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RailsClub Moscow 2014


On September 27, the RailsClub Moscow 2014 will be held - the main ruby ​​event of the year, a conference for experienced developers on Ruby and Rails. This year, the reports are more hardcore, headliners are more titular, the food is tastier, and the traditional Digital October room is even cozier.

So, the program:

Aaron Patterson , a member of the Ruby and Rails core team, TOP 1 contributor today, RubyHero 2010. The man who determines the development of the language, and an excellent speaker. Skip the arrival of Aaron in Russia is simply impossible!
We called Aaron last year, and in this we tried to make an offer that cannot be refused. No wonder we painted Aaron, how good he would be in Moscow ( see you too ).
The topic of the speech is now being clarified. You can write your comments in the comments.

Bozidar Batsov , CTO Tradeo, author of Rubocop and editor for Ruby and Rails style guides.
The Elements of Style in Ruby
It will be about what a style is, how a good style differs from a bad one, on which resources one can follow the development of a theme. How to adhere to a single style in the code. How style and language are related and how styles evolve in the Ruby Style Guide community.

Jonas Niklas , author of the Capybara testing framework and the popular Pundit, Turnip and CarrierWave libraries. Ruby Hero 2011
Concurrent systems in ruby
Jonas will tell you how Ruby is changing for the better in aspects of working with concurrençu - a sore spot for many busy projects. He will demonstrate several different options, including the classic mutex / condition variable combo, Node-style evented IO, Clojure-style compare-and-set, and Erlang-style actors. Show how they can be used in Ruby and how Ruby provides a wider choice compared to other platforms.

Eric Michaels-Aubert , an open-source member of the RailsAdmin, Thor and Twitter gem projects. Ruby Hero 2014 and developer at SoundCloud, Berlin.
Writing Fast Ruby
Performance is damn important. Although Ruby is not the fastest language, we can do a lot to optimize the performance of our code. Erik will give out recipes for various techniques for speeding up the code and working more efficiently with memory.

Sandy Metz , author of "Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby", winner of the Ruby Hero Award 2013
All the little things
Between the theory of PLO and practice lies a big gulf. Many applications contain huge classes of long methods and awkward conditions. They are difficult to understand, inconvenient to reuse and very expensive to change. In this talk, Sandy will take an ugly piece of code that contains a lot of conditions and rewrite it so that you get only a few simple objects. And listeners will get acquainted with a clear strategy that everyone can use to improve their code.

Ravil Bairamgalin , Evil Martians, lead developer for Oh My Stats, is a contributor to more than 40 open source projects.
Big Data and Ruby
Big Data is not only fashionable words for a startup bullshit bingo, but also a real headache for many engineers in the Internet business. To scale up computing on several machines, there are many Big Data frameworks. To better understand their features and make the right choice, Ravil will tell: why data locality is needed, why these frameworks are built on dataflow, what is the lambda architecture, how to simplify it. And how Oh Oh Stats experimented with reactive abstraction for computation. Among the specific frameworks will be mentioned the already classic Hadoop and Storm (and how to use them from Ruby), as well as the advantages of the fashionable Summingbird, Spark and a couple of other alternatives.

Alexander Balashov , CTO Teatro.io , team leader in Evrone
Integration of all aspects of development into a single process
Web application development involves many aspects. This includes managing tasks, making changes to the code, improving the quality of the code, testing, and so on. Each of them needs to pay attention, but not always enough time and discipline to do it. In order for this to become commonplace and every new feature passed control in all aspects, you need to create an integrated development process that will allow you to do this. How to create a process in which each step is important and necessary, Sasha will tell you with a concrete example.

By the way, we decided to diversify the format and in addition to the traditional half-hour reports we offer to speak in a series of lightning talks - with a five-minute technical report in which you can share a methodological find, useful tool or present your open-source project. We already have several excellent LTs: from Kirill Shatrov from Evil Martians about Sorcery and patterns in Ruby, and from another Martian Peter Zotov about the future in the web - the OCaml language and the Eliom framework.

Another format that we want to try out is a panel discussion. Alexander Danilenko , the developer at TopTal invites to the discussion on the eternal topic:
Where is the business logic stored in the RoR application? Not for the first year the community has been musculating the question, and each time there are more and more “answers”. Concerns, DCI, Service Objects, Form Objects, and other inventions - what to choose? Or just follow “Rails MVC” and store business code in models? Or maybe in the controllers?
There are among readers Habra those who are willing to participate?

We still accept applications to the conference program. There is something to tell - send abstracts.

What besides reports:

- A lot of professional communication.
- Delicious food and great coffee.
- Funny moves from sponsors and organizers in the breaks.
- Incendiary afterparty, where you will have the opportunity to informally communicate with participants and speakers.

Join now!
Ticket price until August 10 - 7500 rubles.
You can register here .

We want RailsClub to develop and get better. Write - what did you like and dislike about last year? What would you like from the new conference? What are your expectations?
I invite you to discuss in the comments.


Video recordings of RailsClub 2013 reports .

Organizers - Evrone and Undev
Event venue - Digital Octoder

Project partners:

General Sponsor - TopTal
Gold Sponsors - Bookmate and FunBox
Silver Sponsors: AT-Consulting and Lookatme
HR partner - DigitalHR

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231909/

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