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Highly loaded sites and applications in PHP / Symfony

Each developer who works on a particular technology constantly reads something new about it and deepens its knowledge. And we are no exception. PHP is quite an old and popular language with many different frameworks. One of the most popular and serious is Symfony and so historically it turned out that we write on it. There is not so much information on this freeformat in Runet, as we would like, we often read different articles, reviews and interviews in English in order to keep abreast of the latest events. This article is an overview of large sites that are made in PHP / Symfony with information unique to Runet, as well as a description of some of the technologies that are used in conjunction with them. And yes, we know that PHP is “no longer a cake” and that it is no longer fashionable to use it, but this technology has a large market share, many developments and excellent documentation, so we use it along with Python, Ruby, Java and others.

Table of known projects (based on data http://builtwith.com/ ), clickable:


YouPorn (porn site)

Used technologies:
Since 2011, the site uses PHP + Symfony, instead of Perl, as well as Redis instead of MySQL and ActiveMQ. Thus, Redis is taken for the main database management system, it is also responsible for caching objects. MySQL is used as an administrative tool for managing and adding data to a Redis cluster. HAProxy is responsible for load balancing.

(source http://highscalability.com/blog/2012/4/2/youporn-targeting-200-million-views-a-day-and-beyond.html )

A little bit about statistics:

It is clear that the site of such content has a high attendance, so I will give only a few numbers for the overall picture. Statistics for 2012 amounted to 4,851,384,493 visits worldwide. On average, 950 TB per day is transmitted. The number of views per day is 200 million. Redis server processes 300 thousand requests per second.

(source http://blog.youporn.com/youporn-2012-big-numbers-hard-facts/ , http://www.extremetech.com/computing/123929-just-how-big-are-porn-sites / 2 )

Yahoo! Bookmarks (online service)

Used technologies:

I think you should not talk about the company Yahoo! .. Everyone is well known, even if she passed a little in their positions. It is worth noting that one time project Yahoo! Bookmarks were written in Perl, and PHP and the symfony framework were later used. At the same time, according to Michael Salisbury, the choice fell on Symfony due to excellent documentation, extensive customization options and the use of the best of its kind components that do not need to be developed from scratch.

(source http://www.symfony-project.org/blog//2006/10/28/yahoo-bookmarks-uses-symfony )

A little bit about statistics:

Yahoo! Bookmarks are visited monthly by more than 500 thousand users. The number of unique visits for April 2014 is just over 200 thousand. This number has significantly decreased in relation to the figures for the last year - more than 500 thousand unique visits in June 2013.

(source http://www.siteclass.com/www/bookmarks.yahoo.com )

Delicious.com. (online service)

Used technologies:

PHP as a programming language and as a framework was chosen symfony. Hosting - Amazon. MySQL is taken as the main database management system, memcached is the object caching, and Redis acts as an additional data storage.

A little bit about statistics:

Every month, delicious.com is visited by about 1.5 million people, of which unique visits are more than 250 thousand. Statistics at the moment falls strongly. At that time, as the project was owned by Yahoo! The site has registered over 5.3 million users and 180 million unique bookmarks.

(source http://www.siteclass.com/www/delicious.com , http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delicious_(website) )

TED (conference site)

Used technologies:

Ted.com was born in 2006. The project used PHP as a programming language and symfony as a framework. In an interview with CEO Gavin Hall and software architect Michael Twentimen, the first version of the site, built on the above technology, is discussed. PHP was chosen as one of the most popular languages ​​at the time, which many developers knew. It is also mentioned that the experience of scaling such giants as Yahoo! and Facebook, using PHP, also influenced the choice of programming language.

(source http://hello.ted.com/2013/10/04/under-the-hood/ )

A little bit about statistics:

As of January 2014, more than 1,500 records of speeches at the conference were published on the website. 5-7 new speeches are published every week. On November 13, 2012, TED reached the billion mark. Every month, ted.com is visited by 2 million 200 thousand people, of which unique visits are more than 1 million.

(source https://www.quantcast.com/pitchfork.com )

Dailymotion (video hosting)

Used technologies:

The project was launched in 2005 based on Linux home servers. At first they were skeptical of him, and after the mark of unique visits exceeded 37 million per month, the creators began to think about expansion. In 2009, Dailymotion switched to symfony. So, the project also uses a bunch of PHP and symfony. MySQL is taken as the main database management system, memcached is the object caching.

(source https://www.ndm.net/isilon/pdf/dailymotion.pdf , http://whoisusing.it/website/dailymotion )

A little bit about statistics:

Dailymotion for 2013 had more than 112 million unique visits and 2.5 billion views worldwide. This includes 50 Gbps of information per day, 25 million page views per day, 2 million users per day, and the addition of 1TB video per day (ComScore source, January 2013). For 2012, the site was 32m in attendance in the world.

