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Google introduced a new home page for Docs, Spreadsheets and Presentations

As soon as we got used to the fact that Google Docs de facto disappeared, dissolving into the almost bottomless Google Drive space, Google returns them again , and in an improved form: a new main page of documents will soon open at: docs.google.com


Now this link is still Google Drive, but that this is now only a temporary misunderstanding, says a special warning:

You can see the new document homepage for now at www.google.com/docs

Google Drive will continue to be available at drive.google.com

Tables and presentations also acquired separate login pages - www.google.com/sheets and www.google.com/slides respectively, you can switch between them in the menu at the top left.

At first glance, it became more convenient to work with documents than it was in the Google Drive interface. The decision to post documents / presentations / tables seems ambiguous, but at least requires testing. Pictures seem to be unfairly forgotten on this celebration of life. But the fact that at docs. now it will be the docks, and not anything else - just right.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231569/

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