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The British Parliament opposed the "right to be forgotten"

The European Court ruling on “the right to be forgotten”, adopted in May — the right to be forgotten — the right of users to demand that information about themselves be removed from search engines — continues to spark lively discussions. This time, the British lords took the side of the defenders of freedom of information: the Committee of the Interior, Health and Education of the Chamber of Peers, the upper house of the British Parliament, criticized this decision, the Guardian newspaper writes .

Lords believe that search engines should not be responsible for the content of search results. They note that the European Union Data Protection Directive of 1995, on which the European Court relied in its decision, was developed three years before Google appeared - and almost 20 years later, it does not reflect the changes that have occurred since then.

The parliamentarians point out two reasons why the solution will not work in practice:
First, it does not take into account small search services that do not have the resources to process thousands of incoming requests to remove search results.

secondly, the idea of ​​allowing commercial companies to censor content based on vague, ambiguous or useless criteria is incorrect.

They are calling for the creation of new rules in which search engines will no longer be perceived as managing the search data, which will allow to remove responsibility for the result from them.

Let me remind you that the decision was made in May in response to the claim of the Spanish user. Since then, only Google has received more than 70,000 user requests to remove themselves from search results. In response, the company decided to mark in the issue that some data has been deleted. In turn, Microsoft did not wait for a lawsuit in his address, and, following Google, opened the application form for deleting information from the search results .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231571/

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