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Control access to electronic documents. From DefView to Vivaldi

“When I was 19, I couldn’t go to college (I was from a poor family). We had no money, so I went to the library. I read books three days a week. At 27, instead of a university, I graduated from the library, ” - Ray Bradbury.

"Better than 10 percent, but at home, than 8 hours to shake the train to sit 4 hours in the VCS," - a review of Defview on the forum . The virtual reading room, in this case IT technology, allows the user to have access to an electronic catalog containing 250,000 theses. 10% is the volume of the thesis, which the system provides for previewing.

“Thank you so much for the opportunity to order books through the electronic catalog. This is really cool. ” , - a quote from the video recording of the report“ Strategic priorities for automation of the Russian National Library ”. Thanks to the innovation, the user can remotely order a book from the book depository, after that he will be informed of the book delivery time to the library, which allows him to save time.

image I read “One hundred years of loneliness” and “Ugly Swans” from the Moshkov library, “Corporation of Meganesia” and a bunch of If magazines from Librusek, Shchedrovitsky's works from Cuba. Although I am a supporter of paper books, I still believe that electronic libraries are an important part of the foundation of the information space.
The deputy director for informatization of the NLR states in his speech: “Libraries are very conservative.” Indeed, the Russian National Library took 200 years to implement automation.
In fact, this year the library is 200 years old, and they have been developing an electronic access system since 2007.

In 2008, the law “On Amendments to Article 18 of the Federal Law“ On Librarianship ”” was passed, and the DefView project, which provides for the secure viewing of documents, turned out to be very useful.

Under the cat a small description of the Vivaldi system and its predecessor - DefView, as well as the history of the development of electronic libraries from 1971 to our days.

image DefView system allows you to view a document page by page, prevents unauthorized copying of text, provides a set of page operations (viewing, printing, loading), provides functions for previewing, scaling, rotating and inverting document page colors, etc. However, in the process of its active use, it turned out that implementation of other functions for which the system was not designed is important for users. Due to the fact that the DefView system was built as a monolithic solution, any refinement caused technical difficulties. In addition, as the number of clients increased, the number of storage servers grew, and it became increasingly difficult to control and manage them.

Therefore, in 2010, the system was announced Vivaldi.ru .
Project managers from Moscow and “Siberian responsible” engineers from Kemerovo and Tomsk ( Software Development Center ) worked on the product.
Not for nothing was the original name chosen for the system - Vivaldi. The great Italian composer Antonio Lucio Vivaldi was a very talented conductor - he skillfully managed a large consolidated orchestra, which included several small ones. So the Vivaldi system skillfully manages any number of servers and client applications, an array of digital documents from different libraries, without requiring any intervention by administrators.

The structure of Vivaldi is modular and consists of individual complete elements. Thanks to this approach, Vivaldi has turned out to be flexible, it can be adapted to different customer needs. However, according to company policy, the full version of the system is always installed in all organizations, regardless of what functionality will be used in each specific case.

In the first few months, more copies of Vivaldi were sold than DefView in all the years of its existence.

about the project

Vivaldi.ru solves the following problems
· Providing access to documents from a client program or browser via the Internet or a local network.
· Full compliance with copyright in accordance with Sec. IV Civil Code. Protection of documents from uncontrolled copying.
· Differentiation of access rights to documents based on user groups and document collections.
· The mode of familiarization with reading only part of the document.
· Statistics on the number of views, print and download documents and individual pages.
· Creation of virtual reading rooms and delegation of administrative functions.
· Marking pages with watermarks.
· Ability to finalize the system.

Review of the Russian State Library about the project

There are a number of organizations that, for technical, financial or personnel reasons, cannot afford to purchase and maintain their own electronic library server. A new "cloud" service is available for them - renting a place on our company's server.

For content owners, full control over the use of documents has been retained, with which it is possible to set various levels of access to collections and individual texts, determine quotas for viewing, printing pages, and obtain detailed statistics for each reading room. Order variations have been developed: color printing, black and white printing, A4, A3 printing, electronic copying of individual pages of documents with a watermark, copying without a watermark, etc. Implemented the presence of financial transactions.

All organizations that use this system can be divided into three categories. The first is institutions that already have a software installation contract, it is configured and works effectively. The second is organizations that test Vivaldi services and functionality on their own servers. The management of these companies is at the stage of deciding whether or not to acquire the system, sometimes awaiting funding. The third category is libraries, publishing houses or universities that familiarize themselves with the system, not installing it on their equipment, but using the equipment of the Vivaldi project. It is difficult to say exactly how many servers are currently connected, because the system works automatically and there is no need to administer them - Vivaldi employees install and configure the server, and after that the server practically does not require attention.
Vivaldi for business

Universities actively create electronic libraries and electronic library systems. Many of them have accumulated an array of their own methodological, educational and scientific literature in various disciplines. With Vivaldi, you can efficiently organize access to all digital documents.

Providing students with digital copies of books, notes or lecture courses allows to solve the problem of their low circulation, and also makes it possible to track statistics on the use of individual books. At the same time, there is a guarantee that the materials placed in the library system are protected from viewing by unauthorized persons.
Vivaldi for universities

International conference dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the opening of the Russian National Library. Oleg Shorin's report “Strategic priorities for the automation of the Russian National Library”:

In this video, the speaker deals with issues of consolidation, personal data, personnel policy, decisions in the field of electronic document management. In the near future, it is planned to introduce pre-order books, geolocation, advisory and navigation services. Oleg Shorin touched on the “telift” system and RFID tags, which will increase the speed of book delivery by 8 times, and also spoke about the experience of using SemanticWeb technology and plans to create a single library card for all libraries.

“Finally, the Russian National Library has made a step towards its readers. Such innovations do not just delight, but give us hope that soon our libraries will be on a par with the leading libraries of the world. Many thanks to all those who participated in the implementation of this project ” , - review on the library website.

IT Transformation

Oleg Shorin talks about the work of the NLR (43 million storage units. The volume of electronic funds is 8 TB of information), the problems of digitizing books and the introduction of automation systems. Tells: about the advantage of information from the library over information from the Internet; how they process a large amount of information (more than 1000 works per day); about what is used from the BigData developments. The guest of the program told that soon all materials of regional encyclopedias, which were previously exclusively in printed form, will become available.

UNDER VIVALDI MANAGEMENT - an article on the website of the Russian Association of Electronic Libraries.


The history of electronic libraries

1971 - The first project to create an electronic library was the Project Gutenberg .
1990 - The Memory of America project was launched by the US Congress Library. The project provides free and free access to electronic materials on US history.
1994 - Moshkov Library .
2000 - Aldebaran .
2001 - Million Book Digital Library Project .
2002 - Google launches its own book digitization project. In December 2004, it was announced the beginning of the work of the library project “Google Print”, which in 2005 was renamed to Google Books .
2002 - Math.ru Library .
2003 - National Electronic Library .
2007 - Librusek .
2007 - DefView document protection system .
2008 - Federal Law of the Russian Federation of October 27, 2008 N 183-F3 “On Amendments to Article 18 of the Federal Law“ On Librarianship ”” .
2008 - The Europeana European Digital Library began operating.
2009 - the opening of the World Digital Library.
2009 - The Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library was opened in St. Petersburg, whose task is to provide electronic materials on the history of Russia.
2009 - Flibust .
2010 - the network of electronic libraries "Vivaldi" .

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/232033/

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