time, it is provided that the taxpayer has the right to apply a VAT deduction either in the period of acceptance of the goods (work, services), or in the period of receipt of the invoice, subject to other necessary conditions.
While such a rule does not appear. And it could reduce the barrier to the transition to UZED for a significant part of enterprises.

3. The need to train staff in electronic work.

The human factor plays an important role, since it is more convenient for many employees to read the paper and make notes on it than to work in the program.
The need to create a team of implementation, the adaptation of business processes of enterprise document management to a new electronic document exchange, training and consulting employees often cause delays and postponements of implementation.

4. The unwillingness of the Federal Tax Service to completely abandon the papers

A relatively long time ago, the Federal Tax Service has said it is ready to accept electronic invoices.
Currently, there are only a few formats of electronic documents that the FTS is ready to accept from taxpayers for verification in electronic form. If an enterprise uses an electronic format different from the one recommended by the FTS or approved by the Ministry of Finance, then during verification it is necessary to create and deliver to the FTS a certified paper copy of the electronic document. We will explain this transition from “numbers” to paper: the FTS information system is unable to recognize and take into account all the variety of forms and types of documents that a business develops for its tasks.
There are frequent cases when the requirement for the provision of documents comes on paper, although the company already uses electronic invoices, and in accordance with the rules of exchange, the tax office knows about it. The accountant has to forget about the excellent opportunity to quickly, with a few movements of the hand, to send a pack of documents to the tax. Instead, he prints this stack of documents, certifies and, as usual, carries pens or sends by mail.

5. The unwillingness of other counterparties

The problem of attracting counterparties is also relevant, thanks to which the electronic form of interaction will become for the customer a basic, comparable or even greater than the amount of paper workflow, which will reduce costs and get benefits.

How will the developer help?

Operators are trying to push companies, offering a convenient tool for finding counterparties who are already ready to exchange documents electronically.
Work continues on improving the service and simplifying the interface. Today the process of sending a document is quite simple. Consider the option of sending documents on the example of EDC Bezbumag on the platform Kontur.Diyad.
Download a document prepared in a third-party program, or fill in directly in the system. If the document requires a response signature, then check the box - Request recipient's signature. It is recommended to set a checkbox - to link documents, if they relate to one business transaction.
After downloading the documents, select the recipient company. To do this, it is enough to start entering the TIN or the name of the counterparty in the appropriate field. A drop-down list will appear in which you should select the organization you want. To send, click the button - Sign and send. The signed document will instantly appear in the recipient's box. The sent document will be displayed on the page - Outgoing. As it is processed, it will assume the following statuses: waiting for signature, signed, denied signature.

Is the signature in the cloud more convenient?

Usually, you come to the certification center, and the employee checks your passport data and other documents, after which you get your electronic signature (usually on a special flash drive-token). In order to work with it, you need to install the CryptoPro program on each machine, and then you can sign your document. That is, you are rigidly tied to a computer, flash drive, and so on. For fans of Apple and just mobile users, this is not just a huge inconvenience - it is often the inability to work with such a service.
In the case of a cloud signature from Kontur.Diadok, it will not be given to you, but placed on a special secure server, and to use it, you will receive an SMS code on your mobile phone, which you will need to enter to impose a cloud signature on the desired document. . Reminds SMS messages from your favorite bank for online payments.
So, after going through all the necessary formalities, I had a cloudy EDS tied to a mobile one, and I received a notification about a new document from a counterparty that required signing.
Go to Dyadok login password.
Find the right document and click "Sign". A window for entering the SMS code appears, a new SMS is strumming on the phone. Enter the code and the document is signed.

A letter arrives in the mail, which contains information about the signed document, electronic signature and other service information. Everything works fine on Mac, iPad, iPhone.
Plus: There is no binding to the device, sign at least from an Internet cafe. Works on all operating systems and browsers.
Minus: You need to buy a new signature - do not "shove" into the cloud already existing. The procedure for obtaining the need to speed up - I think this will not be a problem.

The experience of those who are already on horseback.

Western companies that came to Russia brought with them the experience of working with online services and obliged their Russian counterparties to initially work only in electronic format. They no longer needed to explain the benefits of working with EDM.
In Russia, for the time being, only a large sector has proved to be in the forefront, having to change to maintain competitiveness. The largest retailers, pharmacy chains and banks as a locomotive are gradually pulling their partners into electronic legally significant document circulation. There are industry-specific solutions for developers and the possibility of branding EDO on behalf of a large customer.
There are progressive beginners. For example, the accounting company Finguru is trying to simplify the work of its clients and translate the entire workflow into an electronic form. The company receives from clients documents for the provision of accounting services in electronic form. All documents transmitted through the “ Bezbumag ” system are signed with an electronic signature and replace paper ones. Electronic interaction has reduced the time for submission of documents and canceled postal and transport costs for delivery.

Let's be optimistic

EDI market in Russia is gradually maturing. This is evidenced by the fact that the increase in traffic in the first half of the year is largely due to the increase in the number of companies switching to EDM. If in the first half of 2013 about 1.5 million electronic documents were transmitted via the Contour system, then over six months of 2014 more than 9 million were transmitted. Experts expect it to continue, which will be facilitated by the implementation of the roadmap for improving tax administration.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/232065/

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