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Editing articles on the wiki quickly

This topic is inspired by several events at once - this is an attempt to use the wiki-engine as an internal knowledge base of our company, and the fact of creating its first, and I hope, not the last article in the Russian-language wiki, and such interesting information as the fact that now more and more companies start using wiki engines to organize collaboration within the company ...

Here are just a few of the standalone wiki projects used in completely different areas:

1. Knowledge Base of the Far Eastern Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences: wiki.dvo.ru
2. An attempt to apply a wiki to create a city site of Surgut: wiki.surguta.ru
3. Knowledge base on satellite communications of a company trading in relevant equipment: wiki.satgate.net

So, a wiki-markup plays an important role in the good work of filling the base.
Someone she likes - simple elegant and at the same time very clear "tongue", a sort of markup language. What a striking thing is that he is different from the “heavyweights” of the markup, the same LaTex! What are the "*" as a marker for creating bulleted lists! For example:

* Potato
* Cabbage
* Carrot

Someone, on the contrary, does not want to “litter the brain” with a new language that is not used anywhere else: “Why, well, why couldn’t html be used?” (C).
Indeed - why? Maybe because html still doesn't know everything either (no, don't throw tomatoes at me, remember at least that colleague in the next room who writes the driver). Maybe because the wiki markup is easily scalable and allows you to create plugins to support new keywords (for example, a plugin to insert highlighted code in various languages).
Among the many answers to this question, I liked this: "... then the wiki markup (logical rather than visual in nature) somehow guarantees that when working together on a document, one author will not go into the forest, and the other - for firewood and other "special effects" "(c). And I have no final answer, what did you think? :)

But there is one small extension for FireFox ;-) Remember this header of quick text formatting buttons in MS Word in two rows? Here is the plug-in, in fact, on the “Edit” page of Wikipedia, and it pops up! You want - bold text, you want - a numbered list, you want - indent, you want - a translation from hypertext to wiki markup, you want - the root of three.


1. We do everything in FireFox and do not forget that it will work for wiki-sites on the MediaWiki engine (this is the most common engine)
2. Install the Greasemonkey plugin addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/748
2. Install wikEd by clicking en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&title=User : Cacycle / wikEd.user.js

Enjoy :)

Actually, I would like to hope that this plugin will make it easier for someone to “enter” into the wiki, and in simple cases, m. and help do without studying the markup. For me, it turned out to be an interesting and useful find.

Ps. Installing the plugin in English: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User : Cacycle / wikEd_installation # Gadget

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23165/

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