(source https://www.ndm.net/isilon/pdf/dailymotion.pdf , http://advertising.dailymotion.com/stats/ )

BlaBlaCar (social network (platform))

Used technologies:

PHP as a programming language and as a framework was chosen symfony. MySQL is taken as the main database management system, memcached is the object caching, and Redis is the object caching. All this also works in conjunction with RabbitMQ. Elasticsearch is used as a search platform.

(source http://moquet.net/talks/symfony-live-2013/ )

A little bit about statistics:

The project was launched in 2004. Over ten years, the number of users has gradually increased, and for 2014 it is 6 million registered drivers and passengers. There were totally about 30 million trips during the project. In January 2014, BlaBlaCar appeared in Russia and Ukraine. To date, the site statistics are as follows: more than 27 thousand unique daily visits and more than 160 thousand page views.

(source http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/BlaBlaCar , http://www.rankstats.org/worth/blablacar.com )

W3Counter (statistics service)

Used technologies:

PHP as a programming language and as a framework was chosen symfony. MySQL is taken as the main database management system, Redis performs object caching.

(source http://www.dangrossman.info/2014/02/08/10-years-of-w3counter/ )

A little bit about statistics:

The service provides detailed statistics to more than 76,000 sites. The project is visited by more than 3 thousand users per day, and more than 8 thousand page views. Unique visits monthly - about 40 thousand.

(source http://bluehorn.co.nz/2008/12/06/popular-websites-built-using-symfony-framework/ , https://www.quantcast.com/w3counter.com?country=GLOBAL )

Photobucket (image hosting service)

Used technologies:

PHP as a programming language and as a framework was chosen symfony. MySQL is taken as the main database management system; Hadoop is used to implement search and contextual mechanisms and analyze data. Squid implements the function of a caching proxy server.

(source http://www.linkedin.com/in/jgoss1074 )

A little bit about statistics:

The project contains more than 10 billion images, of which about 4 million pictures and video files from the Web and connected digital devices are downloaded daily. All this downloads more than 100 million registered users. The project is popular, it is referred to by more than 300 thousand different sites.

During the month of June, the project has about 62 million visits and about 180 million page views, of which more than 1.8 million visits per day and more than 5 million page views per day.

(source http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photobucket , http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photobucket , https://www.quantcast.com/photobucket.com )

Postcrossing (project site)

Used technologies:

The project is written in PHP using the symfony framework. MySQL, which works in conjunction with Redis, is taken as the main database management system. The project also uses Amazon infrastructure, in particular S3.

(source http://sankarsuresh.wordpress.com/2005/11/24/postcrossing/ , http://codemonkey.ravelry.com/2010/03/24/ravelry-runs-on-2010/ )

A little bit about statistics:

At the moment, the project has more than 480,000 users from 212 countries. With the help of the project, more than 24.5 million cards were received, of which 15.5 million were published on the website. As of June 2014, the number of unique visits is 18 thousand.

(source http://www.postcrossing.com/stats/postcards , http://www.postcrossing.com/stats/users )

Eventfinder (social network)

Used technologies:

In 2006, the project switched to a bunch of PHP as a programming language and symfony as a framework. Hosting - ICONZ. MySQL is taken as the main database management system.

(source http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/SC0606/S00050.htm )

A little bit about statistics:

The staff employs 18 people. The project has about 800 thousand unique visits per month, of which more than 25 thousand per day. Also, more than 75 thousand pages are viewed daily.

(source http://eventfinder.co.nz.w3snoop.com/ )

Thus, although some PHP experts have criticized heavily lately, there are still a lot of serious projects on it. In this case, the article provides an overview of projects on a specific framework, and there are a lot of them in PHP and they are very different, there are a lot of projects in this language. The main thing for implementing a high-quality technical basis of the project is good programmers, and you can do it in different languages ​​and frameworks, which, by the way, are best suited for specific tasks and often you need to make a mixture of technologies for maximum effect. Symfony is great for medium and large projects, although it has several disadvantages.

In general, there are many projects on symfony. And many of them are used for development. For example, for e-commerce projects there is Sylius (I’ll say right away that we don’t have a relationship with the project, so we don’t take it as an advertisement. This is just an example). A very interesting decision. We can say that this is one of the few free and well-developed symfony-based bundles. You may not be able to figure it out right away, and you have to spend time and effort, but all this is more than paid off by the many unique features offered by its individual components and the system as a whole. Having understood the functionality and ideas of certain bundles included in Sylius, you may want to apply them in other projects other than e-commerce.

Stay with us, we will continue to write about PHP and other technologies. In the comments you can suggest topics, the most interesting, we will analyze.

Courses PHP / Symfony . Our school recently launches a five-month training course “I want to become Junior PHP Developer!” And “Symfony 2. Agile development . To enroll write to info@digitov.com

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The authors:
Andrey Astafyev, Middle Project Manager, SECL GROUP / Internet Sales Technologies
Nikita Semenov, President, SECL GROUP / Internet Sales Technologies

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231745/

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