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Spaniards have built in sensors monitoring the health of car drivers in the seat belt

A lot of traffic accidents (accidents) are caused by driver fatigue, as well as by a sudden deterioration in the driver's well-being. For example, the heart did not withstand the load, a person in the middle of the autobahn has a heart attack, he loses control of the car. The result - an accident, either single or with the participation of other cars.

Specialists from various automakers are trying to create a system that can prevent such situations, but there hasn’t been a reliable solution yet. True, the other day, a team of specialists from the Spanish Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia presented their own solution - integrating a person’s well-being monitoring system directly into the safety belt.
We are talking about two sensors: heart rate and respiration rate sensor. In this case, the devices register only the mechanical effect of the heartbeat and respiratory activity of a person (heartbeats and vibrations of the chest). In this case, the developers were able to achieve a reliable cutoff of noise / vibration, which are not taken into account by the system. The project itself was named Harken .

The readings of the sensors come to the computer, which analyzes the data almost in real time. If the system “understands” that a person is falling asleep, a signal will be given that will alert the driver about the danger. Actually, the Spaniards have already created a working prototype of such a system, and this prototype showed quite good results, having completely coped with the task.

As conceived by the developers, the system not only wakes the driver asleep, but will also be able to automatically call an ambulance if the driver’s health condition suddenly deteriorates. As an example, a heart attack has already been cited. Perhaps, in combination with automatic control systems, cars will be able to achieve a reduction in accidents due to such situations. For example, the computer "understands" that a person has heart problems, the car takes control, parking at the curb, and at the same time there is a call from medical services.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231573/

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