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As I wrote my first technical task

Becoming an IT project manager is quite difficult. And, I think, it was not just me who had a problem with writing the first technical task. But, let's order. What knowledge and skills did I have before starting work?

At the moment I am a student who has already completed the 3rd year of St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI". I study at the Department of Automation and Control Processes (APS) on the profile of information systems and technologies in business. In fact, a project manager rivets me, stuffing knowledge of databases, non-sales systems, programming (mainly JAVA and C ++ in the first courses), project management and control processes into my head.

In the process of training in two disciplines, we were already given to collect requirements on the system and write TK on these requirements. But I think you can imagine how they were going and how they were checked. Considering that we (the students) invented all the limitations themselves, the functionality of the system was very simple. Plus, we didn’t worry too much about the financial benefits of the future product.

However, from these courses, my skills in working with UML were obtained and the image of the structure of the technical task as a whole was kept in my head. Where to start, what to do and what to come to. That helped me get started.
What is the company that took such a flawser and what tasks did it set for me?

At the 3rd year (and even earlier), I began to understand that at the university I would not be given enough skills to work, so that when I graduated from it, I would be useful to a company that shelters me. And therefore, I had two ways to gain enough experience to fit the title of the head of IT projects.

So what ways are we talking about?

1. Start your startup.
2. I’ll get a job with the company now, working free of charge for the experience, until I start to bring at least a small amount of benefit (slave internship).

The first option, despite the fact that there are many ideas for a startup in my head, flew off immediately, as the approximate price tag of how much it would cost me appeared. As a student, you are very limited in budget and quite dangerous without having experience and even an idea how it really works, to invest in such a thing. Profitable, in any case, it is unlikely to become.

The second option turned out to be ideal for my university and the department as a whole.

The fact is that my department cooperates with the company "ALEE SOFTWARE" . Representatives of this company not only teach at our university, offering students practical skills and experience, but also gladly train the "best" in their company. I turned to this company.

Of course, I was given to start the simplest of tasks in the company. Purpose: rewrite the web-client of the system under the new framework with the addition of new functionality.

How did my work start?

Stage 1. To begin with, I was told about the system. What it is, what problems it solves and how it works. It was something like a 4-hour lecture on the basics of the ERM system and product history. Then I was given a manual on the system, in which I understood in more detail in its current functionality. By the way, the system has two clients: web and desktop. And the functionality of the second was wider than the current functionality of the first. Documentation was available only on the desktop version, and also as a reference for working with the system for clients. System specifications have been lost.

Stage 2. After, having familiarized myself with the manual and having re-read all the notes after the lectures on the system, I began to structure the knowledge gained. The purpose of this step for me was to write a certain document in which the answers to the questions “what?” (For the system), “why?” (It was created), “how?” (It works) would be written. At this stage, I received something like a document presenting the current product. It described the goals of the client, how clients see this system and why the client must buy our system (its features). I think this is due to the fact that by my nature I am a salesman and for me the main question is “why buy it?”. The document was similar to the “requirements specification”, but differed from the university coursework in which we wrote the specification. It was written in simpler language and had no clear sections. Laconic and most important. It seemed to me that it was enough to go to the next step.

Stage 3. UML-diagrams, all as “in textbook”. In the options diagram, I displayed the users and what they would like to see in the system.
After, as I think, my mistakes went. I immediately switched from the description of the functional, skipping the description of the data and how these functions work, to the description of the interfaces. Because of this, logical errors appeared during the interface description. Not understanding how the data is stored, I “imagined” the interface for the web client, in which the client would receive the most deceptive functionality of everything he saw.

Stage 4. Finalization. The last three stages lasted about 1.5 months, when the fourth stage lasted more than 2. I got everyone in the office.
At first I rewrote the functionality and drew the interfaces. Since this was my first project, I didn’t have even the slightest idea that it’s important to describe all the errors, all the icons. It is necessary that the customer knows what each button in the program can do before writing it. I had to learn Gui-machine , a program created in my company, in which you can create dynamic interfaces. The program is useful, but I got used to it for a long time. After I corrected the logical errors, it was necessary to correct the language and structure of the TK. The university turned a blind eye to it, since the projects did not exceed 50 pages. But then a serious task and I overestimated myself. The speech was too simple, the logic in the headers was lost. I constantly jumped from the function of one actor to the functions of another. In the interface screens, people were lost, ceasing to understand what was going on.

A little embarrassing to write it. I worked quite a lot on the TZ and put a lot of time and effort into it, but it still turned out to be raw. My job was accepted, but I was transferred to the marketing department.

What have I learned for myself?

1. I understood how to write TZ so that it was readable.
2. I saw what you need to focus on.
3. The most important thing in TK is the structure. It needs to be everywhere.

And most importantly, I realized that TK is not written for myself. TK is written for others.

I will be glad to hear your Fails and failures in work, when you just started and how you coped with them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231879/

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