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PentestIT Corporate Laboratories - training program in the field of information security and penetration testing

PentestIT Corporate Laboratories is a training program in the field of information security and penetration testing.

image We are pleased to announce that the second set will be launched on August 17, 2014 for the PentestIT Corporate Penetration Testing Labs program, which is unique in its content and method of teaching the course.

About the first set of "Corporate Laboratories"
At the first set of “Corporate Laboratories”, participants familiarized themselves with Russian and international IS legislation, methodology, types and penetration testing tools, examined the nature of vulnerabilities, attack vectors, as well as tools and protection methods that allow building a secure IT infrastructure. All webinars were accompanied by practice - securing the material on specially designed vulnerable servers that were accessed via a VPN connection. The final stage of training was the passage of testing and a specialized laboratory, as close as possible to a real corporate network.

What awaits participants on the second set
We are trying to make our training program more effective and interesting, adjusting the program to the needs of our clients. But besides this, starting from the second set, we take it as a rule to invite interesting guests to speak - experts in the information security world, who are happy to share their professional experience, tell about interesting moments of life in the information security, and hold a master class. This time the guest of the program is Grigory Zemskov, the Revizium company , the author of the unique domestic product Ai-Bolit, a free malicious code scanner, which is the most effective and affordable solution for searching for viruses, hacker scripts and other malicious code on the site.

As before, the training program is based on the acquisition of knowledge in courses, webinars, enshrined in practice. The program is organized as follows: on weekends, webinars are held, where students receive theoretical training, and the consolidation of their knowledge takes place on weekdays, in their free time. The group curator reports the goals and tasks, the participants connect to the laboratory (there are 2 of them for each group) and proceed to the tasks of operating the systems. When questions arise, participants ask their supervisor, who will always help deal with the problem and explain the reasons for its occurrence.
Unique courses webinars
"Corporate laboratories" include theoretical (webinar courses) and practical (pentest laboratories and CTF tasks) training. Webinars are a series of structured courses in which experts from PentestIT will talk about various vulnerabilities, methods of their detection and operation, and protection tools.

Unique practical sites
The participants will consolidate their knowledge on practical tasks, which are specially selected vulnerable operating systems and applications. Upon completion of the training, the participants will have to perform a hacking of a virtual computer network as close as possible to the real one, thus confirming the acquisition of knowledge in full. The whole process of learning is tied to the interaction with the curator, who is always ready to answer any questions that arise, and in case of difficulty - to help and explain. Interaction with the curator takes place on a specialized Internet site in a form convenient for the participants.

In addition to a deeper mastering the practice of penetration testing and studying the principles of building secure information security systems, an investigation program is provided for participants with the Profi tariff plan: it is necessary to restore the actions of the attacker, having only audit logs.

Personal Area

About penetration testing laboratories
We are developing similar laboratories for such events as Profit-2013, ZeroNights'13 and PHD IV. Anyone can take part, it’s enough to go through a simple registration process here: PHD IV and ProfIT-2013 .

Unique instructor staff
Experts in the field of practical information security from PentestIT will take part in the training process, having repeatedly confirmed their qualifications by winning international CTF competitions, speeches at the specialized forums ZeroNights, PHD, Cybersecurity Forum, RIF + CIB, and so on .d In addition, some of the instructors are in the TOP-5 of the best bug-hunters, discovering vulnerabilities on sites such as “Google”, “Facebook”, “Yandex”, “Mail”, “AT & T”, etc.

In addition, the “stars” of IB - Ares (the developer of a unique tool Intercepter-NG, known throughout the world) perform at the classes in the “Corporate Laboratories”. Participants have the opportunity not only to listen to take part in a master class, but also to communicate with the expert directly

In conclusion, I would like to add that we are trying to make learning as comfortable and effective as possible. Especially for these purposes, we have developed a personal personal account in which the participant will be able to receive all the information necessary for successful learning! More information about the program can be found on the website . Visit the “Corporate penetration testing laboratories” program - you will be delighted!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231551/

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