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Push mailings on PHP (Android and IOS). Minimum ready solution


About push notification notifications have already been written many times on Habré, for example, here and here , but there is still no direct guide to action. So, if you're interested, I ask under the cat.

Device Token Registration

First of all, the application developer creates magic in which the registration address is specified, it can be like this: htpp: //test.ru/secret/android? Token = value and htpp: //test.ru/secret/ios? Token = value .
The most remarkable thing is that there is simply no protection against left registrations, although it may be the magic that failed or was not of very high quality, if there is still protection, write in the comments, I will definitely supplement the article with useful advice.

At the input we get the value of the token that comes when installing the application, there may be some delays, but literally 10-20 seconds. Tokens are unique, but you can also make a check for uniqueness when writing to the database.
An example of a token for android:




In this step, with the registration of devices, we are finished.

Newsletter Notifications

Apple uses the APNS service, and Google GCM (C2DM is considered obsolete, keep this in mind) and after reading the documentation you can go to your favorite business, namely, cycling, but the budget was limited and I began to search for ready-made solutions. The most useful thing that met is ApnsPHP and GCMMessage , they work on both 5.3+ and 5.4+.

When using libraries, the most important thing is to get the right certificates and the secret phrase in the case of APNS and the secret token to work with GCM.

An example of a ready-made code for sending notifications for GCM, tokens are advised to send in a pack, even with large quantities, work pretty quickly, the service returns invalid tokens (users deleted the application), they should be deleted immediately.

function fnSendAndroid($tokens, $text, $config) { $sender = new CodeMonkeysRu\GCM\Sender($config['androidTokenAuth']); $message = new CodeMonkeysRu\GCM\Message($tokens, array("message" => $text)); try { $response = $sender->send($message); if ($response->getFailureCount() > 0) { $invalidRegistrationIds = $response->getInvalidRegistrationIds(); foreach($invalidRegistrationIds as $invalidRegistrationId) { //Remove $invalidRegistrationId from DB //    APS91bFY-2CYrriS-Dt6y9_dGHhkPVwy7njqFpfgpzGYlDT4l0SQeqKr-lc1OM0a2DQ33S3EKwy2YJn-upKxOT6rNwgk350xUM3g8VX65rkGocOQX80Ta34pwXo6fyn-usoaGUAm4lzsqbCL-gkzHZZXRX39kUQfnA fnDeleteToken($invalidRegistrationId); } } if ($response->getSuccessCount()) { echo '   ' . $response->getSuccessCount() . ' '; } } catch (CodeMonkeysRu\GCM\Exception $e) { switch ($e->getCode()) { case CodeMonkeysRu\GCM\Exception::ILLEGAL_API_KEY: case CodeMonkeysRu\GCM\Exception::AUTHENTICATION_ERROR: case CodeMonkeysRu\GCM\Exception::MALFORMED_REQUEST: case CodeMonkeysRu\GCM\Exception::UNKNOWN_ERROR: case CodeMonkeysRu\GCM\Exception::MALFORMED_RESPONSE: fnLog('    ' . $e->getCode() . ' ' . $e->getMessage()); break; } } } 

Everywhere they write that APNS is very easy to use, in principle, this is true, if you consider that there are certificates for the test and production, you should pay attention, you need a certificate, a secret phrase and root certificate, it all happens in the personal account of the developer.

Users have the ability to delete particularly annoying applications, so before sending it is worth removing dead tokens.

 function feedback($config) { $feedback = new ApnsPHP_Feedback( ApnsPHP_Abstract::ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION, $config['apn']['sert'] ); $feedback->setProviderCertificatePassphrase($config['apn']['passphrase']); $feedback->setRootCertificationAuthority($config['apn']['RootCertificat']); $feedback->connect(); $aDeviceTokens = $feedback->receive(); if (!empty($aDeviceTokens)) { foreach ($aDeviceTokens as $DeviceToken) { /** *  * [timestamp] => 1406040206 * [tokenLength] => 32 * [deviceToken] => 738d005a11bca268e2f1bffbfed88a456e261020b9277883cde14d9c8f47cde0 */ //'DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM tokens WHERE token=:token'; fnLog('Feedback -   ' . $DeviceToken[deviceToken]); } } $feedback->disconnect(); } 

Then the sending itself:

 function fnSendIos($tokens, $text, $config) { $push = new ApnsPHP_Push( ApnsPHP_Abstract::ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION, $config['apn']['sert']); // Set the Provider Certificate passphrase $push->setProviderCertificatePassphrase($config['apn']['passphrase']); $push->setRootCertificationAuthority($config['apn']['RootCertificat']); $message = new ApnsPHP_Message(); $listTokens = array(); foreach ($tokens as $token) { $message->addRecipient($token); $listTokens[] = $token; } $push->connect(); $message->setText($text); $push->add($message); $push->send(); $push->disconnect(); $aErrorQueue = $push->getErrors(); if (!empty($aErrorQueue)) { fnLog('  ios - ' . print_r($aErrorQueue, true)); if (is_array($aErrorQueue)) { foreach($aErrorQueue as $error) { if (isset($error['ERRORS']) && is_array($error['ERRORS'])) { foreach ($error['ERRORS'] as $m) { if (isset($m['statusMessage']) && $m['statusMessage'] == 'Invalid token') { $arrayID = $m['identifier'] - 1; if (isset($listTokens[$arrayID])) { //DELETE LOW_PRIORITY FROM tokens WHERE token=:token' fnLog('   ' . $listTokens[$arrayID]); } } } } } } } } 

If you are not confused with certificates, then the distribution will be successful.

Here is a condo turned out.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231727/

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