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Kovyratsionny analysis, balalaika, goddess - and how do you talk with colleagues?

image Your own slang is formed in any team sooner or later. IT, however, probably consists of 90% of the words that are more or less understandable to any other developer company, especially in context. And by 10% - from the features of the functionality of the developed product or a specific developer.
Under the cut - professional dictionary developers Parallels. And what are the popular expressions in your team?

-1 is 0, and 0 is infinity - a philosophical comment in the code explaining the interpretation of possible values ​​of a variable. It is used when the cause of a problem in a product is not at all clear, but it is necessary to solve it.

Anbazarabl - no problem. It originated from the combination of two expressions - “without a bazaar” and the English prefix un. Usually used in case you can do something pretty quickly, and without straining.
image Balalaika is the internal name for Parallels Desktop for Mac, which appeared to be abbreviated in oral speech. Now you will understand why, in particular, in the 7th version of Parallels Desktop, the Easter egg is associated with the song played on the balalaika and the image of this wonderful tool. Here is a video about Easter eggs. The balalaika standard is displayed in the office of Andrei Omelyanchuk, the director of development.

Balalaika Schrödinger - the hero of the seemingly paradoxical mental experiment proposed by E. Schrödinger, when he wanted to show the incompleteness of quantum mechanics in the transition from subatomic to macroscopic systems. The experiment is as follows:
in the developer balalaika running Windows 2000 / XP. Balalaika collapses. image According to quantum mechanics, if no observation is made on a balalaika, then its state is described by a superposition (mixing) of two states - running Windows and Windows falling into the BSOD, hence Windows running in the balalaika and running and falling into BSOD simultaneously. If the balalaika is deployed, then the experimenter is obliged to see only one specific state - “Windows is working” or “Windows has fallen into BSOD”.

image Balush is a summer corporate party in Novosibirsk. It usually takes place on a large scale and travels to the nature of Siberia and Altai, and collects several hundred people from all over the world. The name comes from the name of the pioneer camp "Balush", where in the middle of the two thousandth the first such corporate events took place. Now the geography of the trips has expanded, and these are not pioneer camps at all, but the name has stuck.

Bozena - awesome in beauty and size bug. Arose in the period of overwhelming popularity of celebrity mistress Bozhena Rynska.

Bucket - operating system kernel (rebuild bucket, bucket call, bucket debugger). The roots of the word go into the bowels of the VAZ 21083, bought by Mikhail Sibiryakov, who, like a real Linux user, decided to rebuild it with new parameters before driving a car.

Reinforce the code - finishing the remaining deficiencies.

Uncle / aunt - respectful treatment to male / female colleagues

Fried hosting - a type of hosting (from Shared Hosting)

Zhuzhnitelnitsa - Bugzilla

Saw down - implement, implement

Seek off - turn off. As in a large number of spheres dependent on English-language vocabulary, this word is derived from the English verb drop - drop, drop, stop.

Catch - make any GUI element inactive (i.e., without the possibility of selecting or clicking). Make it gray if literally.

Zahardkodit - hard to write in the code some value, which according to the idea should have been calculated, but for some reason it is not calculated correctly, or someone spoils it.

Karl - develop, develop, program (example: “Vykarli this bullshit from the balalaika” = “Delete, please, this unfortunate / ineffective code segment and / or replace it with another - pathos”), and also simply “do something” ( for example, "I pokarlil home"). Accordingly, Karl = developer.

image Klyzmennaya is one of the negotiation rooms in the Parallels Moscow office, where status rallies are held.

Kovyatsionny analysis - the study of any problems by the method of "picking" in the code and logs. It is used when the cause of a problem in a product is not at all clear, but it is necessary to solve it.

Bigger - to be the cause of a breakdown / problem / bug. The current expression, when found the reason: "So who is the goat!".

Blood, guts, crushed - the expression “presented” by the Plesk testers team means that an error message appears in the program interface during the test. Such a message not only differs in large print, but also contains the entire stack trace with a description of the error, taking up almost the entire screen. image

Curly interface - a beautiful, with great functionality. The second meaning acquired during the work of Sergey Kudryashov, ex-interface designer of Parallels Desktop for Mac, and now a member of World Usability Day Russia.

20 kg is heavier - a way to get out of the bored discussion (or comment on it) in the case when the more “heavy” opponent (one of the opponents) is no longer able to constructively object, or the subject of discussion is no longer significant. Example: “What are you arguing with him? He's still 20kg heavier. ” Translation: “I hint that the conversation has a chance to move into a phase of assault, and you have no chance due to different weight categories.” The source of the expression is a joke about a bear, which, in response to boasting of other forest animals, promises to all of them to roll in the game.

Shuffle - a verb used to denote an action in relation to the source code repository. Usually used as a characteristic of making changes to the repository.

It is necessary to kill all children in the DOM - DOM - the object representation of the web page. Children are children. “Kill all children in the DOM part” - delete all child elements in some part of the web page.

NanoVadim is a measure of labor efficiency, applicable as a result of the legendary performance of the developer Vadim Melnikov, who is responsible for the Parallels Business Automation product. One nanovadim = 10 to minus 9 degrees of productivity of an ordinary employee.

It didn’t take off - it is used in the conversation of front-end developers, when one of the interlocutors did not understand what the other said. From the programming term “parse” (parse - parse, analyze) - convert one data to another or convert the data format.

No more small snapper - the result of the removal of any component or dying process.

