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Why in offices do not like system administrators

  1. Because, for the most part, they are untidy, untidy, and smelled of smoke. They are dressed neatly, it is unpleasant to talk to them apiori.
  2. Because they treat us arrogantly and haughtily, considering all as kettles and lamers, often without knowing our true qualifications and experience. When asking for help with a computer, never forget to point out our own stupidity.
  3. Because they limit our rights by filtering traffic, blocking ports, various policies and restrictions on access rights. Despite the fact that the corporate policy usually requires it, our indignation is often tolerated by nasisadmins, because they are responsible for all of this and see paragraph 1 and paragraph 2. In addition, they usually do not limit themselves.
  4. Because we don't want to know what Linux is and why Windows is worse. After all, it is their job to make everything work without problems, what’s Bill Gates?
  5. Because they can play games on a work computer, but we do not.
  6. Because they always have very important things to do and they are always very busy when we ask them for help.
  7. Because they are lazy. Instead of doing the assigned work quickly and efficiently, they find a lot of reasons why it is not necessary or even fundamentally impossible.
  8. Because they allow themselves to come to work later, and we have to come in time.

Written on behalf of office workers, regardless of gender and hair color.
Taken from kornilov.net with the permission of the author.
PS It is clear that not all system administrators are. Therefore, please do not take the article personally, do not be offended, but take this with humor.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23157/

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