Fingering , a methodology for assessing the readiness of features in a product, which leads to marginal rounding. Simply put, a rough estimate. Example: “How many hours will this feature take? - finger to nose - ten. The expression was originally invented by fronted Parallels Plesk.

Pathetic - used in relation to something well-working or positively evaluated by others.

image Pipka - bulging part of the computer. Usually a USB character.

Orthodox package - it was originally born when defining rpm / deb packages in the Plesk Linux team, and then became, in principle, applied to anything in terms of the “right”

To nail the nails - the code is written in such a way that it is not possible to change the essence “nailed with nails” without serious alterations.

Fart - (eng. PUCC - pick up and call customer) - an expression used in technical support (Novosibirsk) - independently call the customer in response to his request (written) to reduce the time to solve the problem.

Scriptizer is a technical support specialist who is responsible for writing scripts (answer lines for users' questions) of call service.

Deadly constipation - an unsuccessful attempt to recursively seize a locked synchronization object, as a result of which there is an infinite expectation of its release. What becomes impossible, because the code is unsuccessfully trying to capture a locked synchronization object ...

Taben - intentionally ignore, not execute, or obstruct the execution of a valuable instruction and / or collective decision and / or implementation of valuable functionality. It comes from the nautical term “taban”, which means “to lower the oars into the water, thus slowing down the movement of the boat”. And it is also very similar to “ban” (ban - ban).

Aunt Anya is the unit for measuring the number of changes in the version control system. 1 Aunt Anya = 10,000 commits in SVN. Example of use: “Denis, in order to get the approval of the authorities, flooded Aunt Ani in SVN 1.4, but to no avail. Only build broke. The performance standard, in honor of which the SI unit is named, was Anna Melekhova from the Core Team of virtualization, and now also the head of our interns.
That same Aunt Anya

Tyranny - get information from its storage device

The Culture Hour is a time when developers courageously try to switch to a normal language. To do this, put on headphones and severely silent.

image Stiersheisse (StierscheiĂźe) is the German equivalent of the word bullshit. It is the same: merda del toro (ital.), Mierda del toro (isp.), Oushikuso (jap.), Bova merdo (esper.)

Please, go ahead and do the needful ' - the manager gives the task to the subordinate, not bothering with a clear statement of the task and unnecessary details - go and do it so that it is good. It is actively used in technical support along with other Anglo-Indian gems. There is even a wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do_the_needful).

And we decided to put these terms apart as the most frequently used idioms in the software industry, which, of course, are also used in Parallels:
Hack is a temporary non-system solution. Sample application: "dirty hack." Translation: “I really don't like this hack. Soon, when refactoring takes place, this hack will become a system solution. ”

A crutch is a piece of code that serves as a patch for something that does not work. The main difference from a hack is that a hack is a non-universal, temporary solution that works in a limited (but necessarily overwhelming) number of cases, while the crutch is designed to correct some properties of the universal code.
Examples of differences between hack and crutch: given an array of numbers, and it is known that in the overwhelming number of cases after 2 will go 3. You need to sort it. If after 2 you always copy and the next member is a hack because it will work in a limited number of cases and the sorting algorithm itself is changed. If you need a sorted array, but which has the largest number and the smallest should be swapped, then after the universal sorting procedure a crutch is put - a code that swaps the 0th and Nth elements.

“Handle” - is like a crutch: as a rule, it is just as awkward, and “stuck” with or without about. However, unlike the “crutch”, it necessarily “sticks out” in the userspace, and therefore cannot be seen not only during refactoring, but in general (especially if documented).

Prop is an established term, especially in the Linux kernel of programmers, which means a temporary or permanent workaround for some problem in the code that is not so easy to fix. Used mainly in a negative context.

By the way, local folk command humor is usually included in folk-software folklore. We plan to make for him a separate post, but for now - a few jokes for the seed. Most of them are already very many years old. They are carefully listed in the annals of our internal Wikipedia, but we decided to extract some of them and share with Habra's readers.

• You can not do everything right and right, so we will do a little and wrong
• - Big, did you make a notification? - Yes, I got up and said loudly!
• I’ve got a bug here, but I don’t know yet whether it’s a bug or not a bug ... P1 team in chorus: DON'T BAG !!!
• Do you like a bug in a buggy write or so forget?
• If the directory is inaccessible, this does not mean that it is not protected. On the contrary, it is protected even better!
• Admin can do anything! And all ... and nothing more
• Before you do something carelessly, think - can it be better to score at all?
• Not found - no bug!
• I’m sitting, so at the interview, they ask me - how do you feel about the emergency works? And I did not know the word avralnye then ...
• Vadim, here the client wants a strange ... Vadim (without letting him finish): will be in the next version!
• But the beginning of the ticket was so optimistic: “Hello ...”
• 24x7 support: 24 hours a week, seven months a year
• - Knock-Knock. - Who's there? “It was me, postman Pechkin, who brought the magazine Bagzilka.”
• How is a C ++ programmer worse than a sishnik? Its errors are polymorphic, encapsulated and inherited.
• Poems from the support: "You ask him, ask what version of the axis ..."
• Remember, the boss thinks faster than you! And while you are only thinking about a good decision, he is already taking a bad one.
• This garbage for some reason itself has earned, we only made those 56 corrections.
• For programmers, thongs are formed from charms, and for women, charms are formed from strings.
• I'm thinking of selling a phone, because it's too cool. “Does his intellect suppress you?”
• I do not want to seem rude, but ... read the dock!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231607/

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